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[Other] VirtualBox v3.1.6 Starter v4.1.4

Hmily 发表于 2010-3-29 00:09
Portable-VirtualBox v3.1.6 Starter v4.1.4


Version 4.1.4
- files which can be compressed updates

Version 4.1.3
- Snapshot errors eliminates

Version 4.1.2
- AutoIt-Script adapted to new AutoIt-Version
- small BugFixes in AutoIt-Script

Verion 4.1.1
- Errors of the absolute paths with the Snapshots eliminates

Verion 4.1.0
- smaller changes with the files which can be compressed
- removes old components (everything before VirtualBox v3.0.0)
- small BugFix in AutoIt-Script

Version 4.0.0
- SplashScreen, which is not it an official version of SUN
- opening the license conditions of VirtualBox, over license button
- selection, which version unpacked to become is
- selection whether the files are to be compressed
- selection whether the installation file is to be downloaded by portable VirtualBox
- independent creation of the folders "app32" and/or " app64", depending upon selection
- GUI of the Entpackers into German and English
- smaller errors in the AutoIt Script eliminates




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