吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|www.52pojie.cn




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Hmily 发表于 2010-5-22 11:40


Fix.Core: Fixed issue where debug directory entry wasn't completely cleared when stripping of debug directory was indicated
Addition.Plugins: Added a new loader that does not execute any code from writable dynamic memory allocations (pec2ldr_no_rwx_mem). This is useful in various situations.
Change.Plugins: Updated IsDebuggerPresent plug-in by BoBSoft
Change.Licensing: Extended trial period to 30 days to give users time to evaluate product
Change.PEHideText: Increased size of encrypted text marker to ensure no accidental collisions with random code and data. This makes the new version incompatible with the old version, so be sure to get the latest PEHT lib.
Change.PEHideText: If key not supplied on command line, then a random number is used.
Change.Loader: Minor maintenance
Change.Loader.Slim: Slim version of loader tweaked a bit
Change.Loader.Enhanced.Anti.Debug: Added new anti-debugging capabilities (note: EAD loader is a seperate purchase)
Change.Loader.Enhanced.Anti.Debug: Added new anti-dump capabilities (note: EAD loader is a seperate purchase)
Change.Updater: ConsolIDAted all locale specific update checker resource files into main resource files
Change.Docs: Some formatting and content updates
Change.All: Removed cs_cpl (language selection) DLL, library is now statically linked
Addition.Installer: Added help, about, and publisher links for use by the OS
Change.Installer: Reduced total install size
Fix.Updater: No longer shows update check dialog if 'never check for updates' is selected
Fix.Installer: Improved uninstall procedure to properly clean up the newly renamed default PECompact start menu folder
Fix.Installer: Fixed rarely used 'Visit Bitsum Tehcnologies' start menu shortcut
Fix.Installer: Fixed missing PEC2CodecSDK.h for CODEC SDK (registered build only)
Fix.Installer: Fixed scrambled Swedish EULA
Post-release updates:
[.1]Change.Updater: Only show update dialog when an update is actually available, instead of asking user for permission to check every time we want to merely check
[.2]Change.Plugins: Updated BobSoft's IsDebuggerPresent plug-in to v1.06 - This fixes DEP violations with this plug-in



1.1 MB, 下载次数: 45, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


coocoocoo3 发表于 2010-5-22 11:55
这工具更新了啥好功能 ~你可不能不说呐~

网络小牛 发表于 2011-12-15 19:35
5598869 发表于 2011-12-15 22:10
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