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『软件调试区』 今日: 5 |主题: 948|排名: 16 

版主: willJ
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[调试逆向] 西电网络攻防第三届溢出题答案分析 attach_img recommend agree

半斤八兩2012-10-15 16:07

半斤八兩 论坛大牛 2012-10-15 16:07 7335257 spguangz 2015-8-19 17:06
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(四)——Unsafe Unlink attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-4-29 20:14

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-4-29 20:14 679944 tech2feng 2023-3-27 16:19
[游戏安全] 记一次Unity游戏逆向 attachment recommend agree

二娃2020-6-20 22:29

二娃 2020-6-20 22:29 6720431 audyzhu 2022-7-22 11:12
[漏洞分析] IE UAF 漏洞(CVE-2012-4969)漏洞分析与利用 attachment recommend agree

giantbranch2017-4-5 11:08

giantbranch 论坛大牛 2017-4-5 11:08 6540433 3xec3r 2019-7-23 06:41
[调试逆向] 【已完结】与字节码解释器比耐心(动态调试) attachment recommend agree

skywilling2018-2-20 21:58

skywilling 论坛大牛 2018-2-20 21:58 6526010 5register 2018-10-23 20:33
[调试逆向] Linux内核PWN-基础ROP提权 recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-11-16 10:35

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-11-16 10:35 647735 binarystudy123 2023-7-31 20:54
[调试逆向] Linux内核PWN-ret2dir(附赠基础slub算法!) attachment recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-3-7 18:36

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-3-7 18:36 627481 英雄本色999 2023-10-31 09:36
[系统底层] 从内核角度认识反调试基本原理 attachment recommend agree

ICEY2022-8-28 00:19

ICEY 论坛大牛 2022-8-28 00:19 618814 xiecy2000 2023-10-17 07:38
[漏洞分析] CVE-2021-4145 dirty cred漏洞复现 recommend agree

xia0ji2332024-3-13 23:43

xia0ji233 论坛大牛 2024-3-13 23:43 603042 zhang37078381 2024-4-19 11:27
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十三)——堆风水 agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-12-16 18:59

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-12-16 18:59 598558 Rt1Text 2022-3-16 07:15
[漏洞分析] Adobe Reader栈溢出漏洞(CVE-2010-2883)漏洞分析 attach_img recommend agree

鬼手562019-6-13 10:13

鬼手56 论坛大牛 2019-6-13 10:13 5526133 NASS80 2021-2-23 07:09
[系统底层] HOOK NtOpenProcess 保护指定进程 attachment recommend

zzage2009-8-9 16:43

zzage 论坛大牛 2009-8-9 16:43 5537123 yuday 2014-11-21 13:25
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(八)——Off By One attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-17 15:23

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-17 15:23 545536 BGZJM666 2022-12-21 14:34
[漏洞分析] 删帖删帖删帖 recommend agree

dylan-zl2020-8-30 03:12

dylan-zl 论坛大牛 2020-8-30 03:12 5413465 2020214-mao 2021-4-14 11:01
[调试逆向] Tenda-AC15栈溢出漏洞复现(CVE-2018-5767) attach_img recommend agree

初七的果子狸2022-8-12 16:37

初七的果子狸 2022-8-12 16:37 537226 淡淡不揩油i 2022-11-7 17:33
[系统底层] 《Windows 7 x64内存管理》之用户范围内存管理 Part1 attachment recommend agree

BeneficialWeb2022-3-27 17:44

BeneficialWeb 论坛大牛 2022-3-27 17:44 539046 roc600 2022-11-4 11:09
[漏洞分析] CVE-2012-0158 Office 漏洞分析笔记 新人帖 attachment recommend agree

ScareCrowL2018-2-19 14:15

ScareCrowL 2018-2-19 14:15 5228984 Loser_ 2020-8-12 20:24
[调试逆向] 利用procexp驱动突破PPL限制 attachment recommend agree

xjun2021-11-17 18:05

xjun 论坛大牛 2021-11-17 18:05 549811 prograys 2024-4-27 22:49
[调试逆向] 360第二道题里的md5正向暴力破解 attach_img

gezz2011-5-10 09:47

gezz 2011-5-10 09:47 5126514 囚徒灬 2014-1-2 11:26
[系统底层] 360Safe驱动学习笔记和实现源码 attachment recommend agree

鱼无论次2021-6-3 11:06

鱼无论次 2021-6-3 11:06 5011543 Anonymous、 2023-1-11 00:01
[系统底层] PEB的简单应用-隐藏导入表【原创文章】 attachment recommend agree

Hacker_Mr.P2016-1-8 17:18

Hacker_Mr.P 2016-1-8 17:18 5034529 amonsonic 2018-7-8 01:43
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(六)——Unsortedbin Attack recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-6-30 13:58

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-6-30 13:58 498184 13514635461 2022-11-30 20:19
[调试逆向] 微点主动防御软件_逆向_idb attachment recommend

sudami2010-3-8 20:40

sudami 论坛大牛 2010-3-8 20:40 4824111 无知无罪 2013-12-7 11:21
[漏洞分析] CVE-2010-3333漏洞分析与利用(包括POC构造) attach_img recommend agree

leonchan2014-9-8 09:37

leonchan 2014-9-8 09:37 4837493 zxcasd493 2016-12-5 10:49
[漏洞分析] Windows溢出保护原理与绕过方法概览 v2.0 attachment agree

riusksk2011-5-9 09:14

riusksk 2011-5-9 09:14 4624925 苏烟式 2014-7-21 22:13
[系统底层] 逆向360hookport驱动学习 attachment recommend agree

镇北看雪2021-6-1 23:56

镇北看雪 2021-6-1 23:56 4611236 nfsff 2022-11-29 00:08
[系统底层] 简单实现隐藏SSDT HOOK attachment recommend

zzage2010-5-21 10:18

zzage 论坛大牛 2010-5-21 10:18 4629140 10号公路 2014-11-18 17:54
[调试逆向] 探秘INT3指令 attachment recommend agree

镇北看雪2020-6-3 19:06

镇北看雪 2020-6-3 19:06 4515252 tuota 2022-10-6 12:36
[系统底层] shellcode免杀框架内附SysWhispers2_x86直接系统调用 attachment recommend agree

mai1zhi22021-1-28 12:23

mai1zhi2 论坛大牛 2021-1-28 12:23 4513287 lvdousha123123 2023-12-19 15:53
[调试逆向] 修复Win8.1 x64环境下PcxFirefox打开文件崩溃 attach_img recommend agree

LShang2014-5-11 00:49

LShang 论坛大牛 2014-5-11 00:49 5020490 手写连笔王 2014-7-22 09:30
[漏洞分析] CVE-2012-1889漏洞分析 attachment recommend agree

Nattevak2022-4-23 11:31

Nattevak 论坛大牛 2022-4-23 11:31 457025 Lobimp 2023-7-29 22:45
[漏洞分析] CVE-2014-9707分析以及exp构造 新人帖 attach_img recommend agree

ench4nt3r2016-7-11 12:42

ench4nt3r 2016-7-11 12:42 4631966 江湖救急 2018-5-3 22:47
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十四)——Tcache attach_img recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-12-30 16:29

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-12-30 16:29 447515 HighLightFanYa 2022-10-6 15:22
[漏洞分析] CVE-2012-0158漏洞分析报告 attachment recommend agree

Netfairy2016-1-3 16:05

Netfairy 2016-1-3 16:05 4335932 yns 2018-3-13 09:18
[游戏安全] 【原创】Win7下过Hack*Shield的部分驱动保护 attachment recommend agree

绿林科技2013-6-11 18:54

绿林科技 2013-6-11 18:54 4323144 xwc28 2015-6-3 19:41
[调试逆向] iscc 2014 ctf writeup attachment recommend

JoyChou2014-6-15 12:31

JoyChou 论坛大牛 2014-6-15 12:31 4628480 giantbranch 2016-11-8 00:14
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(五)——Safe Unlink attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-5-27 12:51

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-5-27 12:51 418796 13514635461 2022-12-11 22:13
[漏洞分析] Intel Sysret 漏洞在WIN7 X64下的实现分析 attachment recommend agree

wowocock2012-12-3 17:02

wowocock 论坛大牛 2012-12-3 17:02 4024807 1789912406 2015-9-11 08:18
[系统底层] Wow64系统调用分析以及ServiceTableHook attachment recommend agree

oxygen1a12022-11-12 10:10

oxygen1a1 2022-11-12 10:10 396760 xyzcdl 2023-6-6 17:11
[漏洞分析] 一个播放器缓冲区溢出分析 attach_img recommend agree

willJ2012-5-5 22:40

willJ 论坛大牛 2012-5-5 22:40 3823578 Sn0rt 2014-11-18 21:18
[漏洞分析] Winamp Overflow Exploit (Win7 ASLR and DEP Bypass) attach_img recommend agree

riusksk2011-3-27 21:37

riusksk 2011-3-27 21:37 3725455 苏烟式 2014-7-21 20:55
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十一)——Off By NULL attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-12-9 18:45

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-12-9 18:45 377150 ningwang88 2022-3-22 11:15
[系统底层] 保护模式笔记一 保护模式介绍 recommend agree

lyl610abc2021-4-11 11:44

lyl610abc 论坛大牛 2021-4-11 11:44 377402 13697i 2021-10-2 20:51
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十二)——House of Rabbit attachment agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-12-11 20:24

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-12-11 20:24 367493 toufaluanle 2022-12-28 09:57
[系统底层] Linux Kernel-SLUB分配器 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-7-18 23:14

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-7-18 23:14 356253 shirlonm 2023-12-13 22:50
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(十)——House of Lore attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-25 19:31

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-25 19:31 357207 izhuol 2023-7-30 09:42
[系统底层] 从零开始的Linux堆利用(七)——House of Orange attachment recommend agree

呆毛王与咖喱棒2021-11-7 17:18

呆毛王与咖喱棒 论坛大牛 2021-11-7 17:18 356664 13514635461 2023-4-21 20:01
[调试逆向] 初探Windows调试原理和反附加手段 recommend agree

ZJevon2021-8-19 21:27

ZJevon 2021-8-19 21:27 347468 8848klm 2021-11-29 09:02
[系统底层] Win10 x64 APC的分析与玩法 attachment recommend agree

ICEY2023-2-9 00:11

ICEY 论坛大牛 2023-2-9 00:11 337214 ICEY 2023-4-21 21:14
[系统底层] malloc&free源码浅析 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-5-22 19:55

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-5-22 19:55 326486 iaoedsz2018 2024-5-6 17:09
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