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[PEtools] RDG Packer Detector v0.6.8 (Vx Edition) 2012

wbs1997 发表于 2012-1-4 13:59
RDG Packer Detector is a detector packers, cryptors, Compilers, Packers Scrambler, Joiners, Installers.

January 2012
+ New Symbols
+ Windows 7 Compatible
Windows 8 + Compatible
+ Fewer False Positives
+ Increased Stability
+ PE 32/64 bit detection

-Has Quick detection system.
-Has detection system Powerful Analyzing the complete file, allowing the detection of Muli-packers in several cases.
-Allows you to create your own symbol symbol detection.
-Has Crypto-Graphic Analyzer.
-Allows to calculate the checksum of a file.
-Allows calculate the Entropy, informing if the analyzed program is compressed, encrypted or not.
-Detector of OEP (Original Entry Point) of a program.
-You can check and download signaturas.As铆 RDG Packer Detector you always will be updated.
-Loader Plug-ins ..
Detector-distorting-Entry Point.
-De-Binder an extractor attachments.
-Improved heuristics.

What's New! v0.6.8

-New Interface!
-Fast Mode Detection and Mode Powerful Improved!
Super-Signatures Database Updated!
Heuristic detection of Binders-
-Detection and Extraction Overlay!
-Checking and Automatic Update!
-Super Fast Detection of MD5 Hash!
-Support for Multiple Plug-ins for both RDG Packer Detector and other detectors!
Detection Multiple-MPG formats, GIF, RAR, ZIP, MP3 etc..
-Detection and removal of attachment!.
-Greater Stability!
-Compatible Windows Vista & Windows 7
Optimization for speed-scanning
MA-detection (Quick) Totally integrated to the main interface
Again, multiple languages.
And much more!

Download: http://rdgsoft.8k.com


ren22ge 发表于 2012-1-4 23:09
下载网站打不开 有谁下载了 传网盘一份 谢谢
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