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[Packers] MoleBox Virtualization Solution 4.4305

Hmily 发表于 2010-12-14 20:17
MoleBox Virtualization Solution 4.4305 | December 08, 2010
MoleBox Virtualization Solution Features
Virtual file system features
Placing entire application into managed packages. With MoleBox VS, you can package entire application suite into a single executable file, or create additional managed packages if necessary. Packed application keeps the functionality of the original program and runs without extracting packed files to the hard drive or creating temporary files in runtime.
Packaging multiple executable files together. With MoleBox VS, you can embed additional executable files into your application, thus hiding them from access and creating stand-alone executable file.

Embedding components and runtimes into executable. MoleBox VS lets you embed DLLs, ActiveX and .NET components, VB, FoxPro, Java and other runtimes into application. Integrated components and runtimes are loaded on demand directly to memory, without installing or extracting any files.
Avoiding DLL hell and version conflicts. By embedding DLLs and ActiveX components into the EXE file, MoleBox makes sure that your application will always uses the same DLL versions it was compiled with. No 3rd party program can harm your app's functionality, and vice versa.
Compression and encryption for binary and data files. MoleBox can compress and encrypt packed files, decreasing overall application size and protecting file from unauthorized use.
Virtual registry features
Using ActiveX components without registration. With MoleBox VS you can use any ActiveX components without any changes to the host device registry, which lets your users run packed application without administrator privileges, and helps to prevent registry rot. This also helps isolate your application and protecting it from unwanted modifications.
Virtual registry keys. MoleBox VS lets you create temporary registry keys or modify existing virtual registry keys in runtime, without affecting the real registry.
Protection features
Unique executable template for every cutomer. This helps preventing antivirus false positives since applications of different users look less similar.
A number of protection techniques for the main executable. MoleBox VS offers you protection from static reverse engineering and classic cracker's attacks (anti-debug, anti-dump, anti-trace), protection of the application entry point and import table.
Protecting DLLs from unauthorized use. MoleBox hides embedded DLLs and protects them from being reused by 3rd party software.
Protecting media and data files from prying eyes. Games and multimedia presentations often include a lot of exclusive content: 3D models, textures, 2D images, custom fonts, photos, sound effects and music files. Obviously, you wouldn't like if someone else will use your media files. After moleboxing your game or presentation, these files cannot be viewed, extracted, modified or otherwise used by another person.
Application integrity protection. MoleBox uses control sum-based signature to assure that package contents was not changed. Your application will always use proper file versions.
Deployment features
One-time packaging. Once packaged, a moleboxed application can be delivered to many operating systems. You don't have to repackage, unless you use components that can run differently on 32bit and 64bit operating systems.
Sharing data packages between different packed applications. Data packages made with MoleBox VS are independent from executable files. You can use the same package with different executables provided that you set proper parameters while generating executable packages.
Compatibility with 3rd party packers and protectors. Moleboxed application may be wrapped with another wrapper (certain settings required).



夏蛋蛋o 发表于 2010-12-14 20:24
看半天 看不懂..
帮UID1 老大顶哈子.
笨潴 发表于 2010-12-14 20:26
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