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[PEtools] Exeinfo PE v0.0.8.4

zt898 发表于 2024-5-13 13:03
本帖最后由 zt898 于 2024-5-13 13:04 编辑

Last news - only in this version :

fixed : Obsidium v1.5 - 1.8 - [ v. - option : Def. MZ Head ]
added : detector for DLL 32/64 bit :  [ plugin for : AutoPlay Media Studio ]
added detector for DLL 64bit : [ .PYD Python C Extensions library ]
fixed : Embarcadero Delphi version show x64
update to v1.77 : 1123.Rust Compiler v1.60.x  - www.rust-lang.org
added : console mode : unpack all exe files and Inno script from InnoSetup installer : exeinfope.exe file_name /unp-inno-exe
fixed : if ThemIDA protector , result : Themida - Winlicense , if Winlicense result : Winlicense - Themida
added : Skater  v24.2.0.51  2024
Added : Delphi version resolver  : XE7,Sydney,Rio,Alexandria,Yukon,Tokyo,Berlin
added : DLL [ VMProtect SDK32 .NET - 2023 ]
fixed : version :1038.MINGW32 Cygwin family [exe] msys-2.0  GCC: (GNU) [v10.2.0]
added : .NET  32 if sign. 080  Warning : NET Streams: 6 ...
added : detector 7z Bandizip sfx
fixed : .zip added 5F  ( Bandizip  ) NOT EXE - .ZIP archive - [ Mode Unknown : 5Fh ] to : NOT EXE - .ZIP archive - [ XZ Compression ]
fixed : Compiler Detector x86 and x64 MingWin32 Free Pascal / MinGW-w64  
update : MSC++ linker to 14.39
fix for 599.Advanced Installer [ v21.5.x ] - 2003-2024
update and fixed detector 1031.Advanced BAT to EXE Converter [ v.4.61 ] 2017-2024
fixed/updated : 472.Autoit v3.3.0.0 x64 - Autoit v3.3.6.1
fixed : 599.Advanced Installer [ v.15.5.x ] - 2003-2024
fixed : and debug info added 5144. x64 Microsoft VC++ 14.39 exe [ CPU : AA64 ARMv8 ]
added : 068.x64 Sfx 7z GUI 22.01 ZS v1.5.5 R3 GUI - 2023 Tino Reichardt
Disable Warning - if exe Pe Magic=0107  ROM DATA
Sections GUI scan added detector : LLVM compiler Clang ver.18.1.1   (MSC++14)
added : partial detector generic on 8011.,8010.sign  x64  LLVM compiler : clang version 18.1.2
added : ( exe od offset 0040 , Busy21.exe v21.0 https://busy.in ) NOT EXE - .txt UTF-16 (LE) + Hidden .exe PE file at offset 0040
added : 724. NOT EXE - (.) Windows PE 32/64 File ( .exe Crypted with : ADD 05 )

Exeinfo PE v0.0.8.4

Exeinfo PE v0.0.8.4


2.21 MB, 下载次数: 543, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB

Exeinfo PE v0.0.8.4


参与人数 5吾爱币 +4 热心值 +5 收起 理由
Roshan + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
5911521 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
zhczf + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
wudi20045 + 1 我很赞同!
chengdragon + 1 + 1 感谢分享



cyba01 发表于 2024-5-13 16:56
 楼主| zt898 发表于 2024-5-13 17:03
go4399 发表于 2024-5-13 17:17
cn2jp 发表于 2024-5-13 17:28
 楼主| zt898 发表于 2024-5-13 17:52
go4399 发表于 2024-5-13 17:17
v0.0.8.4 还没有正式发布吧

ceciliaaii 发表于 2024-5-13 18:02
hbfp 发表于 2024-5-13 19:23
shj2k 发表于 2024-5-13 19:48
shenhg2002 发表于 2024-5-13 20:40
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