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Auto Debug for Net 1.5 cracked-tsrh

Hmily 发表于 2010-9-13 18:29

Auto Debug for .Net is used to trace the .Net target program automatically, record the results of input and return value during call functions. Auto analyse the target program, auto display and trace the export functions of classes. OverviewAuto Debug for .Net is an auto-tracing tool of software. User can set breakpoints, this application will auto trace the target program and record the input and return value of function call. Therefore, the software can help programmer analysis errors, process inside the target program, especially help the programmer analysis the sequences and parameters of the function call. FunctionsSupport VB.NET, C#, and all managed programs. Recording input parameters and return value of the functions which are set breakpoints in the target program. Therefore, not need to compile the source code, you can monitor the input and return value of functions. Supporting debug version and release version, not need source code. Supporting multithread. Through displaying sequence chart, easy get sequence relationship between all the threads. Support attach feature. It's not only to trace application but also can tracing WebService. Requirements Must install .Net Platform. Requirements: .Net Platform What's New: Add New Feature.




411 KB, 下载次数: 6, 下载积分: 吾爱币 -1 CB


abe520 发表于 2010-9-13 20:43
沙发  来学习可是还没到那个层层
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