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[Packers] Themida/WinLicense v2.1.2.0 released

Hmily 发表于 2010-5-2 00:19
ThemIDA [] (30-Mar-2010)
[+] Improved compatibility in internal variables engine with specific applications  
[+] Improved resource compression for applications with already compressed resources  
[+] Improved API-Wrapping handling in applications with big amount of imported APIs  
[+] Improved Virtual Machine environment detection  
[+] Added option in Themida config file to use paths relatives to the project file  
[+] Added support for Director 11.5 applications  
[+] Improved virtualization of Bit Test opcodes  
[+] Improved option ImplicitImport in SecureEngine config  
[+] Optimized API-Wrapper for AutoIt applications  
[+] Added option to strip exports table in SecureEngine Config panel  
[+] XBundler: Added internal option to specify the CLSID of embedded DLLs to check for registration in ActiveX configuration  
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific Flash applications  
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility for .NET applications with ELEVATECREATEPROCESS flag under Windows 7  
[+] XBundler: Improved "Extract always" option  
[!] Fixed virtualization of BTR/BTS dword  
[!] Fixed very random bug with API-Wrapper Level 2 on specific computers  
[!] Fixed support with JCLDebug  
[!] Fixed issue with prefetch queue on i7/i9 processors  
[!] Fixed protection of specific .NET applications  
[!] Fixed ExitProcess code for .NET applications  
[!] Fixed introduced bug in previous version for specific VB applications  
[!] Fixed random bug in compression engine for specific applications  
[!] Minor bugs fixed


WinLicense [] (30-Mar-2010)
[+] Added option to Import/Export projects to XML format  
[+] Improved multi-license checking  
[+] Changed logic for WLRegGetLicenseInfo, it now gets the license information even if license is expired  
[+] Improved compatibility in internal variables engine with specific applications  
[+] Improved resource compression for applications with already compressed resources  
[+] Improved API-Wrapping handling in applications with big amount of imported APIs  
[+] Improved Virtual Machine environment detection  
[+] Added API: WLRegGetLicenseType to know the type of the current license  
[+] Added license counter in License Manager  
[+] Added support for Director 11.5 applications  
[+] Improved virtualization of Bit Test opcodes  
[+] Improved detection of U3 drives  
[+] Improved processing of TrialStatus and RegStatus when the application expires after several days on memory  
[+] Improved option ImplicitImport in SecureEngine config  
[+] Improved Unicode SmartKeys support in .NET applications  
[+] Optimized API-Wrapper for AutoIt applications  
[+] Added option to strip exports table in SecureEngine Config panel  
[+] Removed 2Kb limit reading strings from WinlicenseSDK.ini  
[+] XBundler: Added internal option to specify the CLSID of embedded DLLs to check for registration in ActiveX configuration  
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific Flash applications  
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility for .NET applications with ELEVATECREATEPROCESS flag under Windows 7  
[+] XBundler: Improved "Extract always" option  
[!] Fixed virtualization of BTR/BTS dword  
[!] Fixed very random bug with API-Wrapper Level 2 on specific computers  
[!] Fixed support with JCLDebug  
[!] Fixed issue with prefetch queue on i7/i9 processors  
[!] Fixed exception in specific license generators when running under restricted user accounts  
[!] Fixed generation of licenses with "Install before Date" from the "License Manager" panel  
[!] Fixed protection of specific .NET applications  
[!] Fixed ExitProcess code for .NET applications  
[!] Fixed introduced bug in previous version for specific VB applications  
[!] Fixed random bug in compression engine for specific applications  
[!] Minor bugs fixed



793802511 发表于 2010-5-2 00:29
sjclch 发表于 2010-8-10 09:01

习惯 发表于 2011-6-23 19:27
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