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『软件调试区』 今日: 10 |主题: 935|排名: 16 

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[调试逆向] 有坑不填系列-在应用层直接操作显存 attach_img agree

万剑归宗2023-6-3 19:07

万剑归宗 2023-6-3 19:07 234248 liangjinwuxin 2023-8-21 09:56
[调试逆向] [PwnMonkey]海康萤石智能门锁的网关分析 attachment digest recommend agree

zzz666862020-8-27 17:48

zzz66686 2020-8-27 17:48 20133629 ooiiooiioo 2023-8-19 17:41
[调试逆向] UE4引擎分析获取UWord,GName,GetName,GObjectArray attachment agree

寂寞小骷髅2022-10-8 16:44

寂寞小骷髅 2022-10-8 16:44 127309 11987GENIUS 2023-8-13 22:20
[系统底层] MmIsAddressValid逆向分析 新人帖 agree

rogxo2022-1-4 21:33

rogxo 2022-1-4 21:33 103473 lvdousha123123 2023-8-12 18:47
[调试逆向] 手动添加导入表 attachment recommend agree

fily2021-6-5 21:40

fily 2021-6-5 21:40 93816 hjsen 2023-8-5 20:27
[游戏安全] [原创]CE修改我的世界创造模式,飞行,移动加速,夜视等 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

有名字的过客2020-8-13 00:07

有名字的过客 2020-8-13 00:07 10222496 yabuling 2023-8-4 10:17
[调试逆向] 撬开MacQQ的本地SQLite数据库(适用于Msg3.0.db+) 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

maozhenyu2020-12-23 15:44

maozhenyu 2020-12-23 15:44 8515682 shalongbus 2023-8-3 13:54
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x05-检查内存容量 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-6 12:11

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-6 12:11 253955 2009womende 2023-7-31 23:56
[调试逆向] Linux内核PWN-基础ROP提权 digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-11-16 10:35

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-11-16 10:35 647651 binarystudy123 2023-7-31 20:54
[游戏安全] [搬运]记录我与LOL检测迂回的这半个月: 第一篇 agree

5926182432020-8-9 14:17

592618243 2020-8-9 14:17 7215981 LOLAI666 2023-7-30 21:44
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十)——House of Lore attachment digest recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-25 19:31

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-25 19:31 357160 izhuol 2023-7-30 09:42
[调试逆向] 机械键盘USB协议逆向和利用 attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree

JuncoJet2021-6-7 16:45

JuncoJet 论坛大牛 2021-6-7 16:45 26821669 yanghuabbc 2023-7-29 23:58
[漏洞分析] CVE-2012-1889漏洞分析 attachment digest recommend agree

Nattevak2022-4-23 11:31

Nattevak 论坛大牛 2022-4-23 11:31 456976 Lobimp 2023-7-29 22:45
[调试逆向] Linux内核PWN-UAF和条件竞争 attachment digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-7-6 15:06

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-7-6 15:06 324417 xchappy 2023-7-29 09:20
[调试逆向] PYAS 源代码分析及绕过 digest recommend agree

MIAIONE2023-7-3 14:07

MIAIONE 2023-7-3 14:07 194664 zzy12345 2023-7-28 10:18
[游戏安全] 【新手】某游戏CE的lua脚本编写 新人帖 attachment agree

dccat12023-6-25 23:03

dccat1 2023-6-25 23:03 134922 piaoyuan2022 2023-7-27 21:20
[调试逆向] 堆学习:babyheap_0ctf_2017——经典fastbin attack 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

RiiiickSandes2022-11-9 16:02

RiiiickSandes 2022-11-9 16:02 256048 bnuzgn 2023-7-26 16:21
[调试逆向] [原创]SysWOW64的奇技淫巧 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

风扫春残雪2020-7-28 16:33

风扫春残雪 2020-7-28 16:33 16526291 PPYLL 2023-7-25 18:18
[调试逆向] LCTF2018 PWN easy_heap学习(以及tcache的个人理解) attach_img digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-9-24 17:14

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-9-24 17:14 65324 flyyy 2023-7-25 17:54
[漏洞分析] CNVD-2022-10270分析 优秀文章 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend agree

Sp4ce2022-8-26 14:30

Sp4ce 2022-8-26 14:30 4235 wuzhijiangying 2023-7-23 21:40
[调试逆向] 钉钉多开实现 attachment recommend agree

JuncoJet2020-7-17 16:25

JuncoJet 论坛大牛 2020-7-17 16:25 20923083 zheyao 2023-7-16 16:54
[调试逆向] pwnable.tw death_note attachment recommend agree

dreamingctf2023-7-14 11:16

dreamingctf 2023-7-14 11:16 02152 dreamingctf 2023-7-14 11:16
[调试逆向] heapcreator学习 新人帖 recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-8-7 20:53

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-8-7 20:53 83789 iWorm 2023-6-24 21:39
[游戏安全] 利用CE搜索枪林弹雨 飞天 子弹加速 无限子弹等功能 attachment recommend agree

锦年2021-3-15 00:56

锦年 2021-3-15 00:56 9415760 duyf1999 2023-6-24 12:32
[调试逆向] 小米手环5 自定义NFC数据区【2020-07-04更新】【厂商码失效】 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

uestcer2020-6-29 15:24

uestcer 2020-6-29 15:24 21734605 LTLTT123 2023-6-18 19:08
[游戏安全] UE4引擎,天堂W,加密解密call,明文收发包,完全自己抓包组包加密发送 attachment recommend agree

寂寞小骷髅2022-9-22 20:50

寂寞小骷髅 2022-9-22 20:50 227914 a525335172 2023-6-14 08:34
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x09-实现传说中的中断机制 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-15 23:43

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-15 23:43 385121 catoo1 2023-6-9 20:29
[系统底层] Wow64系统调用分析以及ServiceTableHook attachment digest recommend agree

oxygen1a12022-11-12 10:10

oxygen1a1 2022-11-12 10:10 396685 xyzcdl 2023-6-6 17:11
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(九)——House of Spirit attachment digest agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-19 15:03

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-19 15:03 286128 hjsen 2023-6-5 19:05
[调试逆向] 微信PC hook学习笔记(五) 定位发送消息的call attachment recommend agree

侃遍天下无二人2021-6-26 14:47

侃遍天下无二人 2021-6-26 14:47 5412200 TomMao 2023-5-29 11:12
[系统底层] DTrace二次探索 agree

BeneficialWeb2023-3-1 10:28

BeneficialWeb 论坛大牛 2023-3-1 10:28 92988 zjy131458 2023-5-29 09:02
[漏洞分析] 【CVE-2022-0995】Linux kernel [观察队列事件通知子系统]”堆“溢出漏洞利用分析 新人帖 digest recommend agree

arttnba32023-1-8 00:08

arttnba3 论坛大牛 2023-1-8 00:08 256031 Hmily 2023-5-15 15:29
[漏洞分析] CVE-2021-3156调试分享 优秀文章 attach_img recommend agree

初来匝道2021-5-13 19:43

初来匝道 2021-5-13 19:43 268597 includewy 2023-5-9 14:53
[漏洞分析] [FUZZ&PWN]和我一起,fuzz世界的hello world? attach_img agree

N1nEmAn2023-4-21 19:49

N1nEmAn 2023-4-21 19:49 133875 meiyong00 2023-5-3 15:04
[系统底层] [Windows Rootkits学习]Windows驱动程序世界的HelloWorld!准备、运行和调试 attachment agree

N1nEmAn2023-4-17 10:53

N1nEmAn 2023-4-17 10:53 264272 N1nEmAn 2023-4-25 20:05
[系统底层] [Windows Rootkits学习]第二弹:派遣函数、驱动对象设备对象和传输机制探秘! recommend agree

N1nEmAn2023-4-21 17:11

N1nEmAn 2023-4-21 17:11 42580 N1nEmAn 2023-4-23 11:17
[系统底层] Win10 x64 APC的分析与玩法 attachment digest recommend agree

ICEY2023-2-9 00:11

ICEY 论坛大牛 2023-2-9 00:11 337153 ICEY 2023-4-21 21:14
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(七)——House of Orange attachment digest recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-7 17:18

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-7 17:18 356614 13514635461 2023-4-21 20:01
[调试逆向] 关于Cheat Engine/CE修改器怎么开启DBVM虚拟化-内核模式教程 attachment agree

红尘旧梦i2020-7-2 20:37

红尘旧梦i 2020-7-2 20:37 4523726 红叶熙子 2023-4-15 11:28
[游戏安全] CE教程:植物大战僵尸(单卡片无CD) attachment agree

Longcat08292021-11-19 21:05

Longcat0829 2021-11-19 21:05 629517 superworker2022 2023-4-12 20:14
[调试逆向] pwnable.tw - hacknote - UAF attach_img agree

dreamingctf2022-3-15 11:53

dreamingctf 2022-3-15 11:53 23057 andynotme 2023-4-10 16:53
[游戏安全] FPS游戏视角矩阵通用测试模板 新人帖 attachment agree

emoji2021-1-24 20:26

emoji 2021-1-24 20:26 5310986 小丶白丶丶 2023-4-7 16:38
[系统底层] ​windows10静态禁用patchguard全过程 recommend

xnhlover2022-12-8 12:21

xnhlover 2022-12-8 12:21 123593 lvbird 2023-4-7 13:59
[漏洞分析] 【翻译】一个新的可执行映像篡改攻击:进程重影(Process Ghosting) 优秀文章 recommend agree

ZJevon2022-12-30 18:03

ZJevon 2022-12-30 18:03 165710 onlywey 2023-4-7 00:21
[系统底层] Linux kernel环境搭建—0x01 recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-11-9 23:35

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-11-9 23:35 215284 iloveasdl 2023-4-3 09:24
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0F-实现硬盘分区来装载文件系统 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-9 00:09

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-9 00:09 133652 Wwp780620 2023-4-1 16:30
[漏洞分析] TOTOLINK_NR1800X多漏洞分析 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

初七的果子狸2022-11-18 21:38

初七的果子狸 2022-11-18 21:38 125644 Polaris0 2023-3-29 11:39
[游戏安全] 封包式游戏功能的原理与实现 优秀文章 attachment recommend agree

鬼手562020-4-19 20:40

鬼手56 论坛大牛 2020-4-19 20:40 11826932 WrmQ 2023-3-28 12:55
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(四)——Unsafe Unlink attachment digest recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-4-29 20:14

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-4-29 20:14 679891 tech2feng 2023-3-27 16:19
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x07-载入初始内核以及特权级详解 agree

peiwithhao2023-1-9 17:48

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-9 17:48 84089 nobyes 2023-3-27 09:38
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