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[.NET] .NET Reactor [] *11-Sep-2010

Hmily 发表于 2010-9-13 18:31
.NET Reactor [] *11-Sep-2010

- [+] Added obfuscation option "Ignore InternalsVisibleTo"
- [+] Add option to only merge specific assemblies without protecting them
- [+] Automatic detection and obfuscation of localization resource assemblies
- [+] Improved obfuscation for assemblies containing XAML resources
- [+] General obfuscation improvements (LINQ obfuscation...)
- [+] Improved ASP.NET assembly protection
- [+] Improved NecroBit protection
- [!] Fixed Visual Studio Add-in issue occured with solution sub folders
- [!] Fixed Silverlight 3/4 compatibility issue
- [!] Fixed DEP related issue occured with option "Native EXE File"
- [!] Fixed issue generating wrong command switches ('Tools'->'Generate Command-line Switches')
- [!] Fixed problem with custom attributes containing multi-dimensional arrays
- [!] Fixed Pre-Jit issue generating incorrect native code in special cases
- [!] Fixed (rare) String Encryption issue
- [!] Fixed minor Bugs



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