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[.NET] de4dot - Deobfuscator for .NET

Hmily 发表于 2011-9-22 18:58
This is still in BETA! Report any bugs, problems and/or improvements! The project url is https://github.com/0xd4d/de4dot


* Supports some popular obfuscators
* Deobfuscates control flow
* Cross-assembly symbol renaming
* Decrypts strings
* Decrypts resources
* Dumps embedded assemblies
* Dumps encrypted methods
* Deobfuscated files are runnable
* Removes other obfuscator junk
* Supports pure managed .NET files only
* Fixes peverify errors created by the obfuscator
* 100% Open Source

Many features work even if it's an unsupported obfuscator but the result may or may not be runnable.

Don't PM me how to use it. See the project page or ask in this thread.


a8987216 发表于 2012-7-4 13:05
jerry828 发表于 2012-12-17 00:13
忘了时间的钟 发表于 2012-12-17 00:37
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