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[OllyDbg 1.x Plugin] ScyllaHide

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2014-4-11 14:21
ScyllaHide is an open-source x64/x86 usermode Anti-Anti-Debug library. It hooks various
functions in usermode to hide debugging. This will stay usermode! For kernelmode hooks use



Debugger Hiding:
- PEB - BeingDebugged, NtGlobalFlag, Heap Flags
- NtSetInformationThread - ThreadHideFromDebugger
- NtQuerySystemInformation - SystemKernelDebuggerInformation, SystemProcessInformation
- NtQueryInformationProcess - ProcessDebugFlags, ProcessDebugObjectHandle, ProcessDebugPort, ProcessBasicInformation
- NtQueryObject - ObjectTypesInformation, ObjectTypeInformation
- NtYieldExecution
- NtSetDebugFilterState
- NtUserBuildHwndList
- NtUserFindWindowEx
- NtUserQueryWindow
- NtClose
- GetTickCount
- BlockInput
- OutputDebugStringA

Protecting and Stealthing DRx (Hardware Breakpoints):
- NtGetContextThread
- NtSetContextThread
- KiUserExceptionDispatcher (only x86)
- NtContinue (only x86)


Usage standalone (debugger-independent):
InjectorCLI.exe <process name> <HookLibrary.dll path>

For example:
InjectorCLI.exe crackme.exe C:\HookLibrary.dll


- for TitanEngine: Copy HookLibrary.dll and ScyllaHide.dll to plugins\x86\ or plugins\x64\
(can be combined with TitanHide which does kernelmode hiding)
- for OllyDbg v1.10: Copy HookLibrary.dll and ScyllaHide.dll to your plugins directoy
- for OllyDbg v2.01: Copy HookLibrary.dll and ScyllaHide.dll to your plugins directoy


- x64 compatibility support
- x64 Exception Support
- Better (stealth) hooks


NOTE: You need to put NtApiCollection.ini in the same directory as ScyllaHide.dll or the following hooks will not
work: NtUserQueryWindow, NtUserBuildHwndList, NtUserFindWindowEx

Info about NtApiCollection.ini:
Some Nt* WINAPI functions are not exported by a DLL, so it is necessary to get the function adresses
from another source. The other source is the PDB file. The adresses can be resolved with this tool:
It will download the PDB file from the Microsoft server to resolve the missing function adresses.
Binaries: NtApiTool.rar



23.55 KB, 下载次数: 134, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


NtApiTool附件没有了。。。  发表于 2014-12-7 16:28


无邪 发表于 2014-4-11 14:37
w.g 发表于 2014-4-11 14:58
Kido 发表于 2014-4-29 05:15
a779863081 发表于 2016-11-16 23:57
下载了 谢谢了哦 可惜是E文的
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