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[.NET] DotNet Resolver BETA v7

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2012-3-28 18:20
DotNet Resolver is an application made in Vb.net. It can be used not only for assembly editing but also for Converting IL to .Net Languages such as C# and Visual Basic.

It was created by TheUnknownProgrammer and Androcir

This application main utillity consists in editing assemblies/applications in order to change the way they work. By doing this, it allows the user to fully manage an executable file without its source code/project.
Its way of functioning is simillar to .Net Reflector but has some more features added to it.
Also, aswell as any other Assembly Editor, it has a full support for Plugins



zz0147 发表于 2012-4-10 19:58
Hmily 发表于 2012-4-24 20:07
DotNet Resolver BETA v8
[New Update! 8]
Fixed the bug of string searcher. Treeview's context menu is fixed, refreshing decompilation and highlevel editor is a little bit improved.

Known issues
IL switch instruction isn't supported yet
Static method/properties are sometimes showed weird.
Have to add optimization of code, such as converting Loops isntead of using goto's.
Sometimes If instructions and Try instructions are switched.

Hmily 发表于 2012-7-18 16:18
.Net Resolver Beta v11

DotNet Resolver is an application made in Vb.net. It can be used not only for assembly editing but also for Converting IL to .Net Languages such as C# and Visual Basic.

The main programmer is TheUnknownProgrammer. Androcir has helped him at the older versions, Ethernal Five has joined the project and helped with the Statistics. The three users are also known on Hackforums.

This application main utillity consists in editing assemblies/applications in order to change the way they work. By doing this, it allows the user to fully manage an executable file without its source code/project.

Its way of functioning is simillar to .Net Reflector but has some more features added to it.

Also, aswell as any other Assembly Editor, it has a full support for Plugins.


.Net Resolver Beta v11


Documentation for the Plugins DLL. (Place in same folder as the dll)


DNR Report Sheet.docx


Plug-ins Tutorial

.Net Resolver Videos
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