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[Patchers] ArmPassPatch v1.2

Hmily 发表于 2011-4-25 11:28
This small (~28kb) tool is able to patch Armadillo's (v3.xx - 8.xx) password protection.
I tested this method up to Armadillo v8.40 and it's working fully.
It may work on future versions because Armadillo haven't changed their password protection system since 3.70a!
Source code (C++) is included in the archive...

- You can Drag&Drop a file!
- You can change the caption to look for!
- You can click the patch button manually!
- You can use an SDK in your own programs!

Changelog v1.2:
- Fixed a bug with the Drag&Drop function.
- Removed some useless code.
- Sets the caption through an INI file.
- Added a public SDK.

Changelog v1.1:
- Added the Drag&Drop function.
- Fixed a few small bugs.
- Removed lots of useless code.

1) Open this tool.
2) Adjust the caption in ArmPassPatch.ini (only if needed)
3) Drag&Drop an Armadillo protected (.exe) file.
4) Wait / Register / Click OK to see the 'Enter Password' dialog.
5) Wait a second & Enjoy

(You can also load the file in OllyDbg, run and click the Patch button)

Download: http://tpodt.comoj.com/files/ArmadilloPasswordPatcher12_TPoDT.tk.rar


Mr. eXoDia // T.P.o.D.T 2011


23.98 KB, 下载次数: 13, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


natyou 发表于 2011-4-25 12:10
this is a good tool,have a try
jgs 发表于 2011-9-12 09:46
jgs 发表于 2011-9-13 15:50
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