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『逆向资源区』 今日: 41 |主题: 4983|排名: 9 

版主: Hmily, FleTime



Android Tools】                  安卓程序逆向所用到的相关工具
Debuggers】                      动态调试工具
Disassemblers】                  反编译工具(静态分析为主)
PEtools】                        PE文件分析、查壳相关工具
Packers】                        给程序加壳相关工具
Patchers】                       给程序做补丁相关工具
Editors】                        程序资源编辑、文本操作相关工具
Cryptography】                    算法相关工具
Unpackers】                      脱壳机相关
Dongle】                         加密狗相关
.NET】                           微软.Net程序逆向相关工具
Scripts】                   IDA、OllyDbg、x64dbg等调试器的功能脚本
OllyDbg 1.x Plugin】             动态调试工具OllyDbg 1.x的插件程序
OllyDbg 2.x Plugin】             动态调试工具OllyDbg 2.x的插件程序
x64dbg Plugin】             动态调试工具x64dbg的插件程序
IDA Plugin】                     反编译工具IDA的插件程序
Mac OSX】                          Mac OSX系统程序逆向相关工具
Network Analyzer】            抓包相关工具
Other】                          其他相关程序

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
公告 公告: 论坛禁止发布任何可能存在商业侵权内容,包括但不限于影视资源、原创或者转载商业软件的破解成品、破解补丁、注册机等。 Hmily 2019-6-10    
[Unpackers] 一款小程序反编译工具KillWxapkg v1.0.0,支持还原源码目录结构 新人帖 attach_img recommend

antkites2024-7-25 20:54

 ...23 New
antkites 2024-7-25 20:54 21802 blueboy92133 2024-7-27 16:05
[Unpackers] 微信小程序反编译工具wxapkg v1.5.0 attach_img recommend agree

wuye42024-5-4 12:05

wuye4 2024-5-4 12:05 805492 snrtdwss 2024-7-27 12:53
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.63(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2024-7-11 11:48

FleTime 2024-7-11 11:48 392567 kritoQQs 2024-7-27 07:34
[Unpackers] VMProtect 去虚拟化工具 titan recommend agree

nj0012023-11-6 08:41

nj001 2023-11-6 08:41 479147 caoying888 2024-7-26 22:49
[Unpackers] 反编译PyInstaller打包方式为python代码 新人帖 attach_img agree

catflag2024-6-24 15:17

catflag 2024-6-24 15:17 373071 auth98 2024-7-26 18:50
[Unpackers] 【2024.7.23更新】Inno解包工具-InnoExtractor_8.0.0.603 汉化优化单文件版 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-11-25 09:59

wszjf 2022-11-25 09:59 13210766 wenqin001 2024-7-25 08:49
[Unpackers] 强大的查壳工具-Die(Detect It Easy)_V3.10 attach_img recommend agree

Networktest20222024-6-28 09:34

Networktest2022 2024-6-28 09:34 301146 fatefeint 2024-7-24 20:44
[Unpackers] 强大的查壳工具-Die(Detect It Easy)_V3.09 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2023-1-14 12:36

wszjf 2023-1-14 12:36 21122657 xy9199 2024-7-24 13:04
[Unpackers] demoleition v0.65(Molebox 解包工具) attachment agree

FleTime2022-1-14 00:30

FleTime 2022-1-14 00:30 114518 williammei 2024-7-6 18:23
[Unpackers] 【转帖】Autoit3反编译器神器 乾坤镜 attachment recommend agree

EternalBlue2023-4-15 00:40

EternalBlue 2023-4-15 00:40 777469 1e3e 2024-7-3 09:19
[Unpackers] 小程序wxapkg文件解密解包工具带UI界面版 新人帖 attachment agree

vcdemon2023-2-3 14:42

vcdemon 2023-2-3 14:42 9010394 qwe8680033 2024-7-2 10:27
[Unpackers] Armadillo x64 Tools (Arm64Inline & Arm64Vera) attachment agree

FleTime2021-7-1 08:15

FleTime 2021-7-1 08:15 245034 lyliucn 2024-6-11 15:18
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.61(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attachment recommend agree

EternalBlue2023-3-16 12:15

EternalBlue 2023-3-16 12:15 627464 fflow 2024-6-10 10:14
[Unpackers] lua逆向神器_unluac_2023_11_15.jar 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend agree

gcode2021-10-21 13:19

gcode 2021-10-21 13:19 727024 xiaoyang12 2024-6-1 01:37
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.62_汉化版 attachment agree

wszjf2024-1-23 09:59

wszjf 2024-1-23 09:59 204432 yunzhongxing206 2024-5-31 19:34
[Unpackers] Magicmida - Themida unpacker attachment

风吹屁屁凉2023-4-25 13:25

风吹屁屁凉 2023-4-25 13:25 63664 wenqin001 2024-5-14 08:30
[Unpackers] pyinstxtractor -- PyInstaller Extractor attachment recommend

风吹屁屁凉2024-5-9 11:29

风吹屁屁凉 2024-5-9 11:29 132365 ephemere 2024-5-12 10:01
[Unpackers] 7-zip的asar插件,支持直接压缩/解压缩asar文件 recommend agree

Carrot-Chou2021-12-30 00:42

Carrot-Chou 2021-12-30 00:42 7913981 yuanfangdeshi 2024-4-28 10:08
[Unpackers] 小程序wxapkg文件解密解包工具 新人帖 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

bb_boy2022-12-15 09:10

bb_boy 2022-12-15 09:10 9911432 hesqiang 2024-4-26 10:52
[Unpackers] Exeinfo PE 查壳工具 0.07.7 2023.01.10最新版 汉化 加插件 attach_img recommend agree

situhaonan2023-7-21 15:40

situhaonan 2023-7-21 15:40 636184 mintchu86 2024-4-23 15:00
[Unpackers] ArmaGeddon(穿山甲脱壳机)V2.3 attachment recommend agree

he58882023-6-4 17:52

he5888 2023-6-4 17:52 768597 ml54773647 2024-4-23 14:42
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker_0.61解包器汉化版 attachment recommend agree

phxi2023-3-17 17:00

phxi 2023-3-17 17:00 838265 yoooooung 2024-3-30 16:51
[Unpackers] NETReactorSlayer Reactor 脱壳机) attachment recommend agree

gksj2022-4-6 10:02

gksj 2022-4-6 10:02 238456 mingshen12 2024-3-26 19:43
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.59(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-1-14 00:29

FleTime 2022-1-14 00:29 389033 shaokui123 2024-1-12 10:20
[Unpackers] VMP-Import-Deobfuscator attach_img

EternalBlue2024-1-9 12:13

EternalBlue 2024-1-9 12:13 163008 wasm2023 2024-1-11 11:45
[Unpackers] Unlicense (dynamically unpack executables protected with Themida/WinLicense) attach_img agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-6-9 16:13

风吹屁屁凉 2022-6-9 16:13 276876 Lundyalex 2023-11-17 01:24
[Unpackers] QuickUnpack v4.3 x64 attachment agree

FleTime2020-11-4 11:55

FleTime 2020-11-4 11:55 378107 gogc 2023-10-2 22:28
[Unpackers] InnoExtractor V5.4.5.202 - inno解包工具 attachment agree

A-new2020-11-3 15:13

A-new 论坛大牛 2020-11-3 15:13 217285 娜美 2023-9-23 05:56
[Unpackers] PyArmor-Unpacker recommend

风吹屁屁凉2022-9-6 14:42

风吹屁屁凉 2022-9-6 14:42 205853 娜美 2023-9-23 03:01
[Unpackers] [Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.6(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) 新人帖 attachment agree

jiangsen1232023-2-5 15:45

jiangsen123 2023-2-5 15:45 193452 licheng 2023-9-22 22:29
[Unpackers] VMProtect 3.x IAT Fix recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-7-26 16:06

风吹屁屁凉 2022-7-26 16:06 456702 娜美 2023-9-22 18:00
[Unpackers] bobalkkagi - Themida 3.1.3 static unpacker and unwrapper agree

风吹屁屁凉2023-4-25 13:34

风吹屁屁凉 2023-4-25 13:34 53601 jiqimaoer 2023-9-21 06:07
[Unpackers] De4Dot Pack By LenaTDDS attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-8-15 22:32

FleTime 2021-8-15 22:32 246775 娜美 2023-9-19 02:30
[Unpackers] KsDumper 适用于windows10的dump程序,包括VMP格式(只是unpack和dump) attachment agree

johnwas2021-10-18 11:49

johnwas 2021-10-18 11:49 206717 Sh4DoW321 2023-9-16 23:19
[Unpackers] AutoIt Extractor attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2021-10-14 16:03

风吹屁屁凉 2021-10-14 16:03 114915 wind5win 2023-8-8 11:06
[Unpackers] Universal AutoIT Extractor and De-obfuscator attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2022-3-8 15:18

风吹屁屁凉 2022-3-8 15:18 103846 1024A1024 2023-7-13 09:40
[Unpackers] UnAutoIt--AutoIt3文件解包工具 recommend

风吹屁屁凉2021-9-15 12:11

风吹屁屁凉 2021-9-15 12:11 155583 moli964217 2023-6-3 23:12
[Unpackers] Quick Unpack 4.3 x64 汉化 全能脱壳器 attachment recommend agree

Tonyha72020-3-18 10:24

Tonyha7 2020-3-18 10:24 18832015 Ronneyguo 2023-3-17 09:24
[Unpackers] MPRESS(2.19)一键脱壳机 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

stackburn2020-6-28 15:29

stackburn 2020-6-28 15:29 2416918 zhaojuncheng168 2022-11-30 22:49
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.58(Enigma Virtual Box 解包工具) attachment recommend agree

FleTime2019-8-28 14:04

FleTime 2019-8-28 14:04 3720101 飞翔007 2022-7-6 16:47
[Unpackers] Asset Studio v0.15.24最新版+汉化版 attachment recommend agree

骏龙Jay2020-12-15 16:18

骏龙Jay 2020-12-15 16:18 2910185 ssy2010 2022-5-17 02:49
[Unpackers] VMPImportFixer attachment agree

风吹屁屁凉2021-8-19 12:09

风吹屁屁凉 2021-8-19 12:09 144499 gejiziliao 2022-5-11 02:09
[Unpackers] XVolkolak 0.22 静态脱壳神器汉化版 attachment agree

金帛2019-2-15 15:21

金帛 2019-2-15 15:21 3421872 桓嘎嘎 2022-1-30 12:10
[Unpackers] Autoplay Media Studio Unpacker v0.2 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-1-14 00:33

FleTime 2022-1-14 00:33 103010 dujinshan 2022-1-14 19:27
[Unpackers] 穿山甲工具集 attachment recommend agree

wgh12562019-2-3 02:39

wgh1256 2019-2-3 02:39 10736972 meeokl 2022-1-4 19:10
[Unpackers] InnoExtractor(Inno解包工具)V5.3.0.190单文件完美破解版 By 苦瓜甘甜 attachment recommend agree

wszjf2018-12-7 11:06

wszjf 2018-12-7 11:06 16345607 limit496 2021-11-25 16:22
[Unpackers] demoleition v0.64(Molebox 解包工具) attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2019-8-28 14:51

FleTime 2019-8-28 14:51 1913612 我爱收藏 2021-10-23 11:19
[Unpackers] EnigmaVBUnpacker v0.56 attachment recommend agree

teety2018-11-8 15:59

teety 2018-11-8 15:59 3021552 wwjwwj0428 2021-9-27 14:42
[Unpackers] Universal extractor 2.0 RC2b attachment recommend agree

bigcat7312019-5-7 17:07

bigcat731 2019-5-7 17:07 2212440 lph1972 2021-8-8 18:02
[Unpackers] XVolkolak 0.21万能脱壳机汉化版 attachment recommend agree

slaiwl2018-7-31 19:21

slaiwl 2018-7-31 19:21 15746501 pjzmj2012 2021-7-22 19:34
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