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[Disassemblers] ghidra 9.1.2 PUBLIC

liuxianfu 发表于 2020-2-23 17:26

  ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC_20200212.zip sha256: ebe3fa4e1afd7d97650990b27777bb78bd0427e8e70c1d0ee042aeb52decac61  

Change LogGhidra v9.1.2 (February 2020)Bugs

  • Data Types. Improved PDB composite reconstruction to attempt pack(1) alignment if default alignment fails. (GT-3401)
  • Data Types. Added missing support for multi-user merge of     unions and structures containing bitfields or a trailing flexible array     member. (GT-3479)
  • Data Types. Corrected structure editor save button enablement     issue when editing bitfields within an unaligned structure. (GT-3519,     Issue #1297)
  • Disassembly. Corrected potential infinite loop with     disassembler caused by branch to self with invalid delay slot instruction.     (GT-3511, Issue #1486)
  • GUI. Corrected processor manual display for Microsoft Windows users,     which was not displaying processor manual and was, instead, rendering a     blank page in web browser. (GT-3444)
  • GUI:Bitfield Editor. Added field comment support to composite bitfield     editor. (GT-3410)
  • Importer:MachO. A MachO loader regression, in Ghidra 9.1.1, when     laying down symbols at the correct location, has been fixed. (GT-3487,     Issue #1446)
  • Languages. Corrected mnemonic for ARM thumb RSB.w instruction. (GT-3420, Issue #1365)
  • Languages. Corrected issue in M68000 with some move     instructions not creating correct array assignments. (GT-3429, Issue #1394)
  • Languages. Updated x86 processor manual index file with latest     Intel and AMD manuals. (GT-3489, Issue #1078)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Corrected Ghidra Server remote     interface errors that occur when running with Java 11.0.6 (and later) release,     which would throw RemoteException "Method is not Remote" errors. (GT-3521, Issue #1440)
  • PDB. Corrected PDB XML generation for zero-length classes and structures     and resolved various datatype dependency issues encountered during PDB     Analysis. Changed line numbers from hex to decimal. (GT-3462, Issue #1410)
Ghidra v9.1.1 (December 2019)Improvements

  • Importer:MachO. Improved import/load time of DYLD shared cache     files. (GT-3261)
  • Program API. Cached the addresses that correspond to executable     memory to improve analysis performance. (GT-3260)

  • Analysis. Fixed a symbol name error that occurred in the Objective-C     analyzer. (GT-3321, Issue #1200)
  • Analysis. Constant references are now computed correctly     within functions in overlay spaces. (GT-3373)
  • Build. Corrected build of DMG.jar which was improperly     built within Ghidra 9.1 release. (GT-3364)
  • Decompiler. Fixed bug causing Pcode: XML comms: Badly formed address errors when decompiling HCS12 XGATE code. (GT-3297)
  • Decompiler. Fixed Array DataType must be Fixed length exceptions related to function pointer data types.     (GT-3309)
  • Decompiler. Fixed bug causing decompiler to drop statements,     assigning string constants to global variables. (GT-3315)
  • Decompiler. Fixed issue with enum name strings causing Low-level Error: XML error: syntax error in the decompiler. (GT-3387, Issue #1329)
  • GUI. Fixed a potential ConcurrentModificationException in the interactive     python interpreter. (GT-3280)
  • Importer:PE. Fixed an exception in the PeLoader that occurred     when the size of the memory block for the headers is larger than the file     size. (GT-3344, Issue #1266)
  • Languages. Corrected Sparc floating point instruction pcode     implementation. (GT-3202)
  • Languages. Corrected the semantics of the PowerPC e_cmpi instruction. (GT-3228, Issue #1127)
  • Languages. Corrected bit generation for PowerPC instructions se_bclri, se_bgeni, se_bseti, and se_btsti. (GT-3232, Issue #967)
  • Languages. Corrected register definitions for x86 RDRAND instruction. (GT-3253, Issue #1169)
  • Languages. Corrected signed immediate calculation for some     powerPC VLE offsets being incorrect. (GT-3254, Issue #1160)
  • Languages. Resolved issue with x86 escape opcodes preventing     certain instruction patterns from decoding. (GT-3256)
  • Languages. Corrected bug in XGATE LDH instruction shifting out high bits.     (GT-3268)
  • Languages. Corrected processing of R_MIPS_REL32, R_X86_64_RELATIVE, and R_X86_64_RELATIVE64 ELF relocations affecting relocatable     binaries which have non-zero section/segment load addresses. (GT-3349)
  • Listing. Fixed missing scroll bar in listing. (GT-3290)
  • Listing. Fixed issue that was causing a stack trace to be     generated when contiguous addresses were cleared for a range greater than Integer.MAX. (GT-3357)
  • Listing:References. Corrected Create Default Reference action bug     which did not handle composite/array data components properly. (GT-3371)
Ghidra v9.1 (October 2019)NewFeatures

  • Data Types. Added bit-field support to Structure and Union     editor. An additional Bit-field Editor was also added for explicit bit-field     placement within unaligned structures. (GT-559)
  • Eclipse Integration. Added new GhidraSleighEditor Eclipse plugin in the     installation directory under Extensions/Eclipse. (GT-113)
  • GUI. Added method for turning off table sorting by control-clicking the     only sorted table column. (GT-2763, Issue #87)
  • GUI. Hovering on an address will now show where the byte at that address     came from in the imported file. (GT-3016, Issue #154)
  • Importer:MachO. Added new importer/loader for DYLD-shared cache     files. (GT-2343)
  • Languages. Implemented Intel MCS-96 processor module.     (GT-2350)
  • Languages. Added SH1/2/2a sleigh processor specification.     (GT-3029, Issue #715)
  • Languages. Added Tricore processor specification. (GT-3041,     Issue #567)
  • Languages. Added HCS12X processor specification. (GT-3049)
  • Languages. Added HCS05 and HCS08 sleigh processor     specifications. (GT-3050)
  • Languages. Added SH4 sleigh processor specification.     (GT-3051, Issue #37)
  • Languages. Added MCS-48 processor specification. (GT-3058,     Issue #638)
  • Memory. Added new API to preserve imported program's     original bytes and how they map to memory blocks. (GT-2845)
  • Program API. Added Bit-field support for structures and unions.     Warning: Version upgrade will be forced on all modified programs and data     type archives that are open for update. (GT-557)
  • Sleigh. Added two new extension modules (SleighDevTools     and GnuDisassembler) in support of processor module development. Added     support for pcode junit tests which utilize emulation of cross-compiled C     test code to verify sleigh pcode (i.e., instruction semantics). The     SleighDevTools extension provides the pcode test C source and associated     build scripts, as well as external disassembler support for aiding in the     valIDAtion of disassembled instruction syntax. (GT-3067)

  • Analysis. Added example script, ResolveX86orX64LinuxSyscallsScript.java,     for decompiling Linux system calls in x86 and x64. Added syscall-related     exercises to Advanced class. (GT-3113)
  • Basic Infrastructure. Made bash scripts more portable, allowing Ghidra     to be launched on additional platforms. (GT-2742, Issue #347)
  • Build. Created a new Gradle task that automates some     installation procedures defined in DevGuide.md. (GT-2897)
  • Build. The build now allows newer versions of Gradle to     be used. (GT-3017, Issue #737)
  • Data Types. All DataType archives have been regenerated to     support the new bit-field functionality. (GT-2878)
  • Data Types. CategoryPath now accepts forward slashes in its     components. (GT-2961)
  • Data Types. Fixed Structure Editor bug that caused the Data     Type field of a row to be edited after a successful name field edit.     (GT-3109, Issue #703)
  • Decompiler. Most forms of unnecessary or redundant copy     statements are now removed from the decompiler output. (GT-2839)
  • Decompiler. Added ability to double-click a Decompiler brace     syntax token to navigate to the matching brace. (GT-2846)
  • Decompiler. Updated the Decompiler to navigate to the label of     a goto statement when that label is     double-clicked. (GT-2847)
  • Decompiler. Updated the Decompiler's Copy action to copy the     symbol under the cursor when there is no selection. (GT-2914, Issue #411)
  • Decompiler. Fixed broken External Navigation: Navigate to     External Program option found in Edit -> Tool Options.... (GT-2932)
  • Decompiler. The decompiler's logic for handling optimized     division has been updated to recognize forms typically found in     executables generated with more recent 64-bit compilers. (GT-2968, Issue #668)
  • Decompiler. Implemented call-fixup for x64 __chkstk function. (GT-3006, Issue #670, #671)
  • Decompiler. The decompiler simplifies many new sign-bit     extraction forms used in optimized division and comparison expressions.     (GT-3036)
  • Decompiler. Ghidra now supports protected mode addressing when     analyzing 16-bit x86 programs. This is the default variant when analyzing     NE format executables, but it can also be used for MZ (and other) formats.     (GT-3090, Issue #98)
  • Decompiler. Added the Show References to Address and Find     References to Symbol actions to the Decompiler. Added Find Uses of Field     action to the Structure Editor. (GT-3115, Issue #474, #542, #543)
  • Decompiler. Updated the Decompiler's Edit Data Type action to     work on more fields. (GT-3116, Issue #275, #511)
  • Decompiler. Renaming a single parameter within the decompiler     window no longer prevents the data types of parameters from floating.     Retyping a single parameter locks the data type for that parameter but no     longer prevents the data types of other parameters from floating.     (GT-3162)
  • Documentation. Fixed typos and other errors in GitHub-related     documentation. (GT-2748, Issue #345, #361, #370, #375, #398)
  • Documentation. Added documentation to the DevGuide.md on how to     run unit/integration tests. (GT-3046, Issue #815, #832)
  • DWARF. Corrected DWARF analysis to handle binaries that     are imported at non-default locations. (GT-2963, Issue #637)
  • Emulator. Added improved emulation support at the API level     including a simplified API exposed via the EmulatorHelper class. Sample     GhidraScripts, which utilize this API, have been provided. (GT-3066)
  • Function Graph. Updated the Function Graph to show the current     program selection when zoomed out. (GT-2735)
  • Function Graph. Added an option to the Function Graph to allow     more complex edge routing that will go around non-incident vertices. See     the Tool Options for more information and to enable this feature.     (GT-3019, Issue #811)
  • Function Graph. Fixed Function Graph edge layout bugs that caused     some edges to get clipped by vertices. (GT-3161)
  • GUI. Added listener to Script Table Chooser Dialog that will get notified     when the dialog closes. (GT-2216)
  • GUI. Fixed global Tool auto-save option so that it persists between     Ghidra sessions. (GT-2818, Issue #231)
  • GUI. Added the apple.laf.useScreenmenuBar option to hoist the menu bar     out of the window on macOS. The option is off by default but can be     activated in support/launch.properties. (GT-2859, Issue #562)
  • GUI. Updated the Repeat Text Search/Repeat Memory Search menu items to     show the search dialog for long searches. (GT-2872, Issue #585)
  • GUI. Updated Structure Editor to allow user key bindings to work.     (GT-2894, Issue #504)
  • GUI. Python interpreter key bindings for sending reset and interrupt     commands are now configurable. (GT-2901, Issue #588)
  • GUI. Tweaked default graphic settings in support/launch.properties to     support a wider range of displays out-of-the-box. (GT-2913, Issue #341)
  • GUI. Added the ability to assign key bindings to activate individual     component providers. (GT-2925, Issue #539)
  • GUI. Fixed rendering issue in the Search Results table's Preview column.     (GT-2942, Issue #550)
  • GUI. Updated the Function Signature Editor's Data Type Chooser dialog to     allow for keyboard navigation. (GT-3110, Issue #636)
  • GUI. Fixed NullPointerException in the DB Viewer component. (GT-3163,     Issue #1023)
  • Importer. Updated x86 16-bit processor binding for IDA.     (GT-3004, Issue #771)
  • Importer:ELF. Improved ELF loader ability to cope with malformed     headers including negative file offsets and missing section names.     (GT-2933, Issue #35)
  • Importer:PE. PeLoader better accounts for section alignment     when laying out memory blocks, allowing additional bytes from the file to     be loaded into memory. (GT-2827, Issue #327, #418)
  • Importer:PE. Removed out-of-place call to demangler and laying     down of types from PeLoader. This fix enables demangling and other     analyzers to be applied correctly and in the proper order. (GT-2849)
  • Importer:PE. PeLoader now adds TLS callback functions as entry     points. (GT-2898, Issue #102)
  • Languages. Added new Task Monitor service to better handle     user experience when there are delays in building languages. (GT-2376)
  • Languages. Corrected ARM/Thumb instruction parsing for Thumb bl and add instructions.     (GT-2744, Issue #362)
  • Languages. Added AVR8 manual index file. (GT-2828, Issue #346)
  • Languages. Improved support for ARM on Windows. (GT-2880)
  • Languages. M68000 LSL.W, ASL.B, LSL.B, and ASL.W instructions now correctly set the CF flag. (GT-2907, Issue #619)
  • Languages. Updated x86 manual index files. (GT-2943, Issue #366)
  • Languages. Improved macro label-related error reporting in     slaspec files. (GT-2995, Issue #522)
  • Languages. Added MIPS special 0x1f patterns. (GT-3005, Issue #709)
  • Languages. Added proper updating of the X condition flag register for the M68000 processor lsl and lsr instructions.     (GT-3137, Issue #983)
  • Languages. Implemented PowerPc VLE Interrupt Handler     Efficiency Instructions. (GT-3143, Issue #935)
  • Languages. Ghidra now correctly models SPARC 64-bit stack     bias. (GT-3201)
  • Languages. Updated AVR32 instruction manual index to latest     version. (GT-712)
  • Listing. Updated Listing to support horizontal scrolling by     holding the Shift key when using the mouse wheel. (GT-3105, Issue #451)
  • Listing:References. Created new overriding reference types, which     improve and extend the ability to override calls, jumps, and callothers.     (GT-2885)
  • Multi-User. Added a script to allow repository admins the     ability to terminate multiple file checkouts belonging to an individual     user on a shared project. (GT-2893)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Added additional Ghidra Server     authentication modes including: Active Directory via Kerberos and JAAS.     The JAAS framework can facilitate use of LDAP, PAM, and other     JAAS-supported extensions which utilize a login name and password.     (GT-2658)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Changed Ghidra Server repositories     storage to ignore file/folder names which start with a period. This will     impose a restriction on naming of Ghidra projects where they can no longer     start with a period. (GT-3218)
  • PDB. Now using HTTPS for Microsoft symbol server URL. (GT-2819, Issue #369)
  • PDB. PDB processing can now store data types that contain forward slashes     under a CategoryPath. (GT-2974, Issue #94, #182)
  • PDB. PDB Analyzer no longer automatically includes the PDB path specified     in the program's PE header when searching for the PDB. However, the     filename in this path is considered during the search. The analyzer's Unsafe:     Include PE PDB Path in PDB Search option allows the user to revert to the     original PDB search algorithm. (GT-3076, Issue #277)
  • Program API. Added SHA256 hash to Program metadata and API.     (GT-2753, Issue #331)
  • Scripting. Updated Script Table Chooser Dialog: to fix bug     with tracking work items, to add new API methods for item removal and     dialog closed notification, and to prevent the same item from being worked     on more than once. (GT-2724, Issue #307)
  • Scripting. Fixed MultiInstructionMemReference Ghidra script     to place the reference correctly on instructions with a delay slot.     (GT-2906)
  • Sleigh. The sleigh compiler now reports line numbers for     the -n NOP command line option. (GT-2905, Issue     #561)
  • Sleigh. SLEIGH compiler now warns when building an operand     in a constructor may unintentionally overwrite another operand. (GT-3085)
  • Testing:Junits. test.gradle getLogFileUrl() no longer searches user .dir for log4j properties     file. (GT-2834, Issue #499)
  • Testing:Junits. Added new Gradle task to run integration tests and     generate an HTML report. (GT-3060, Issue #870)
  • Tool. Fixed bug that caused an exported tool to exclude     plugin configuration settings. (GT-3193, Issue #1065)

  • Analysis. Fixed an exception in the EmbeddedMediaAnalyzer     that occurred when media was discovered at the very end of the address     space. (GT-2890)
  • Analysis. Recognition and disassembly of the FMA, F16C, and     several missing AVX instructions have been added to the base x86 processor     specification. The pcode for these instructions is pseudo-op and not a     full pcode implementation. (GT-3168)
  • Basic Infrastructure. Updated the apache-commons-lang3 library to     version 3.9 which supports Java 11. (GT-2879)
  • Basic Infrastructure. Prevented Ghidra from launching with 32-bit Java     installations. (GT-3146, Issue #882)
  • Data Types. Corrected string data default label generation     when defined within uninitialized memory, which will now render as STRING_address. (GT-2715, Issue #272)
  • Data Types. Improved ASCII string data handling for processors     with a char size greater than one (1). (GT-2842)
  • Data Types. Changed BooleanDataType to extend     AbstractIntegerDataType including support as a bit-field. (GT-3170)
  • DbViewer. Corrected concurrent modification issue within     DbViewer resulting in NullPointerException. (GT-3192, Issue #1076)
  • Decompiler. Fixed aliasing issue where the decompiler would     sometimes drop initialization or other code writing to the stack.     (GT-2369)
  • Decompiler. Fixed bug causing the decompiler to incorrectly     omit the display of infinite loops when they contained switch statements.     (GT-2852, Issue #443)
  • Decompiler. Integer extension casts are no longer printed in     the decompiler if the extension is implied. (GT-2857)
  • Decompiler. Improved handling of overlay spaces. In     particular, the decompiler is now able to handle references into overlays     defined on the OTHER space. Added SLEIGH version numbers. (GT-2873)
  • Decompiler. Updated the Decompiler to place the cursor on the     function signature when a function is decompiled. (GT-2882)
  • Decompiler. Fixed a common source of Data type does not fit errors when using the Retype actions in     the decompiler. (GT-2956)
  • Decompiler. Fixed equals() method in Varnode     AST. (GT-2959, Issue #677)
  • Decompiler. Users can no longer rename undefined functions     from the decompiler. (GT-3043, Issue #753)
  • Decompiler. Fixed a bug that did not allow the prototype for a     specific CALL to an external function to be overridden in the decompiler.     (GT-3145)
  • Decompiler. Restricted Auto Fill in Structure command to     operate only on pointer variables. (GT-3182)
  • Decompiler. Fixed bug in the analysis of stack variables for     SPARC, which caused extraneous local variables and missed stack parameters     in the decompiler. (GT-3200)
  • Decompiler. Fixed one source of Type propagation algorithm not settling warnings in the decompiler. (GT-3213,     Issue #839)
  • Decompiler:Java. Updated Decompiler's hovers to show preview for     data types on variables and return types. (GT-2629)
  • Decompiler:Java. Fixed error involving decompilation of certain invokedynamic instructions in JVM class files. Made numerous     minor improvements to decompilation of JVM bytecode. (GT-2757, Issue #287)
  • Demangler. Fixed a NullPointerException in DemangledFunctionPointer.     (GT-2948, Issue #609)
  • DWARF. Empty DWARF compilation unit sections will now be     ignored. (GT-2939, Issue #690)
  • Exporter. Negative memory references in idaxml.py no longer     cause errors. (GT-2696, Issue #213, #885)
  • Exporter. Fixed Intel Hex Exporter to not ignore the Address     Space option value. (GT-2749)
  • Exporter. Fixed cancellation behavior of the C/C++ exporter.     (GT-2881, Issue #591)
  • File Formats. Fixed an out-of-memory error in the CPIO file     system. (GT-2912)
  • File Formats. DmgClientFileSystem no longer falsely matches zlib     compressed files. (GT-2926, Issue #583)
  • File System Browser. Fixed NullPointerException when clicking Get Info     on a directory in a zip file in the file system browser when the element     was a directory that did not have a corresponding entry in the zip file.     Changed the Get Info action to show information about both the highlighted     file and any file system mounted from that file. (GT-2758)
  • File System Browser. Fixed dialog stacking problem in File System     Browser when double-clicking a container file to open the filesystem     inside it. (GT-2764)
  • File System Browser. Reduced the disk usage of the DYLD-shared cache     file system. (GT-2887)
  • Function Graph. Fixed exception encountered when a Function     Graph's entry node was put into a group node. (GT-3074)
  • Function Graph. Fixed Function Graph edge routing bug that     sometimes caused edge flowing upward to route unexpectedly. (GT-3153,     Issue #994)
  • GUI. Fixed stack trace when deleting large memory block that is in its     own address space. (GT-2699)
  • GUI. Changed Data Type Preview to allow adding string data types.     (GT-2832)
  • GUI. Fixed display of operand scalar values in tooltip popup of     Decompiler and Listing windows. (GT-2836, Issue #120)
  • GUI. Fixed bug in Data Type Preview that caused a rendering error in     Structures as primitive types were deleted. (GT-2844)
  • GUI. Fixed Symbol Tree ClassCastException that happened when clicking a     node while the tree was still loading. (GT-2870, Issue #96)
  • GUI. Fixed bug that prevented the XRef's Ref Type column from sorting     correctly. (GT-2892)
  • GUI. Fixed Listing bug so that the cursor gets restored to the previous     location on Ghidra startup. (GT-2927, Issue #505)
  • GUI. Updated Edit Function Signature dialog to have focus in the signature     field when first opened. Also added undo/redo support. (GT-2947, Issue #635)
  • GUI. Fixed exception in the References Editor encountered when closing     the editor with an active edit in the table. (GT-2951)
  • GUI. Fixed bug where the Ghidra menu mnemonic was not being set by the     ampersand ('&') character in the last field of the menu path.     (GT-2954)
  • GUI. Updated the Component Provider's Close button to allow for key     bindings. (GT-2971, Issue #533)
  • GUI. Fixed tool navigation button enablement when using snapshot windows.     (GT-2973)
  • GUI. Corrected Function Editor issue where parsed signature text resulted     in incorrect type sizes which impacted custom storage selection. Also     added support for parsing signatures which reference types from an open     datatype archive. (GT-3059)
  • GUI. Updated resizing in Select Bytes dialog. (GT-3072)
  • GUI. Fixed bug where listing would jump to random location when opening     or closing a large structure or array. (GT-3088)
  • GUI. Fixed bug that caused some tables (e.g., the Symbol Table) to sort     twice during their initial loading of data. (GT-3142)
  • GUI. Drag-and-Drop bug causing incorrect drop highlighting has been     fixed. (GT-3219, Issue #1093)
  • Help. Fixed NullPointerException when navigating the     Help UI. (GT-2830, Issue #493)
  • Importer. Fixed issues in the MapLoader that prevented .map     files from being added to an existing program. (GT-2972, Issue #762)
  • Importer. For batch import, fixed issue where last character     of directory name was truncated on Windows workstations. (GT-3012, Issue #797)
  • Importer. Fixed a bug in how the NE importer creates External     Function symbols for the procedures it imports, allowing the decompiler to     properly access any available information. (GT-3140, Issue #770)
  • Importer. Fixed a bug that prevented some old-style Windows     executables from getting loaded by the MzLoader. (GT-3180, Issue #1054)
  • Importer:ELF. Added ELF relocation handler for R_AARCH64_JUMP26. (GT-2999, Issue #775)
  • Importer:ELF. Improved ELF MIPS support for GP-relative     relocations encountered in PIC compiled binaries. Also added support for R_MIPS_RPREL32 relocation. (GT-3026, Issue #764)
  • Importer:ELF. ELF x86-64 relocations R_X86_64_GOT32, R_X86_64_PLT32, R_X86_64_SIZE32, R_X86_64_SIZE64, and R_X86_64_GOTPC32 have been fixed to relocate correctly.     Additional ELF x86-64 relocations, found mostly in unlinked .o files, have     been added. (GT-3089, Issue #910)
  • Importer:PE. Fixed a problem in the PeLoader that would result     in section names being incorrectly used as primary symbols. This could     result in function names being wrong. (GT-3195, Issue #761, #1051)
  • Languages. Utilized FLOAT_NEG pcodeop to simplify     PowerPC fneg instructions. (GT-2781, Issue #387)
  • Languages. Added 6502 I status bit save and     restore. (GT-2826, Issue #469)
  • Languages. Corrected alternate register definitions in z80     processor. (GT-2876, Issue #520)
  • Languages. Reviewed all processor modules for     GhidraSleighEditor syntax errors. (GT-2902)
  • Languages. Added support for RD, WR, FS, and GSBASE instructions in     x86. (GT-2940, Issue #554, #555)
  • Languages. Added fixes for sign extension of ADD, AND, CMP, and SUB instructions on     x86-64bit. (GT-2955, Issue #881)
  • Languages. Updated PIC-30 division pcode to correct decompilation     issue. (GT-3008)
  • Languages. Fixed x86 AAM instruction.     (GT-3015)
  • Languages. Corrected x86 decode of MOVBE instruction. (GT-3039, Issue #822)
  • Languages. Corrected M68000 mov3q instruction decode and semantics. (GT-3080, Issue #905)
  • Languages. The JVM instruction I2D now correctly pushes an 8-byte double on the stack.     (GT-3081)
  • Languages. Fixed problem displaying processor manuals in     Windows Firefox. (GT-3084)
  • Languages. Encoding of MOV into debug     registers has been relaxed. (GT-3117)
  • Languages. Corrected behavior of PowerPC vectorPermute pcodeop for emulation. (GT-3148)
  • Languages. Corrected MIPS relocation computation for R_MIPS_26, R_MIPS16_26, and R_MICROMIPS_26_S1. (GT-3154, Issue #1001)
  • Languages. Corrected the bit patterns for PowerPC VLE rlwimi and rlwinm instructions.     (GT-3159, Issue #752)
  • Languages. Corrected instruction semantics for AARCH64 BLR instruction. (GT-3191)
  • Languages. Corrected fall-through override semantics for     cases where pcode simply drops into the next address. (GT-3196, Issue #1083)
  • Languages. Corrected the semantics of the PowerPC se_bmaski instruction. (GT-3230, Issue #1123)
  • Listing. Fixed potential infinite loop when editing long     comments. (GT-2824, Issue #437)
  • Listing. Fixed potential ClassCastException in Listing     comments. (GT-3023)
  • Listing. Cursor in the listing now stays in the proper     column after editing a field. (GT-3045, Issue #702)
  • Listing. Fixed a problem with register highlighting that     could occur on certain register/sub-register combinations. (GT-3071, Issue     #810)
  • Multi-User. Corrected terminate checkout from viewed checkout     list which was always terminating first row range based upon number of     selected rows and not the actual selected rows. (GT-2903)
  • Multi-user. Corrected ability for user to cancel     checkin/checkout to Ghidra Server. (GT-3208)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Added proper Ghidra Server interface     binding with new -i option. Corrected -ip option to strictly convey remote access hostname to     clients. The updated server will only accept connections from Ghidra 9.1     and later clients due to the registry port now employing TLS. (GT-2685,     Issue #101, #645)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Fixed argument-passing bug in svrAdmin     script. (GT-3082, Issue #907)
  • Multi-User:Merge. Corrected merge problem affecting modified     Function Definition datatypes which could result in a     NullPointerException. (GT-2922)
  • PDB. Added char16_t and char32_t to PDB BASIC_TYPE_STRINGS. (GT-2952, Issue #685)
  • PDB. Addressed memory leaks and string handling issues in pdb.exe.     (GT-2975, Issue #674, #597, #598, #599, #600)
  • PDB. Can now recover stack variables from more recent Visual Studio     version PDBs. (GT-3014)
  • PDB. Fixed PDB validation logic, which caused a more severe error message     to be created, masking the real issue. (GT-3209, Issue #198, #1024)
  • Program API. Corrected parameter storage which failed to     properly refresh after undo/redo. (GT-3130, Issue #960)
  • Program API. Corrected function parameter ordinal numbering     when more than one auto-parameter is present. (GT-3214)
  • Project Manager. Fixed a problem with creating Ghidra projects in     Windows root directories (e.g., Z:\). (GT-2585)
  • Project Manager. Fixed a path traversal vulnerability that could     occur when restoring a malicious project archive. (GT-3001, Issue #789)
  • Scripting. GhidraScript.askDomainFile() now correctly throws a CancelledException when the     cancel button is clicked. (GT-2841)
  • Scripting. Removed deprecated scripting methods older than 5     releases. (GT-2949)
  • Security. Removed use of insecure XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder from     Ghidra code base. (GT-3198, Issue #1090)
  • Sleigh. Corrected Sleigh compiler bug which performed     improper bounds checking for named register offset specification when     space wordsize is not one (1). (GT-3034, Issue #831)
  • Testing:CUnits. Fixed error logging in pcodetest for reporting an     error when running a compile command. (GT-3199, Issue #1089)
  • Version Tracking. Fixed NullPointerException in Version Tracking     hashing algorithm. (GT-2976)
Ghidra v9.0.4 (May 2019)NewFeature

  • GUI. Function tags are now viewable by function.

  • Decompiler. Improved modeling of CFG on Windows 10. (Issue #340)
  • Patcher. Renamed patch directory to /Ghidra/patch and added     README.txt that explains how the patch directory is used.
  • Search. Updated the Decompiler Data Type Finder to find     references to inside of nested array access in a line of Decompiler C     output. (Issue #416)
  • Sleigh. Improved error reporting for SLEIGH compiler.     (Issue #364)

  • Analysis. Code that checks for thunks no longer throws an     exception if the PC is not set for the processor.
  • Analysis. Made a fix to enable Apply button when changing     tool options. (Issue #40)
  • Data Types. Fixed concurrent modification exception when     replacing one datatype for another that results in some other datatype     being renamed.
  • Decompiler. Fixed dynamic variables and equates in 16-bit x86     programs. (Issue #336)
  • Decompiler:Java. Fixed DEX decompilation regression issue. (Issue #350)
  • Eclipse Integration. Fixed exception in Eclipse GhidraDev plugin that     occurred when performing certain actions on a Ghidra project that was     imported from a previously exported Archive File. (Issues #283, #383)
  • GUI. Improved documentation on how to deal with HiDPI     monitor issues in Linux. In the <ghidra_installation>/support/launch.properties     file, change VMARGS=-Dsun.java2d.xrender from false to true.
  • GUI. Restored the default 'p' key binding for creating     pointers within the listing display.
  • Importer. Fixed an exception that occurred when batch     importing APK files. (Issue #426)
  • Languages. The 6502 Zero page indexed addressing has been     corrected to only access the Zero page. (Issue #201)
  • Languages. The 68000 BCD arithmetic instructions now have     pcode semantics that allow disassembly to continue. (Issue #227)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Restored ability to execute svrAdmin     script in development mode.
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Corrected severe script error in     svrAdmin.bat introduced with 9.0.3 build.
  • GUI. Restored the default 'p' key binding for creating     pointers within the listing display.
  • Search. Fixed NullPointerException in Decompiler Data Type     Reference Finder. (Issue #407)
Ghidra v9.0.2 (April 2019)Bugs

  • Analysis. Constant reference analysis boundary controls for     speculative references has been fixed. Speculative references are     references created from computed constants passed as parameters, stored to     a location, or from indexed offsets from a register. (Issue #228)
  • Decompiler. Fixed rendering bug in the Decompiler when the     "Find" dialog is closed. (Issue #282)
  • Decompiler. Fixed decompiler handling of Function Definition     data types. (Issue #247)
  • Decompiler. Fixed "Free Varnode" exception in     RuleConditionalMove. (Issue #294)
  • Diff. Fixed exceptions that can occur in the Diff View for     programs with overlays.
  • Documentation. Corrected the spelling of "listener"     throughout the source code. (Issue #235)
  • Exporter. Exporting a selection as Intel Hex will now allow a     selection of any length. Previously this was restricted to multiples of 16     bytes. (Issue #260)
  • GUI. Fixed exception that occurs after disabling MyProgramChangesDisplayPlugin.     
  • GUI. Updated the "Open Program" dialog to     disallow file drop operations. (Issue #252)
  • Languages. The ARM Thumb CMP.W and LSL isntructions have been     changed to correctly decode. There are still issues to work out with     Unpredictable execution when Rd is the PC. (Issue #280)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Corrected bug introduced into ghidraSvr.bat     which could prevent Ghidra Server startup (Issue #279)
  • Scripting. MultiInstructionMemReference script has been     corrected to consider input and output registers when placing a reference     on an instruction.

  • Basic Infrastructure. Added a property to     support/launch.properties to prevent log4j from using jansi.dll on     Windows. (Issue #286)
Ghidra v9.0.1 (March 2019)NewFeatures

  • Scripting. Created a script to show all equates within the     current selection. (Issue #111)

  • Basic Infrastructure. Updated commons-compress library to version 1.18.     (Issue #171)
  • Eclipse Integration. Ghidra now connects to the Eclipse GhidraDev     plugin on rather than localhost.
  • GUI. Turned on font anti-aliasing by default for Linux. (Issue #212)
  • GUI. Fixed Options Dialog slow scrolling speed. (Issue #27)
  • Importer:ELF. Corrected bug in ELF loader which can improperly     process the GOT, PLT and relocations when multiple symbol tables exist     within the ELF binary. (Issue #52)
  • Languages. Added ARM/Thumb SRS instruction decodes for     undefined modes. (Issue #216)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Corrected the Ghidra Server service     wrapper (YAJSW) configuration for Mac OS X to prevent a startup timeout     condition which could occur.

  • API. Fixed equals method on Varnode class. (Issue #97)
  • API. Fixed a bug in MaskImpl.complementMask(). (Issue #187)
  • Basic Infrastructure. Fixed special character handling in idaxml.py.     (Issue #75)
  • Basic Infrastructure. Ghidra now forces the locale to en_US by default.     Only the en_US is currently supported. This fixes certain unexpected     exceptions. (Issue #209)
  • Diff. Fixed exceptions occasionally encountered when     starting a Diff session. (Issue #211)
  • Documentation. Fixed javadoc search box redirecting to broken     links. (Issue #129)
  • Function Graph. Fixed Function Graph exception when generating     tooltip. (Issue #65)
  • GUI. Updated window placement to keep windows on screen. (Issue #41)
  • GUI. Add/Edit References dialog now restricts users to creating refs in     valid memory address spaces.
  • GUI. Fixed exception when exiting Ghidra while a table is being edited.     (Issue #51)
  • GUI. Fixed some touchpad scrolling issues. (Issue #2)
  • GUI. Fixed stack trace in the Data Type Manager's tooltip generation. (Issue     #133)
  • GUI. User key binding settings for the Recently Used and Define Pointer     actions no longer lost after re-launching tool. (Issue #152)
  • GUI. Toolbar buttons now respond to fast clicking.
  • Importer:MachO. The MachOLoader can now find import libraries     found in Universal Binary files. (Issue #136)
  • Importer:PE. The PeLoader now correctly parses the     GuardCFFunctionTable when entries are more than 4 bytes each. (Issue #220)
  • Languages. Added missing PowerPC VLE conditional branch     instructions: e_bdnz and e_bdz. (Issue #103)
  • Languages. Fixed instruction semantics for several     instructions and added Control Flow Enforcement, NOP variants, CMP     variants, UD1, and prefixed call instructions to X86 processor     specification. (Issues #22, #53, #158, #157)
  • Languages. The 68000 MOVE instruction now correctly sets the     CF and VF flags. (Issue #163)
  • Languages. Added four missing MOVEM instruction variants to     the 68000 processor. (Issue #219)
  • Languages. An incorrect usage of X instead of Y in indexed     mode for the 6502 has been corrected.(Issue #201)
  • Languages. Added support for ARM Thumb half BL instruction on     processor variants prior to v6. (Issue #39)
  • Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Removed support for native OS     authentication from Ghidra Server (removed modes -a2 and -a3) due to     incompatibility with newer OS releases including Windows 10 and Windows     Server 2016. Re-introduction of this will be considered for a future     release.
  • PDB. Corrected NPE error when processing PDB files. (Issues #138, #188)
  • Scripting. Fixed a bug in ImportSymbolsScript.py that     prevented it from running. (Issue #170)

  • Basic Infrastructure. Running Ghidra in debug mode no longer opens     remotely accessible ports by default. (Issue #6)
  • GUI. The Defined Strings plugin no longer renders HTML in its table.     (Issue #45)
  • Project Manager. Fixed an XXE vulnerability affecting projects and     many other saved components. (Issue #71)

Ghidra v9.0Initial Release

下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/120qoiB3Tqgt09y_r1ulDWA 提取码: u69i


参与人数 3吾爱币 +3 热心值 +2 收起 理由
jingmiku + 1 热心回复!
暗夜杀神 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
seth00011 + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!



5omggx 发表于 2020-2-27 00:45
tricky6 发表于 2020-2-23 23:46
跟ida对比的话,只能说还是个弟弟,不过优势是开源,毕竟ida都开发20年了,打不过一个开源软件就搞笑了,也 ...

tricky6 发表于 2020-2-23 23:46
sig lib和type lib这类技术似乎也没有。不过支持pdb。
jeb3 x86版确实被ghidra打爆了,也不支持谁给jeb的勇气卖那么贵
fan15082968952 发表于 2020-2-23 19:12
调味包 发表于 2020-2-23 19:49
wenwlg 发表于 2020-2-23 21:59
sunv52pojie 发表于 2020-2-23 22:07
高端 必须高端 可是问题在于看不懂
drys1003 发表于 2020-2-23 22:52
Ghidra是美国政府内部开发的一个逆向工程框架。2017年,维基解密的 Vault 7 调查中曝光了Ghidra的存在;2019年,NSA出于公关的需要在NSA大会上发布了其源代码。
lynxtang 发表于 2020-2-23 23:27
h1jacker 发表于 2020-2-24 00:47
lxhwan100 发表于 2020-2-25 09:11
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