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[Debuggers] Immunity Debugger 1.80 released

system98 发表于 2010-12-8 18:50
“Immunity Debugger is a powerful new way to write exploits, analyze malware, and reverse engineer binary files. It builds on a solid user interface with function graphing, the industry’s first heap analysis tool built specifically for heap creation, and a large and well supported Python API for easy extensibility.“
This is the official change log:
New Features:

Analysis engine for converting x86 code to SMT formulae (see Libs/x86smt/sequenceanalyzer.py). For now we use CVC3 to provide the backend SMT solver API. (You must add Libs/x86smt/ to your PATH as two required dlls reside there).
Preliminary DEPLIB v2 scripts built on top of the above analysis engine for finding ROP gadgets (see PyCommands/deplib/findpivot.py and PyCommands/deplib/find_gadget.py).
Early versions of libraries for building static analysis tools on top of ID (See Libs/pathgenerator.py). These are independent of the x86smt libraries but combinations of both can work well (see Libs/x86smt/pathwalker.py, PyCommands/x86smt/find_int_overflow.py and PyCommands/pathogen.py).
Bug Fixes:

The advertisements have been tamed somewhat and have a 78% lower chance of popping out and tearing your eyes out.
Lots of other cleanups and annoyance removals that we didn’t make note of but probably should have for a more impressive looking ‘Bug Fixes’ list.
This looks like an awesome release and we are downloading it just as we are writing this!

Download the Immunity Debugger v1.80 (ImmunityDebugger_1_80_setup.exe) here.



Hmily 发表于 2010-12-8 19:00
Immunity Debugger 好久没更新了,等绿色版!
KuNgBiM 发表于 2010-12-8 20:27
本帖最后由 KuNgBiM 于 2010-12-8 20:32 编辑

ringant 发表于 2010-12-13 02:02
neemone 发表于 2010-12-13 22:51
Skyfly 发表于 2011-1-25 00:02
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