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[.NET] Super.Net.IL.Editor (Snile) Open Source by Joe

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2013-7-22 18:18
What is Snile?

Snile is a super fast IL editing library that can read/write .NET Files. This project was written to be able to be used with obfuscated files. Meaning it won't throw exception's or errors like other .NET libraries do. It can support invalid metadata in the CLR header which is the .NET Header. Snile stand's for Super .NET IL Editor
Can read any .NET Module
Can read any file with a CLR Header
100% Read/Write to any header. (DOS, NT, FILE, OPTIONAL, DATA_DIRECTORIES, CLR, TABLE)
Access to all the file's sections, which you can add/remove sections.
Very fast and stable
Updated Frequently


Some examples with some things you can do with this library.

Getting the .text section.
Reader assembly = new Reader("C:\Example.exe");

Section textSection = assembly.GetSections().GetTextSection();

Console.WriteLine("Virtual Address: 0x{0:X}", textSection.GetVirtualAddress());

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duanjia0912 发表于 2013-7-22 18:56
有没有bin啊,,源码不会编译啊 ...
lyliucn 发表于 2013-8-10 12:59
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