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[Other] HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.9

Hmily 发表于 2009-6-10 00:16
The HashCheck Shell Extension makes it easy for you to calculate and verify checksums (including hashes) from Windows Explorer.

First, HashCheck can process and verify the checksums/hashes stored in checksum files--these are files with a .sfv, .md4, .md5, or .sha1 file extension. Just double-click on the checksum file, and HashCheck will check the actual checksums of the listed files against those specified in the checksum file.

Second, HashCheck will add a "Checksums" tab to the shell's file properties dialog so that you could easily check the hash of a file (or even multiple files and directories) from Windows Explorer. You can also save the results to a checksum file.

Finally, if you want to create a checksum file but think that opening the file properties dialog, navigating to the "Checksums" tab and then clicking "Save" is too much trouble, HashCheck simplifies the task by adding an optional "Create Checksum File" command to the shell's context menu. Simply select the files and directories that you want to hash and create a checksum file for, right-click on them, and select "Create Checksum File".

With HashCheck, you can consolIDAte the md4sum, md5sum, and sha1sum tools--as well as any SFV creation/verification utilities that you might have--into one fast, simple, free, light-weight (on 32-bit systems, the final installed size is less than 72 KiB), and open-source utility.

What algorithms and formats are supported?
HashCheck supports the CRC-32, MD4, MD5, and SHA-1 algorithms.

HashCheck creates checksum files in the SFV format for CRC-32, and in a format compatible with the output of the standard md4sum, md5sum, and sha1sum tools for the other algorithms; checksum files produced by HashCheck can be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16LE, or the system's default ANSI code page.

HashCheck can read SFV checksum files as well as checksum files created by directing standard md4sum, md5sum, or sha1sum output to a file. It can detect and handle virtually any sort of character and line-ending encoding: UTF-8 (with or without signature), UTF-16LE/BE (with or without BOM), or the default ANSI code page on your system.



[Bug #161] [Installer] Improved the way in which the uninstaller deletes the DLL.
[Bug #180] [Localizations] Added Czech translation. (translator: Václav Veselý)
[Bug #183] [Localizations] Fixed a bug that prevented the Traditional Chinese translation from working under NT 6+.
[Bug #194] [Localizations] Added Swedish translation. (translator: Stefan Friman)



ZHOUQIUNBING 发表于 2012-11-18 17:46

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