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『逆向资源区』 今日: 19 |主题: 4961|排名: 8 

版主: Hmily, FleTime
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Network Analyzer] Burp Suite Pro 2021.2 汉化破解 attachment recommend agree

t00t002021-2-10 12:02

t00t00 2021-2-10 12:02 22926349 aaaamua 2023-11-24 00:39
[Debuggers] x64dbg 2021.12.31 修改版 attachment recommend agree

fq38032021-12-31 17:28

fq3803 2021-12-31 17:28 627665 py66 2023-11-22 15:38
[Android Tools] WSA with Magisk Root安装配置教程(2023.5) 新人帖 recommend agree

Deepwind2023-5-28 06:36

Deepwind 2023-5-28 06:36 205420 loving_zyz 2023-11-21 22:22
[Disassemblers] Malcat 0.8.4 反编译及PE文件分析工具 attachment recommend agree

SuperHero2022-8-31 21:43

SuperHero 2022-8-31 21:43 606522 jinxinwork 2023-11-21 20:40
[x64dbg Plugin] x64dbg x86 的python脚本扩展 attachment recommend agree

Otoboku2021-8-29 17:50

Otoboku 2021-8-29 17:50 275211 jinxinwork 2023-11-21 20:29
[Network Analyzer] 授人以渔之BurpSuite各种操作系统免装JDK研究 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

txq02112022-4-7 15:25

txq0211 2022-4-7 15:25 7811102 15818839214 2023-11-20 19:07
[Disassemblers] IDA Demo 8.1 演示版与IDA free 8.3 attachment recommend agree

hongmengshikong2023-11-12 13:19

hongmengshikong 2023-11-12 13:19 262783 chenlinpsp 2023-11-18 14:20
[Android Tools] 逆向神器之-Apktool_2.4.1内核升级版反编译工具 attachment recommend agree

liuxiaoxin2020-11-23 20:19

liuxiaoxin 2020-11-23 20:19 31331708 chenlinpsp 2023-11-17 08:10
[Unpackers] Unlicense (dynamically unpack executables protected with Themida/WinLicense) attach_img agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-6-9 16:13

风吹屁屁凉 2022-6-9 16:13 276359 Lundyalex 2023-11-17 01:24
[Patchers] 自用的 Crack 工具 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

goastship2022-3-14 00:57

goastship 2022-3-14 00:57 708323 testblog 2023-11-16 12:50
[Android Tools] apktool-2.6.1 attach_img recommend agree

sking19892021-12-14 21:10

sking1989 2021-12-14 21:10 3810310 a526600908 2023-11-15 14:08
[.NET] ConfuserEx-Unpacker-v2.0 attachment recommend agree

罗萨2020-11-14 19:15

罗萨 2020-11-14 19:15 7913386 arrcen 2023-11-9 16:12
[Editors] X-Ways Forensics v20.3 SR-4 集成插件 attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2021-6-11 11:16

FleTime 2021-6-11 11:16 449999 HackLiu 2023-11-6 23:54
[Packers] VMProtect Demo v3.6.0 attach_img agree

FleTime2022-3-24 17:17

FleTime 2022-3-24 17:17 417310 kadimah 2023-11-6 05:55
[Editors] Resource Hacker 5.2.4 更新英文版 agree

suko2023-10-31 08:17

suko 2023-10-31 08:17 292883 leeyolo 2023-11-3 18:13
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.6.4(2020-07-24)补全汉化+集成插件 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2020-11-11 20:32

FleTime 2020-11-11 20:32 7110628 chenlinpsv 2023-11-2 07:19
[Editors] Resource Hacker 简体中文汉化安装版 attachment agree

localier2023-10-18 16:27

localier 2023-10-18 16:27 313927 chenlinpsp 2023-11-1 09:06
[x64dbg Plugin] X32dbg 特征码搜索开源 attachment recommend agree

谁的坏叔叔2023-1-15 13:11

谁的坏叔叔 2023-1-15 13:11 415692 hulin928 2023-10-29 20:47
[Android Tools] GDAE Pro 4.08 attach_img recommend agree

Sh4DoW3212023-7-25 18:50

Sh4DoW321 2023-7-25 18:50 223326 simneless 2023-10-20 23:03
[Editors] Resource Hacker更新5.2.1英文版本 attachment recommend agree

Patches2023-10-7 23:41

Patches 2023-10-7 23:41 433690 YorkWaugh 2023-10-15 10:55
[Network Analyzer] 【最新】burpsuite_pro_v2020.12 attachment recommend agree

T004042020-12-19 13:16

T00404 2020-12-19 13:16 10315852 wrjx 2023-10-13 20:57
[Editors] [转帖]ExeinfoPE_0078_II [ViP] attachment recommend agree

yang68122023-6-7 08:09

yang6812 2023-6-7 08:09 574574 小策所 2023-10-13 12:27
[PEtools] LordPE Win10修复版 attachment recommend agree

三十二变2020-12-14 15:33

三十二变 2020-12-14 15:33 9115779 GTGU88 2023-10-11 10:31
[Other] win11 x64 虚拟机 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

hello!2022-2-15 21:10

hello! 2022-2-15 21:10 12014839 181912068 2023-10-10 14:34
[x64dbg Plugin] x32dbg版 EWND 易语言窗口ID工具 attachment agree

R-R,2020-12-10 14:23

R-R, 2020-12-10 14:23 7212118 w51014 2023-10-7 12:51
[PEtools] ExeinfoPe v0.0.6.2 查壳利器+集成45个插件 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

xzm10082020-10-9 13:48

xzm1008 2020-10-9 13:48 815536 chenlinpsp 2023-10-6 21:20
[Unpackers] QuickUnpack v4.3 x64 attachment agree

FleTime2020-11-4 11:55

FleTime 2020-11-4 11:55 377856 gogc 2023-10-2 22:28
[x64dbg Plugin] 使用Delphi编译了一个x64dbg批量断点插件,分享下: - [阅读权限 20]attachment recommend agree

冥界3大法王2023-5-10 10:23

冥界3大法王 2023-5-10 10:23 811514 chenlinpsp 2023-10-2 19:22
[Android Tools] 惊喜!MT管理器2.9.3正式版 加入注入功能 attachment recommend agree

冥界3大法王2020-11-19 22:13

冥界3大法王 2020-11-19 22:13 19435630 chenlinpsp 2023-9-29 09:48
[Android Tools] NP管理器_2.8.7.apk 2020/10/14/周三 agree

冥界3大法王2020-10-14 18:40

冥界3大法王 2020-10-14 18:40 5214003 chenlinpsv 2023-9-27 07:58
[Other] x32dbg/x64dbg之条件断点生成器改良第三终结版 attachment agree

冥界3大法王2021-4-14 13:14

冥界3大法王 2021-4-14 13:14 539947 freezer 2023-9-25 23:15
[Android Tools] jadx-1.3.2 新人帖 recommend agree

sun_shb2022-2-5 21:55

sun_shb 2022-2-5 21:55 174797 娜美 2023-9-23 09:24
[Android Tools] NP管理器v2.8.9(搬) attachment recommend agree

bossno12021-1-7 00:36

bossno1 2021-1-7 00:36 7818625 娜美 2023-9-23 09:22
[Debuggers] Linux下的ollydbg - edb新版1.3.0编译 attachment recommend agree

Marriner2021-1-22 17:59

Marriner 2021-1-22 17:59 296428 娜美 2023-9-23 08:43
[x64dbg Plugin] [x32Dbg] E_Wnd ver:0.2 attachment agree

赤小瞳2021-2-21 03:22

赤小瞳 2021-2-21 03:22 74552 娜美 2023-9-23 08:11
[Android Tools] Andriod安全工具合集 attachment recommend agree

绝地飞鸿2021-1-22 08:57

绝地飞鸿 2021-1-22 08:57 10317019 娜美 2023-9-23 06:14
[Unpackers] InnoExtractor V5.4.5.202 - inno解包工具 attachment agree

A-new2020-11-3 15:13

A-new 论坛大牛 2020-11-3 15:13 217135 娜美 2023-9-23 05:56
[Debuggers] WinDbg Preview1.1910.3003.0从别人电脑直接扒出来 attach_img recommend agree

eeyou2021-4-21 18:50

eeyou 2021-4-21 18:50 219071 娜美 2023-9-23 05:51
[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] 自己最近写的执行监视记录插件 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

四公子丶2020-10-26 11:58

四公子丶 2020-10-26 11:58 495027 娜美 2023-9-23 05:16
[IDA Plugin] IDA 2020年度冠军插件DDR详解 attachment recommend agree

Vis-Wing2020-12-24 11:39

Vis-Wing 2020-12-24 11:39 4911131 娜美 2023-9-23 03:10
[Unpackers] PyArmor-Unpacker

风吹屁屁凉2022-9-6 14:42

风吹屁屁凉 2022-9-6 14:42 205398 娜美 2023-9-23 03:01
[Disassemblers] 汇编算法自动分析工具 attachment recommend agree

Panel2023-4-13 16:21

Panel 吾是土豪 2023-4-13 16:21 585906 娜美 2023-9-23 02:52
[Disassemblers] java反编译工具(XJad)v2.2 attachment recommend agree

Heart2020-10-31 13:27

Heart 2020-10-31 13:27 8214313 娜美 2023-9-23 01:54
[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.6.4 Beta(2020.07.24) attachment agree

202007212020-12-12 22:29

20200721 2020-12-12 22:29 285039 娜美 2023-9-23 01:47
[IDA Plugin] ElfDumper for IDA,简单快速转储一个ELF文件 attach_img recommend agree

Hcho2023-1-4 17:45

Hcho 2023-1-4 17:45 102744 娜美 2023-9-23 01:02
[Android Tools] 麻烦删帖,谢谢 attachment recommend agree

白云点缀的蓝2021-3-24 02:22

白云点缀的蓝 2021-3-24 02:22 22425143 娜美 2023-9-23 00:45
[x64dbg Plugin] HyperHide: anti-anti-debug plugin for x64dbg attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2021-6-10 14:21

风吹屁屁凉 2021-6-10 14:21 177013 娜美 2023-9-23 00:36
[Disassemblers] IDA 7.7 Free & Demo attachment agree

FleTime2021-12-25 23:01

FleTime 2021-12-25 23:01 598452 娜美 2023-9-23 00:00
[IDA Plugin] SysNR-FuncFinder V1.5 for IDA agree

Hcho2023-2-10 18:26

Hcho 2023-2-10 18:26 73489 娜美 2023-9-22 23:56
[Scripts] VProtect_2.X PatchHwid 脚本 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2021-2-28 17:29

R-R, 2021-2-28 17:29 216037 娜美 2023-9-22 23:03
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