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[PEtools] NPE File Analyzer v1.0.0.0

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2011-2-28 14:51
NPE File Analyzer is a utility that allow users to view and edit Portable Executable (PE) files, such as .EXE .DLL and .SYS files. NPE provides functions for inspection of unknown binaries, you can analyze sections, resources, import and export tables, relocations, TlsTable, and much more. It has a built-in process manager to analyze running processes and loaded modules.

It is possible to fix a dumped file, realign file, extract PE(s) from a file, add code cave and compare PE files to check for differences in the PE structure. NPE can also generate MD5 hash, SHA1 hash and CRC32 hash of a file. It has full support for PEiD plugins and it has also a built-in hex editor that allows you to edit a file.

* Add and Find Code Caves
* Add to Explorer Context Menu
* Bound Import Viewer
* Compare PE Files
* Delay Import Viewer
* Export and Import Viewer
* Extract Portable Executable Files
* File Hasher (MD5 SH1 CRC32)
* File Location Calculator
* Full PEiD Plugin Compatibility
* Hex Editor
* Load Config Viewer
* PE Editor
* PE Section Viewer
* Processes and Modules Manager
* Remove Base Relocations
* Resource Viewer
* TimeDateStamp Adjuster
* TLS Editor


532098613 发表于 2011-2-28 15:46
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lucifer2046 发表于 2011-2-28 19:35
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