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[Packers] VMProtect 2.0

Hmily 发表于 2009-10-12 13:06
11.10.2009 - VMProtect 2.0 released
[!] Bugs have been fixed solving the errors during disassembly and virtualization of the CALL FWORD PTR [XXXX] and JMP FWORD PTR [XXXX] instructions
[!] Bug fixed solving the error in the SenseLock Edition during the key serial number request after the standard user PIN is changed
[!] Bug fixed solving the error during the virtualization of the SWITCH in the x64 applications
[!] Bug fixed solving the error during the virtualization of the ROL, ROR, RCL, RCR, SHL, SHR, SAL and SAR instructions, which have REF preffix in the x64 applications
[!] Minor bugs have been fixed
  • The Russian help file has been updated
  • The English help file has been updated
    [+] The licensing system has been added (available only in the Ultimate version)
    [+] A new API is now available in the SDK - VMProtectDecryptStringA and VMProtectDecryptStringW
    [+] The CompilationOptions property for the TVMProcedure class has been added to the script
    [+] The SELicense and SEVersion properties for the TVMProcedure class has been added to the script (available only in SenseLock Edition)
    [+] The VMSectionName and VMExecutorCount properties for the TVMProtector class has been added to the script
    [+] The SEMasterPassword, SEUserPIN, SEKeyID, SELicense and SEVersion properties for the TVMProtector class has been added to the script (available only in SenseLock Edition)
    [-] The "Create online commands dynamically" option has been removed

  • VMProtectVersion number: 2.0 [demo]
    Release date: 11.10.2009
    vmprotect.exe [存档]
    File size: 8,34 Mb
    VMProtect SenseLock Edition
    Version number: 2.0 [demo]
    Release date: 11.10.2009
    vmprotect_se.exe [存档]
    File size: 8,76 Mb


    惜双双 发表于 2009-10-12 13:21
    good job..

    wish somebody can crack it as soon as ...
    什么也不是 发表于 2009-10-12 13:30
    TheCjw 发表于 2009-10-12 13:35
    vienna 发表于 2009-10-12 16:19
    crackforchin 发表于 2009-10-12 18:41
    Alar30 发表于 2009-10-12 23:47
    CjwNull 发表于 2009-10-12 13:35

    my1229 发表于 2009-10-15 09:16
    lp123sun 发表于 2009-10-15 13:38
    演示版 与 注册版 有什么区别
    wyhonline2 发表于 2009-10-15 13:51
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