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ARTeam: xTracer 1.0 by deroko

Hmily 发表于 2009-5-26 10:32
Hi all,
a new release from deroko of ARTeam. A really powerful tool (you may experiment how powerful it is..)

xtracer is TLB memory tracer. It tries to locate first break in code section of traced process using split TLB which is available in intel architecture.
This code can be used to locate OEP of traced process easily. Currently only 1st break is reported, but you may modify code to handle more breaks as that's not a problem at all if you go trough ring3 program which actually controls driver. You may expect to get very good and fast results no matter which protection you are tracing. Time needed to locate OEP is equal to the time needed to execute protection layer without debugger, nor any tracer.

I hope that you will enjoy this fine release from ARTeam, as we only try to bring quality releases to the RCE community. Of course, full source is included for learning purposes (code and tool released under GPL 3.0).

Code can be customized to handle various scenarios. Eg. add more breaks on code sections, hooking more some native calls to keep control of almost every allocated buffers, but that's up to the user to implement if he needs it.

To use this code simply type:


wait a little bit. Also note that you must have internet connection as code is using my SymbolFinder class to locate some symbols from ntoskrnl.exe which makes this code compatible with windows versions from win2k to Vista SP1.


557.06 KB, 下载次数: 11, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


hexpor 发表于 2011-12-20 05:42
thanks for share
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