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[Unpackers] innoextract——Inno Setup打包程序解包工具

Hmily 发表于 2018-6-29 11:38
innoextract - A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
Inno Setup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php) is a tool to create
installers for Microsoft Windows applications. innoextract allows to extract
such installers under non-Windows systems without running the actual installer
using wine. innoextract currently supports installers created by Inno Setup
1.2.10 to 5.6.0.
In addition to standard Inno Setup installers, innoextract also supports
some modified Inno Setup variants including Martijn Laan's My Inno Setup
Extensions as well as GOG.com's Inno Setup-based game installers.
innoextract is available under the ZLIB license - see the LICENSE file.
See the website for Linux packages

Website: http://constexpr.org/innoextract/
Author: Daniel Scharrer (http://constexpr.org/)

To extract a setup file to the current directory run:
    innoextract <file>
A list of available options can be retrieved using
    innoextract --help
Documentation is also available as a man page:
    see doc/innoextract.txt

- There is no support for extracting individual components and limited
   support for filtering by name.
- Included scripts and checks are not executed.
- The mapping from Inno Setup variables like the application directory to
   subdirectories is hard-coded.
- Names for data slice/disk files in multi-file installers must follow the
   standard naming scheme.
A perhaps more complete, but Windows-only, tool to extract Inno Setup files
is innounp (http://innounp.sourceforge.net/).
Extracting Windows installer executables created by programs other than Inno
Setup is out of the scope of this project. Some of these can be unpacked by
the following programs:
- cabextract: http://www.cabextract.org.uk/
- unshield: https://github.com/twogood/unshield

This project is in no way associated with Inno Setup or www.jrsoftware.org.

innoextract 1.7
Added support for Inno Setup 5.6.0 installers
Added support for new GOG installers with GOG Galaxy file parts
Added support for encrypted installers with the --password (-P) and --password-file options
Added a --show-password option to print password check information
Added a --check-password option to abort if the provided password does not match the stored checksum
Added a --info (-i) convenience option to print information about the installer
Added a --list-sizes option to print file sizes even with --quiet or --silent
Added a --list-checksums option to print file checksums
Added a --data-version (-V) option to print the data version and exit
Added a --no-extract-unknown (-n) option to abort on unknown Inno Setup data versions
Fixed building in paths that contain regex expressions
Fixed case-sensitivity in parent directory when creating subdirectories
Fixed .bin slice file names used with Inno Setup versions older than 4.1.7
Fixed build with newer libc++ versions
Made loading of .bin slice files case-insensitive
The --test option can now be combined with --extract to abort on file checksum errors
Now compiles in C++17 mode if supported

windows版本下载:http://constexpr.org/innoextract ... act-1.7-windows.zip



参与人数 15吾爱币 +11 热心值 +14 收起 理由
pojieit + 1 + 1 热心回复!
fengshangren + 1 我测试只能提取文件,不能提取INNO的源码,是我没用对吗
xmtt2008 + 1 + 1 热心回复!
Gaara_ + 1 热心回复!
lookerJ + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
vince991 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
Lg.Odds + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
logh + 1 + 1 感谢发布原创作品,吾爱破解论坛因你更精彩!
戏言19 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
xinkui + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
zhczf + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
610100 + 1 鼓励转贴优秀软件安全工具和文档!
牛头人高达 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
三岁小孩儿 + 1 热心回复!
逊克 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!




木木头上 发表于 2018-7-2 08:13
inno确实很好用,有个问题,我用inno打包后,安装,卸载文件会变,unins000.exe —> unins000111.exe,怎么回事啊
gunxsword 发表于 2018-6-29 11:45
zthttt 发表于 2018-6-29 11:53
Xw丶小威 发表于 2018-6-29 12:52
ningzhonghui 发表于 2018-6-29 16:51
yxg888 发表于 2018-6-29 19:13
xieyi137 发表于 2018-6-30 08:52
foxfire881 发表于 2018-6-30 10:55
thank you!!
我也爱POJIE 发表于 2018-6-30 11:23
logh 发表于 2018-6-30 11:47
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