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[Debuggers] gDEBugger v 5.2.1

Hmily 发表于 2009-8-20 11:05
gDEBugger does what no other OpenGL tool can - lets you trace application activity on top of the OpenGL API to see what‘s happening within the graphic system implementation. gDEBugger saves you time by locating "hard-to-find" bugs caused by the incorrect use of the OpenGL API. Debugging OpenGL applications is faster and your applications are more reliable.

provides you with the application behavior information you need for optimizing application performance. No more redundant or "performance killer" OpenGL calls.

Also, You can perform regression tests to understand changes in visual display, performance and accuracy between different versions of your OpenGL application.
Data is displayed in a small and intuitive window - giving you the information you need while not blocking your application graphic view.



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