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[Android Tools] 工欲善其事必先利其器,APKTOOL_2.0.0rc4

qtfreet00 发表于 2015-2-26 10:48

v2.0.0 (TBA)
-Updated to smali/baksmali to v2.0.5

-Updated to Gradle 1.8

-Fixed (issue #8)   - Correctly uses -c to retain original manifest and META-INF. (Thanks M1cha)

-Fixed (issue #63)  - Correctly handles apk's that have unknown files outside of the standard aapt allowed resources.

-Fixed (issue #202) - Includes modified aapt to force package id on build. (Thanks M1cha)

-Fixed (issue #403) - Uses new usage output to cleanup organization of features.

-Fixed (issue #359) - Correctly handles malformed 9patch images. (Thanks Felipe Richards)

-Fixed (issue #401) - Uses versionInfo meta to correctly parse versionName and versionCode.

-Fixed (issue #440) - Include aapt binaries within Apktool to have closer control over build.

-Fixed (issue #439) - Correctly handles apk's that have have the general access bit enabled for encryption.

-Fixed (issue #339) - Re-enables debug mode ( -d flag) to fix smali debugging. (Thanks Ryszard)

-Fixed (issue #177) - Adapted output of smali to make breakpoint setting easier in different IDEs. (Thanks Ryszard)

-Fixed (issue #391) - Fixes characters (& and <) from being double escaped in <item>'s of arrays.xml

-Fixed (issue #260) - Fixes "Multiple substitution" errors with positional and exactly 1 non-positional argument.

-Fixed (issue #427) - Correctly handles `--frame-path` on uild

-Fixed (issue #396) - Correctly handle android:debuggable while in debug mode.

-Fixed (issue #340) - Fixed superclass errors on debug mode.

-Fixed (issue #458) - Fixed pkg id not being correctly set in framework files.

-Fixed (issue #469) - Added (-m / --match-original)

-Fixed (issue #326) - Fixed PNG increasing brightness on build (Thanks Christiaan)

-Fixed (issue #448) - Merge smali2 into Apktool

-Fixed (issue #496) - Fixes Windows builds caused by java.nio problems

-Fixed (issue #510) - Any error output is sent stderr instead of stdout

-Fixed (issue #426) - Filename too long (JesusFreke)

-Fixed (issue #524) - INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT fix (JesusFreke)

-Fixed (issue #473) - multiple package frameworks are treated correctly.

-Fixed (issue #531) - JAR disassembling borking is fixed

-Fixed (issue #550) - Correctly labels incorrect type handling of <array>

-Fixed (issue #571) - Fixed truncated strings (Thanks jtmuhone)

-Fixed (issue #578) - Fixed apk's with multiple empty types via ignoring them

-Fixed (issue #589) - Fixed apk's with one package named "android" from improper decoding.

-Fixed (issue #601) - Make StringBlock thread safe (Thanks aluedeke)

-Fixed (issue #238) - Fixed truncated UTF-16 strings

-Fixed (issue #584) - Fixed horrible spacing, aligned for 4 spaces.

-Fixed (issue #196) - Fixed style crash due to malformed styles.

-Fixed (issue #603) - Fixed unknown files prefixed with common name from being ignored.

-Fixed (issue #606) - Fixed unknown files being ignored when -r is used.

-Fixed (issue #609) - Fixed handling renamed manifests with ("android", "com.htc" and "miui").

-Fixed (issue #626) - Fixed handling strange characters with unknown files.

-Fixed (issue #630) - Fixed handling renamed manifests with ("com.lge")

-Fixed (issue #409) - Fixed array items incorrectly typed.

-Fixed (issue #512) - Fixed AndroidManifest missing attributes.

-Fixed (issue #677) - Fixed ignoring formatted attribute in <string-array>.

-Fixed (issue #675) - Fixed multiple overlapping catches.

-Fixed (issue #684) - Fixed issue with multiple ResPackages in ARSC file.

-Fixed (issue #682) - Fixed handling renamed manifests with ("yi")

-Fixed (issue #664) - Fixed issue with apks with large StringPools failing to decode.

-Fixed (issue #447) - Fixed bad cast of ResStringValue to ResAtr by handling ResStringValue correctly (Thanks whydoubt)

-Fixed (issue #689) - Fixed issue with hard coding extension as PNG.

-Fixed (issue #653) - Added Android Lollipop support.

-Fixed (issue #706) - Added support for TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE.

-Fixed (issue #685) - Fixed invalid attrs values with Android Lollipop.

-Fixed (issue #713) - Fixed issue with packages that had shared library resources.

-Fixed (issue #329) - Fixed issue with incorrectly identifying similarly named strings as ResFileValues.

-Fixed (issue #590) - Fixed issue with segfaulting aapt with certain apks.

-Fixed (issue #545) - Fixed issue with undefined attrs w/ updated internal frameworks

-Fixed (issue #702) - Fixed improper handling of MNC_ZERO which caused dupe`d resources

-Fixed (issue #744) - Fixed warnings of "Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile..."

-Fixed (issue #757) - Download gradle binaries over https

-Fixed (issue #402) - Fix issues when running user has no access to $HOME.

-Fixed (issue #761) - Added proper support for BCP47 localization tags

-Fixed issue with attempting to decode .spi files as 9 patches (Thanks Furniel)

-Fixed issue with APKs with multiple dex files.

-Fixed issue with using Apktool without smali/baksmali for ApktoolProperties (Thanks teprrr)

-Fixed issue with non-URI standard characters in apk name (Thanks rover12421)

-Added output to list Apktool version to help debugging.

-Updated known bytes for configurations to 38 (from addition of layout direction)

-Fixed NPE when handling odex apks even with --no-src specified. (Thanks Rodrigo Chiossi)

-Fixed locale problems when locale changes meaning of default letters in windows .bat script (Thanks Adem666)

-Fixed problem when -r was used with no /res folder present in apk (Thanks chrisch1974)http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3xgX73


莽莽的茫茫 发表于 2015-4-7 00:23
木有连接了楼主  能不能再发下连接分享
聆零灵 发表于 2015-3-13 16:38 来自手机
wxf 发表于 2015-3-6 09:21
微笑丶永远 发表于 2015-3-5 18:11
ollydebug 发表于 2015-4-7 06:13
Jencese 发表于 2015-4-7 09:44 来自手机
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