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[Editors] Resource Hacker 4.2.3

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-7-1 15:14


Resource Hacker?has been designed to be the complete resource editing tool: compiling, viewing, decompiling and recompiling resources for both 32bit and 64bit Windows executables. Resource Hacker?can open any type of Windows executable (*.exe; *.dll; *.scr; *.mui etc) so that individual resources can be added modified or deleted within these files. Resource Hacker?can create and compile resource script files (*.rc), and edit resource files (*.res) too.

Licence to Use - Terms and Conditions:

This Resource HackerTM software is released as freeware provided that you agree to the following terms and conditions:
This software is not to be distributed via any website domain or any other media without the prior written approval of the copyright owner.

This software is not to be used in any way to illegally modify software.

DISCLAIMER: A user of this Resource HackerTM software acknowledges that he or she is receiving this software on an "as is" basis and the user is not relying on the accuracy or functionality of the software for any purpose. The user further acknowledges that any use of this software will be at the user's own risk and the copyright owner accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising from the use or application of the software.  

The above licence terms constitute "copyright management information" within the meaning of Section 1202 of Title 17 of the United States Code and must not be altered or removed from the licensed works. Their alteration or removal from the licensed works, and the distribution of licensed works without all the above licence terms in an unaltered way, may contravene Section 1202 and give rise civil and/or criminal consequences.

Changes in 4.2.3

Bugfix: Significant bug in the recompiler
Bugfix: Minor bug displaying animated cursors



参与人数 1热心值 +1 收起 理由
小白菜 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!



 楼主| 风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2015-9-15 12:32
Resource Hacker v4.2.5


Bugfix: Adding a resource to a file without any resources was broken
Bugfix: An occasional PNG image was not being displayed
Bugfix: Shrinking the main window very small caused a divide-by-zero error)
Bugfix: Some Delphi forms were not being decompiled or recompiled correctly
New: Can now change a text resource's format (unicode, UTF-8, ANSI)

- Setup:


- Portable:

xiawan 发表于 2015-7-1 15:44
Monitor 发表于 2015-7-1 19:03
小白菜 发表于 2015-7-2 12:10
点个赞 么么哒
清风凡界 发表于 2015-7-5 16:49
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