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[Windows] SQLiteStudio 3.3.0

始于丨初心 发表于 2021-2-22 10:44





Among many bugs fixed (59) and improvements, here are few outstanding new features and changes:

  • SQLite upgraded to 3.41.1. This includes UI support for "generated columns", support for new syntax statements - (Window Functions),  .OVERUPDATE FROMVACUUM INTO
  • DbSqliteWx plugin upgraded to use SQLite3MultiCipher (SQLite 3.34.1), thus now capable of opening WxSQLite3, SQLCipher and System.Data.SQLite databases (also under Linux & MacOS).
  • DbSqliteCipher plugin upgraded to the most recent version too (which runs SQLite 3.34.0).
  • Windows binaries are now 64-bit.
  • Big values handing was significantly improved. SQLiteStudio still limits initial value for all cells to 100 characters (for optimization reasons) and loads full value when editing it, but if a cell has more data available for display, it will show button at the right side of the cell, allowing to load remaining piece of data at once. User can also load full values for entire column from right-click menu of the column header.
  • Improved HighDPI displays support.
  • Dark theme (Dark Fusion), including native dark theme on MacOS X.
  • Toolbars received a small lifting - a number of buttons were removed (their functions are still available through menu bar, right-click context menu and keyboard shortcuts), Editor Window got its database dropdown pulled to the left, Table Window & View Window got database dropdowns at the beginning of toolbars - for easier context understanding by user.

Most repeated and irritating bugs that were fixed:

  • Database panel (left-side panel) shrinking all the time - no longer shrinks.
  • Column in data view is no longer resized if user sets his own width and then edits values in cells or refreshes data from database.

There are few notable removals:

  • System.Data.SQLite plugin was removed, as the official System.Data.SQLite library was getting more and more outdated and with new WxSqlite plugin (which can open System.Data.SQLite files) there's no need to continue this plugin.
  • SQLite2 plugin was removed. It was hardly ever used and was causing a lot of maintenance effort.
  • Installer (Qt's Installer Framework) was removed. Updates will still be checked and user will be notified about new version being available, but it will be up to the user to download new version. Only portable packages are going to be provided from now, until more suitable installer framework is found & mastered.








Xw丶小威 发表于 2021-2-22 10:55
河风金月 发表于 2021-2-22 10:57
haihaiqian 发表于 2021-2-22 10:58
fenghz 发表于 2021-2-22 11:09
zstarg 发表于 2021-2-22 12:06
hxw0204 发表于 2021-2-22 12:31
汉化不全,菜单都是英文 的
bazhushiwo 发表于 2021-2-22 12:53
5151diy 发表于 2021-2-22 13:19
Can_K 发表于 2021-2-22 21:30
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