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[.NET] Xenocode Virtual Application 2009 SP1 Studio ISV Edition 7.1.280

Hmily 发表于 2009-10-15 18:49
Xenocode Virtual Application Studio ISV Edition allows you to embed the Xenocode runtime engine directly into your apps, creating a single EXE that runs with zero setup.

Key Benefits
Ship your entire application in a single executable that runs instantly ?no DLLs, data files, service installations, or runtime dependencies
Deploy .NET and Java-based applications to any Windows desktop
Reduce development, test, and support costs by shipping all application components, runtimes, and services linked with the application
Run your application directly off the web, USB keys, and demo CDs
Allow execution on Vista and locked-down desktops with no recoding
What's new in Virtual Application Studio 2009?
Virtual Application Studio 2009 ISV Edition includes dozens of feature enhancements and engine upgrades, including:

Scriptable Windows shell integration: A new, fully scriptable shell integration tool allows virtual application shortcuts, Start Menu icons, and file associations to be registered on user desktops, with or without use of MSI packages.
One-click import of MSI setups, ThinApp configurations, and Novell AXT packages: Existing MSI setup packages and other configuration formats can be virtualized with a single click, eliminating the need for time-consuming recapture.
Latest Xenocode virtualization engine: An enhanced virtualization engine includes numerous performance and reliability improvements, new compression and process isolation controls, and sandbox auto-reset capabilities.
Built-in support for the latest .NET runtimes and Windows components: The 2009 edition of Virtual Application Studio includes one-click configuration of the latest popular components, including the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, .NET 3.5 Client Profile, and Silverlight.

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