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[PEtools] PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive v1.5.0

Hmily 发表于 2010-10-15 11:39
IDA, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif">PEBrowseDbg64 Interactive v1.5.0

Changes since V1.0.0
- Added menuitem to allow the user to adjust the amount of bytes displayed in a memory dump window.
- Completed menuitem to add user comments to the debugger log.
- Added MRU menuitem.
- Added version information to module display.
- Added ASCII tool menuitem.
- Bug fix - incorrect resource memory dump.
- Implemented memory change color.
- Implemented memory operations feature.
- Implemented memory search menuitem.
- Bug fix - remove all breakpoints before detaching from the process.
- Implemented set next instruction menuitem.
- Implemented kernel objects display.
- Completed implementation of counters tabpage.
- Implemented EFlags modification feature.
- Implemented hardware/memory breakpoints.
- Completed implementation for missing register displays.
- Implemented memory region protection attributes change feature.
- Implemented session save and restore feature.
- Implemented conditional breakpoints - visit counts, threadid's, and values.
- Fixed many disassembly errors.

PEBrowse64 Professional v1.1.3

Changes since V1.1.1
- Added 64-bit check.
- Implemented functions copy menuitem.
- Use cached color brushes while displaying disassembly listings.
- Changed event-handler from click to dropdown-opening.
- Completed MDI implementation of Windows menuitem.
- Fixed broken color change code.
- Fixed delay-import display when by ordinal.
- Fixed crash while displaying resource nodes.
- Display undecorated symbol names in disassembly listings.

Changes since V1.1.2
- Added option to display debug symbols using either decorated or undecorated names.
- Added MRU menuitem.
- Fixed many disassembly errors.



bambooqj 发表于 2010-10-15 12:11
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ly2008v 发表于 2010-10-15 12:30
jovian007 发表于 2011-4-4 19:04
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