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[PEtools] PPEE (puppy) 1.02

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2012-11-6 17:38
PPEE (puppy) 1.02

Puppy is a professional PE file explorer that lets you dig into all data directories available in the PE file and edit them.
Export, Import, Exception, Certificate(Relies on Windows API), Base Relocation, Debug, TLS, Load Config, Bound Import,
IAT, Delay Import and CLR are supported (All but Resource directory, Maybe someone could write a plugin for it).

Puppy tries to be small, fast, nimble and friendly as your puppy!

>> 2012-09-28 Released Version 1.02 <<

Now puppy can bite! It means puppy is gonna become a PE editor.

- You are allowed to edit most of the data directory structures
- Plugin enabled (For more information refer to Plugins.txt)
- A very simple built in hex editor is supplied(A little buggy)
- "Strings in file" item is added to tree view which can show ASCII/UNICODE strings in a PE.
- List view columns can sort data in an appropriate way
- Refresh, Save and Save as menu commands added
- Some major bug fixes

>> 2012-08-05 Released Version 1.01 <<

- Tree view accepts single click
- Main window is now resizable
- List view is colorized
- Some minor bug fixes

kao (for his suggestions)

For any comments, bugreports, suggestions e-mail me: Zaderostam `at' gmail `dot' com

[AppleScript] 纯文本查看 复制代码

PPEE(puppy) 1.02.zip

54.43 KB, 下载次数: 3, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


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