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[Debuggers] PEBrowse Professional (v10.0.1) & PEBrowse Professional Interactive (v9.1

Hmily 发表于 2009-8-21 16:22
PEBrowse Professional (v10.0.1) & PEBrowse Professional Interactive (v9.1)

PEBrowse Professional (v10.0.1)
is a static-analysis tool and disassembler for Win32/Win64 executables and Microsoft .NET assemblies produced according to the Portable Executable specifications published by Microsoft. For Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and others. (We have received reports that the software also works on other OSes, including Wine (!) and Windows CE.)


PEBrowse Professional Interactive (v9.1)

PEBrowse Professional Interactive
builds upon the framework presented by PEBrowse Professional to create a very powerful, versatile, and customizable Win32 user mode debugger/disassembler. PEBrowse Interactive is not a source code debugger, but operates at the Intel x86 instruction level and therefore at the lowest level where your program executes. The debugger fully supports Microsoft .NET managed processes and seamlessly allows interop or mixed-mode debugging. It can be set as the startup debugger using the system registry Image File Execution Options key - useful for debugging ASP.NET applications.


sdpdww 发表于 2013-2-26 19:54
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