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[Other] WinAPIOverride32 version 5.4.4

Hmily 发表于 2010-9-25 17:04

WinAPIOverride32 is an advanced api monitoring software. You can monitor and/or override any function of a process. This can be done for API functions or executable internal functions.

It tries to fill the gap between classical API monitoring softwares and debuggers. It can break targeted application before or after a function call, allowing memory or registers changes; and it can directly call functions of the targeted application.
Main differences between other API monitoring softwares :

- You can define filters on parameters or function result
  - You can define filters on dll to discard calls from windows system dll
  - You can hook functions inside the target process not only API
  - You can hook asm functions with parameters passed through registers
  - You can hook hardware and software exceptions
  - Double and float results are logged
  - You can easily override any API or any process internal function
  - You can break process before or/and after function call to change memory or registers
  - You can call functions which are inside the remote processes
  - Can hook COM OLE and ActiveX interfaces
  - User types (enum, struct and union) and user defines are supported
  - All is is done like modules : you can log or override independently for any function
  - Open Source
  - A library is provided for developpers who intend to build their one hooking software

Binaries & Doc:

Sources :


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