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[CrackMe] 发一个很简单的CrackMe 计算出正确的key

cengsihan 发表于 2021-6-3 20:24
他们都是一些公开给别人尝试破解的小程序,制作 Crackme 的人可能是程序员,想测试一下自己的软件保护技术,也可能是一位 Cracker,想挑战一下其它 Cracker 的破解实力,也可能是一些正在学习破解的人,自己编一些小程序给自己破解,KeyGenMe是要求别人做出它的 keygen (序号产生器), ReverseMe 要求别人把它的算法做出逆向分析, UnpackMe 是要求别人把它成功脱壳,本版块禁止回复非技术无关水贴。

本帖最后由 cengsihan 于 2021-6-3 20:31 编辑

密码正确提示 “成功” 信息框!


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jy04468108 发表于 2021-6-4 09:18


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 楼主| cengsihan 发表于 2021-6-4 10:56
fanvalen 发表于 2021-6-3 22:49
[Asm] 纯文本查看 复制代码
004013F0  /$  8B4C24 04     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4]           ;  CrackMe.004704DE
004013F4  |.  8B41 08       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x8]
004013F7  |.  3D 01040080   cmp eax,0x80000401                       ;  Switch (cases 80000101..80000601)
004013FC  |.  77 6E         ja short CrackMe.0040146C
004013FE  |.  74 55         je short CrackMe.00401455
00401400  |.  3D 01010080   cmp eax,0x80000101
00401405  |.  74 35         je short CrackMe.0040143C
00401407  |.  3D 01020080   cmp eax,0x80000201
0040140C  |.  74 1C         je short CrackMe.0040142A
0040140E  |.  3D 01030080   cmp eax,0x80000301
00401413  |.  0F85 86000000 jnz CrackMe.0040149F
00401419  |.  8B4424 08     mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]           ;  Case 80000301 of switch 004013F7
0040141D  |.  8B09          mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0040141F  |.  50            push eax
00401420  |.  51            push ecx
00401421  |.  E8 8A8F0100   call CrackMe.0041A3B0
00401426  |.  83C4 08       add esp,0x8
00401429  |.  C3            retn
0040142A  |>  0FBF01        movsx eax,word ptr ds:[ecx]              ;  Case 80000201 of switch 004013F7
0040142D  |.  8B5424 08     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
00401431  |.  52            push edx
00401432  |.  50            push eax
00401433  |.  E8 788F0100   call CrackMe.0041A3B0
00401438  |.  83C4 08       add esp,0x8
0040143B  |.  C3            retn
0040143C  |>  8B4424 08     mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]           ;  Case 80000101 of switch 004013F7
00401440  |.  33D2          xor edx,edx
00401442  |.  8A11          mov dl,byte ptr ds:[ecx]
00401444  |.  52            push edx                                 ; /<%u> = 18F654 (1635924.)
00401445  |.  68 98514900   push CrackMe.00495198                    ; |%u
0040144A  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |s = NULL
0040144B  |.  FF15 C8034800 call dword ptr ds:[<&USER32.wsprintfA>]  ; \wsprintfA
00401451  |.  83C4 0C       add esp,0xC
00401454  |.  C3            retn
00401455  |>  8B5424 08     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]           ;  Case 80000401 of switch 004013F7
00401459  |.  8B41 04       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x4]
0040145C  |.  8B09          mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0040145E  |.  6A 0A         push 0xA
00401460  |.  52            push edx
00401461  |.  50            push eax
00401462  |.  51            push ecx
00401463  |.  E8 DD070600   call CrackMe.00461C45
00401468  |.  83C4 10       add esp,0x10
0040146B  |.  C3            retn
0040146C  |>  3D 01050080   cmp eax,0x80000501
00401471  |.  74 1C         je short CrackMe.0040148F
00401473  |.  3D 01060080   cmp eax,0x80000601
00401478  |.  75 25         jnz short CrackMe.0040149F
0040147A  |.  8B5424 08     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]           ;  Case 80000601 of switch 004013F7
0040147E  |.  8B41 04       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x4]
00401481  |.  8B09          mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00401483  |.  52            push edx
00401484  |.  50            push eax
00401485  |.  51            push ecx
00401486  |.  E8 75940100   call CrackMe.0041A900
0040148B  |.  83C4 0C       add esp,0xC
0040148E  |.  C3            retn
0040148F  |>  8B5424 08     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]           ;  Case 80000501 of switch 004013F7
00401493  |.  8B01          mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00401495  |.  52            push edx
00401496  |.  50            push eax
00401497  |.  E8 D4930100   call CrackMe.0041A870
0040149C  |.  83C4 08       add esp,0x8
0040149F  \>  C3            retn                                     ;  Default case of switch 004013F7
004014A0   .  83EC 64       sub esp,0x64
004014A3   .  53            push ebx                                 ;  CrackMe.004014A0
004014A4   .  56            push esi                                 ;  CrackMe.0064F9F9
004014A5   .  8B7424 78     mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x78]
004014A9   .  57            push edi
004014AA   .  8B7E 08       mov edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x8]
004014AD   .  57            push edi
004014AE   .  E8 4DBF0000   call CrackMe.0040D400
004014B3   .  83C4 04       add esp,0x4
004014B6   .  85C0          test eax,eax
004014B8      74 10         je short CrackMe.004014CA
004014BA   .  8D4424 0C     lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
004014BE   .  50            push eax
004014BF   .  56            push esi                                 ;  CrackMe.0064F9F9
004014C0   .  E8 2BFFFFFF   call CrackMe.004013F0
004014C5   .  83C4 08       add esp,0x8
004014C8   .  EB 42         jmp short CrackMe.0040150C
004014CA   >  81FF 04000080 cmp edi,0x80000004                       ;  Switch (cases 80000002..80000004)
004014D0      75 04         jnz short CrackMe.004014D6
004014D2   .  8B3E          mov edi,dword ptr ds:[esi]               ;  Case 80000004 (SINGLE STEP) of switch 004014CA
004014D4   .  EB 3A         jmp short CrackMe.00401510
004014D6   >  81FF 02000080 cmp edi,0x80000002
004014DC   .  75 12         jnz short CrackMe.004014F0
004014DE   .  8B16          mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi]               ;  Case 80000002 (DATATYPE MISALIGNMENT) of switch 004014CA
004014E0   .  8D4C24 0C     lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
004014E4   .  51            push ecx
004014E5   .  52            push edx
004014E6   .  E8 059C0100   call CrackMe.0041B0F0
004014EB   .  83C4 08       add esp,0x8
004014EE   .  EB 1C         jmp short CrackMe.0040150C
004014F0   >  81FF 03000080 cmp edi,0x80000003
004014F6      75 1C         jnz short CrackMe.00401514
004014F8   .  8B4E 04       mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x4]           ;  Case 80000003 (BREAKPOINT) of switch 004014CA
004014FB   .  8B16          mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi]
004014FD   .  8D4424 0C     lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
00401501   .  50            push eax
00401502   .  51            push ecx
00401503   .  52            push edx
00401504   .  E8 17950100   call CrackMe.0041AA20
00401509   .  83C4 0C       add esp,0xC
0040150C   >  8D7C24 0C     lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
00401510   >  85FF          test edi,edi
00401512   .  75 09         jnz short CrackMe.0040151D
00401514   >  C64424 0C 00  mov byte ptr ss:[esp+0xC],0x0            ;  Default case of switch 004014CA
00401519   .  8D7C24 0C     lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]
0040151D   >  8B4424 78     mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x78]
00401521   .  33DB          xor ebx,ebx                              ;  CrackMe.004014A0
00401523   .  83F8 04       cmp eax,0x4
00401526   .  7C 2C         jl short CrackMe.00401554
00401528   .  8B46 2C       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x2C]
0040152B   .  3D 01000100   cmp eax,0x10001
00401530   .  75 18         jnz short CrackMe.0040154A
00401532   .  8B46 24       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x24]
00401535   .  53            push ebx                                 ;  CrackMe.004014A0
00401536   .  50            push eax
00401537   .  68 D6070000   push 0x7D6
0040153C   .  E8 1F150100   call CrackMe.00412A60
00401541   .  85C0          test eax,eax
00401543   .  74 0F         je short CrackMe.00401554
00401545   .  8B58 1C       mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x1C]
00401548   .  EB 0A         jmp short CrackMe.00401554
0040154A   >  3D 01030080   cmp eax,0x80000301
0040154F   .  75 03         jnz short CrackMe.00401554
00401551   .  8B5E 24       mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x24]
00401554   >  8B46 20       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x20]
00401557   .  85C0          test eax,eax
00401559   .  B8 9C514900   mov eax,CrackMe.0049519C                 ;  信息:
0040155E   .  74 03         je short CrackMe.00401563
00401560   .  8B46 18       mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x18]
00401563   >  8B76 0C       mov esi,dword ptr ds:[esi+0xC]
00401566   .  8BCE          mov ecx,esi                              ;  CrackMe.0064F9F9
00401568   .  F7D1          not ecx
0040156A   .  81E1 00100000 and ecx,0x1000
00401570   .  8D144E        lea edx,dword ptr ds:[esi+ecx*2]
00401573   .  52            push edx                                 ; /Style = MB_YESNO|50|MB_DEFBUTTON3|3000|MB_NOFOCUS|184400
00401574   .  50            push eax                                 ; |Title = NULL
00401575   .  57            push edi                                 ; |Text = 000007D8 ???
00401576   .  53            push ebx                                 ; |hOwner = 004014A0
00401577   .  FF15 A0034800 call dword ptr ds:[<&USER32.MessageBoxA>>; \MessageBoxA
0040157D   .  5F            pop edi                                  ;  01EEEE38
0040157E   .  5E            pop esi                                  ;  01EEEE38
0040157F   .  83F8 03       cmp eax,0x3                              ;  Switch (cases 2..7)
00401582   .  5B            pop ebx                                  ;  01EEEE38
00401583   .  75 0F         jnz short CrackMe.00401594
00401585   .  8B4C24 68     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]          ;  Case 3 of switch 0040157F
00401589   .  B8 02000000   mov eax,0x2
0040158E   .  8901          mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],eax
00401590   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
00401593   .  C3            retn
00401594   >  83F8 02       cmp eax,0x2
00401597   .  75 0F         jnz short CrackMe.004015A8
00401599   .  8B5424 68     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]          ;  Case 2 of switch 0040157F
0040159D   .  B8 01000000   mov eax,0x1
004015A2   .  8902          mov dword ptr ds:[edx],eax
004015A4   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
004015A7   .  C3            retn
004015A8   >  83F8 05       cmp eax,0x5
004015AB   .  75 0F         jnz short CrackMe.004015BC
004015AD   .  8B4C24 68     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]          ;  Case 5 of switch 0040157F
004015B1   .  B8 04000000   mov eax,0x4
004015B6   .  8901          mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],eax
004015B8   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
004015BB   .  C3            retn
004015BC   >  83F8 07       cmp eax,0x7
004015BF   .  75 0F         jnz short CrackMe.004015D0
004015C1   .  8B5424 68     mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]          ;  Case 7 of switch 0040157F
004015C5   .  B8 06000000   mov eax,0x6
004015CA   .  8902          mov dword ptr ds:[edx],eax
004015CC   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
004015CF   .  C3            retn
004015D0   >  83F8 06       cmp eax,0x6
004015D3   .  75 0F         jnz short CrackMe.004015E4
004015D5   .  8B4C24 68     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]          ;  Case 6 of switch 0040157F
004015D9   .  B8 05000000   mov eax,0x5
004015DE   .  8901          mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],eax
004015E0   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
004015E3   .  C3            retn
004015E4   >  33D2          xor edx,edx                              ;  Default case of switch 0040157F
004015E6   .  8B4C24 68     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x68]
004015EA   .  83F8 04       cmp eax,0x4
004015ED   .  0f95c2        setne dl
004015F0   .  4A            dec edx
004015F1   .  83E2 03       and edx,0x3
004015F4   .  8BC2          mov eax,edx
004015F6   .  8901          mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],eax
004015F8   .  83C4 64       add esp,0x64
004015FB   .  C3            retn
004015FC      90            nop
004015FD      90            nop
004015FE      90            nop
004015FF      90            nop
00401600  /$  6A FF         push -0x1
00401602  |.  68 1BB74700   push CrackMe.0047B71B                    ;  SE 处理程序安装
00401607  |.  64:A1 0000000>mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
0040160D  |.  50            push eax
0040160E  |.  64:8925 00000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00401615  |.  51            push ecx
00401616  |.  56            push esi                                 ;  CrackMe.0064F9F9
00401617  |.  8BF1          mov esi,ecx
00401619  |.  897424 04     mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x4],esi           ;  CrackMe.0064F9F9
0040161D  |.  C706 001E4800 mov dword ptr ds:[esi],CrackMe.00481E00
00401623  |.  8D4E 78       lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x78]
00401626  |.  C74424 10 000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10],0x0
0040162E  |.  C701 FC1D4800 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],CrackMe.00481DFC
00401634  |.  E8 D7020000   call CrackMe.00401910
00401639  |.  8D4E 58       lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x58]
0040163C  |.  C74424 10 FFF>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10],-0x1
00401644  |.  C701 FC1D4800 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],CrackMe.00481DFC
0040164A  |.  E8 C1020000   call CrackMe.00401910
0040164F  |.  8B4C24 08     mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
00401653  |.  5E            pop esi                                  ;  01EEEE38
00401654  |.  64:890D 00000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
0040165B  |.  83C4 10       add esp,0x10
0040165E  \.  C3            retn

看不懂 等大佬解答
jy04468108 发表于 2021-6-4 12:16
cengsihan 发表于 2021-6-4 10:56

fangjia9999 发表于 2021-6-4 17:50
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山塘街 发表于 2021-6-5 09:25
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 楼主| cengsihan 发表于 2021-6-8 19:05
kinghtxz 发表于 2021-7-12 14:54
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