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[Debuggers] taoaintollydbg

Hmily 发表于 2011-4-17 18:32
TAO Ain't OllyDbg is an open source parody of GUI debugger Ollydbg(http://ollydbg.de) in Python+QT+winappdbg.

We are planing to merge WinHex LordPE ImpRec PEiD and of course Ollydbg into all-in-one toolkit. These features may come as plugins. Join Us
For saving your time, the project is still in development and it's not a working version yet. We have done the basic Tabs(yeah, not MDI), custmoized HexEdit, and a simple debug loop.
Join us if you wanna help the RE scene.
Sorry for 4-months AFK, I have returned and push some new changset. Check it out.


xylon 发表于 2011-4-17 19:24
xJ_Juno_Jr 发表于 2011-4-19 22:59
We are planing to merge WinHex LordPE ImpRec PEiD and of course Ollydbg into all-in-one toolkit
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