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[Editors] Binary Ninja: tools to make the life of a vulnerability researcher easier

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-10-14 11:44
本帖最后由 风吹屁屁凉 于 2015-10-14 11:46 编辑

Binary Ninja is a set of tools to make the life of a vulnerability researcher easier, combined into a single unified interface. Whether you need to do reverse engineering, binary analysis, binary patching, or exploit development, Binary Ninja has you covered.

Hex Editor
When you need to make a patch or figure out a binary file, you need a good hex editor. Binary Ninja offers a hex editor with highlighting of modified sections, and the ability to view executables as they would appear in memory.

Captured some shellcode on the wire that needs disassembling? The 'P' hotkey can make a function out of anything and show you the flow graph.

Text Editor
A built-in syntax highlighting text editor is provided for writing scripts for testing or exploit development. Pressing F5 will run your Python scripts right from the interface in a fully-featured terminal emulator for maximum flexibility
(not available on Windows).

Binary Ninja will automatically disassemble any recognized executable and show it to you in a flow graph. You can navigate around the binary and easily switch between the disassembly and the hex editor. Need to make a patch? Right click an instruction and get a list of automatic patches. For more complicated patches, modifying code in the hex editor view will cause the disassembler to automatically update, so you can verify your patch with ease.

Much more to come in the future:

Persistence for your modifications to the disassembly output.
Visualization of data flow analysis.

Shellcode Compiler
Binary Ninja will include a release of the new Shellcode Compiler. This C compiler is designed from the ground up to generate shellcode, with many the quirks that come up in that field. It will include byte-blacklisted code generation (for when your code can't have null bytes), polymorphic code generation (to evade those pesky IDS setups), and much more.
Integrated Terminal

A fully-featured 256-color terminal emulator is included, allowing you to drop to a shell right away, or keep one open alongside your work. If you prefer, you can even develop your exploits in VIM, and you won't even lose the ability to paste Shellcode Compiler results directly into your script.




Srao 发表于 2015-10-14 11:49
这个不错 感(看)谢(不)分(懂)享(啊)!
丶伊扬 发表于 2015-10-14 12:02
dayup 发表于 2015-10-14 12:34
老刘 发表于 2018-3-8 22:08
本帖最后由 老刘 于 2018-3-8 22:10 编辑

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