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『逆向资源区』 今日: 41 |主题: 4983|排名: 9 

版主: Hmily, FleTime



Android Tools】                  安卓程序逆向所用到的相关工具
Debuggers】                      动态调试工具
Disassemblers】                  反编译工具(静态分析为主)
PEtools】                        PE文件分析、查壳相关工具
Packers】                        给程序加壳相关工具
Patchers】                       给程序做补丁相关工具
Editors】                        程序资源编辑、文本操作相关工具
Cryptography】                    算法相关工具
Unpackers】                      脱壳机相关
Dongle】                         加密狗相关
.NET】                           微软.Net程序逆向相关工具
Scripts】                   IDA、OllyDbg、x64dbg等调试器的功能脚本
OllyDbg 1.x Plugin】             动态调试工具OllyDbg 1.x的插件程序
OllyDbg 2.x Plugin】             动态调试工具OllyDbg 2.x的插件程序
x64dbg Plugin】             动态调试工具x64dbg的插件程序
IDA Plugin】                     反编译工具IDA的插件程序
Mac OSX】                          Mac OSX系统程序逆向相关工具
Network Analyzer】            抓包相关工具
Other】                          其他相关程序

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公告 公告: 论坛禁止发布任何可能存在商业侵权内容,包括但不限于影视资源、原创或者转载商业软件的破解成品、破解补丁、注册机等。 Hmily 2019-6-10    
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.8.4 Build 1754 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2024-2-16 15:08

FleTime 2024-2-16 15:08 17713326 lixxh 2024-7-25 14:34
[Packers] WinLicense x32/x64 v3.1.3.0 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2022-10-18 23:28

FleTime 2022-10-18 23:28 12515830 shileigang0208 2024-7-24 16:26
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v7.40 x86 x64 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-12-18 22:11

FleTime 2023-12-18 22:11 7111139 rplovepojie 2024-7-23 22:43
[Packers] EXE/Dll资源压缩工具 UPX_4.2.2+Free UPX_3.2_x86x64 官方版&单文件绿色版 attach_img recommend agree

映梓2023-10-27 18:05

映梓 2023-10-27 18:05 506318 zqapk 2024-7-23 16:17
[Packers] 新年礼物 Obsidium v1.6.9b1 Company License with NetworkLicensing attachment recommend heatlevel agree

antiol2023-1-20 10:11

antiol 论坛大牛 2023-1-20 10:11 20919178 doublecl 2024-7-20 12:22
[Packers] ArmDot v2021.16.0.0 汉化 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-8-16 14:31

FleTime 2021-8-16 14:31 427020 beatone 2024-7-19 19:00
[Packers] 一个比较完整稳定的VMP授权添加工具,有码。 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2024-1-12 19:34

R-R, 2024-1-12 19:34 728570 乡下一头牛 2024-7-18 20:36
[Packers] The Enigma 7.4 _x86_x64授权一份 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

冷月孤心2023-12-19 01:40

冷月孤心 2023-12-19 01:40 156423395 wenqin001 2024-7-18 19:08
[Packers] VMProtect Lite v3.8.7 Build 2001 attachment agree

FleTime2024-6-3 15:57

FleTime 2024-6-3 15:57 555157 SoftCracker 2024-7-17 03:15
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.1.8.0 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2024-1-29 12:22

FleTime 2024-1-29 12:22 425198 kadimah 2024-7-15 11:24
[Packers] 发个WinLicense_3.1.2.0 recommend agree

slaiwl2022-8-28 18:33

slaiwl 2022-8-28 18:33 11711729 mir 2024-6-29 09:16
[Packers] VMProtect Professional v3.8.1.1695 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

FleTime2023-4-14 13:19

FleTime 2023-4-14 13:19 17216195 sayoulala 2024-6-13 12:27
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.6.0.1406[搬运] attachment recommend heatlevel agree

忆魂丶天雷2022-6-23 21:54

忆魂丶天雷 2022-6-23 21:54 15719731 269super 2024-5-28 11:05
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate attachment recommend agree

Romeo_Ahmed2023-11-29 14:18

Romeo_Ahmed 2023-11-29 14:18 9811889 minejay 2024-5-21 20:21
[Packers] VMProtect Demo v3.5.1 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-9-22 23:19

FleTime 2021-9-22 23:19 3610323 xumd123 2024-5-21 15:24
[Packers] EXE/Dll资源压缩工具-UPX_4.2.2+Free UPX_3.2 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

wszjf2022-12-15 21:33

wszjf 2022-12-15 21:33 10711464 wenqin001 2024-5-18 07:43
[Packers] Private exe Protector 4.1.2 Source Code attach_img recommend agree

风吹屁屁凉2024-5-9 17:48

风吹屁屁凉 2024-5-9 17:48 192989 wenqin001 2024-5-13 18:32
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.1.4.18 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-4-24 20:13

FleTime 2023-4-24 20:13 496495 q170454815 2024-5-12 18:47
[Packers] UPX 4.2.2 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2023-10-27 01:40

FleTime 2023-10-27 01:40 384520 hekai753 2024-5-6 11:52
[Packers] VMProtect v3.8.1 调试研究专用补丁(禁用重命名,禁用变异,禁用虚拟化) attachment recommend agree

wwh10042024-1-4 16:20

wwh1004 论坛大牛 2024-1-4 16:20 667613 ok318 2024-5-2 20:55
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v6.80 x64 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-8-9 12:50

FleTime 2021-8-9 12:50 9613695 boyhong 2024-4-23 16:23
[Packers] Code Virtualizer +私有虚拟机 attachment recommend agree

iKCI2023-3-2 07:53

iKCI 2023-3-2 07:53 658432 yfz912 2024-4-20 10:06
[Packers] UPX-4.0.1-win32\64 UPX可定制加壳工具 attachment agree

y187348167822022-12-4 11:14

y18734816782 2022-12-4 11:14 699063 123LOLO 2024-3-9 13:50
[Packers] VMProtect合集 attachment recommend agree

维他宁萌茶2021-3-15 19:30

维他宁萌茶 2021-3-15 19:30 5514169 维他宁萌茶 2024-3-1 23:14
[Packers] UPX4.0 github 自己编译版本2022.09.30 attachment agree

cqsn5582022-9-30 08:46

cqsn558 2022-9-30 08:46 304894 大毛儿 2024-2-23 11:11
[Packers] Eziriz IntelliLock v2.9.0.0 Cracked Chs【终更】 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-7-14 14:15

FleTime 2021-7-14 14:15 14712057 yhcad 2024-2-8 08:56
[Packers] VMProtect 3.5.0加强版【针对易语言支持库和函数头部加强版】 attachment recommend agree

洛溪2021-3-14 23:42

洛溪 2021-3-14 23:42 14025257 synwiki2 2023-12-17 09:38
[Packers] Crinkler v2.3 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-5-29 07:49

FleTime 2021-5-29 07:49 285093 moli964217 2023-12-11 01:51
[Packers] VMProtect Demo v3.6.0 attach_img agree

FleTime2022-3-24 17:17

FleTime 2022-3-24 17:17 417594 kadimah 2023-11-6 05:55
[Packers] The Enigma Protector v6.70 x32 attach_img recommend agree

FleTime2021-7-1 20:08

FleTime 2021-7-1 20:08 589892 娜美 2023-9-22 22:50
[Packers] UPX 4.0.0 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2022-10-30 21:12

FleTime 2022-10-30 21:12 515910 娜美 2023-9-22 18:38
[Packers] Visual Upx Shell attach_img recommend agree

goastship2022-11-3 21:43

goastship 2022-11-3 21:43 192954 娜美 2023-9-20 13:47
[Packers] ILProtector v2.0.22.15 attachment agree

FleTime2020-11-17 19:49

FleTime 2020-11-17 19:49 6210702 娜美 2023-9-20 10:20
[Packers] PyArmor v6.6.0 Demo(加密 Python 脚本) attachment recommend agree

FleTime2021-1-13 16:20

FleTime 2021-1-13 16:20 238159 娜美 2023-9-19 11:53
[Packers] PESpin1.33 未加密原版 attachment recommend agree

antiol2020-10-13 23:24

antiol 论坛大牛 2020-10-13 23:24 335491 娜美 2023-9-19 10:38
[Packers] 用C++写的无源码给VMP添加授权工具【开源】 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2020-12-21 19:22

R-R, 2020-12-21 19:22 5112235 ianlcc 2023-9-6 11:04
[Packers] Upxshell upx3.96 attachment agree

yoshino丿2021-2-14 13:35

yoshino丿 2021-2-14 13:35 268545 binarystudy123 2023-8-3 23:05
[Packers] VMP 源码泄漏 attachment recommend agree

宇宙第一强者2023-5-12 19:55

宇宙第一强者 2023-5-12 19:55 569023 ABs123 2023-6-1 20:04
[Packers] VMProtect Ultimate v3.5.0.1213 attachment recommend agree

FleTime2020-8-5 18:06

FleTime 2020-8-5 18:06 11627948 kelisi123 2023-5-27 18:04
[Packers] [VC] 64位壳子编写 attachment recommend agree

舒默哦2020-6-27 01:12

舒默哦 2020-6-27 01:12 216287 trustguan 2023-5-25 21:32
[Packers] WinLicense_32_64_3.0.4.0_Repacked - [阅读权限 10]attach_img recommend heatlevel agree

Sound2021-9-20 08:06

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2021-9-20 08:06 16411714 yahoo1920 2023-5-5 16:01
[Packers] UPX外壳 attachment recommend agree

_小神2023-2-1 14:51

_小神 2023-2-1 14:51 163437 wychok 2023-4-10 11:15
[Packers] Themida_x32_x64_v3.0.4.0_Repacked attachment recommend agree

Sound2020-7-12 01:03

Sound 论坛大牛吾是土豪 2020-7-12 01:03 12426432 ToSaluteSky 2023-3-31 10:44
[Packers] 【搬运】VMProtect Ultimate v3.5.1.1399 attachment recommend agree

GTXFuryNano2022-12-21 19:54

GTXFuryNano 2022-12-21 19:54 9010242 wangxufang520 2023-3-26 07:21
[Packers] UPX3.96加壳脱壳工具 attachment recommend agree

窗外的云2020-4-4 16:51

窗外的云 2020-4-4 16:51 31040989 Windys629 2023-3-21 20:11
[Packers] UPXTOOL+解决易语言编程被XXX数字软件报毒 软件大小300余K attachment recommend agree

中山小小熊2020-7-11 09:32

中山小小熊 2020-7-11 09:32 5111214 micheleyue 2022-11-30 08:14
[Packers] VMProtect ULTIMATE 3.4.0 Build 1155 attachment recommend agree

antiol2019-12-10 14:46

antiol 论坛大牛 2019-12-10 14:46 7424438 yygyyygy123333 2022-11-16 17:38
[Packers] 无源码给程序添加VMP授权工具 attachment recommend agree

R-R,2019-11-25 13:21

R-R, 2019-11-25 13:21 6020579 ccaaii 2022-10-29 16:27
[Packers] AntiDbg.VB6 专用加密壳 attachment agree

JuncoJet2020-4-2 12:13

JuncoJet 论坛大牛 2020-4-2 12:13 429564 vaselo 2022-8-11 16:17
[Packers] UPX 3.96 recommend agree

我乃小明2020-1-24 08:40

我乃小明 2020-1-24 08:40 4724269 zsdsun 2022-7-30 23:09
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