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[Disassemblers] ReFox XII (Version 12 Visual FoxPro Decompiler)

Hmily 发表于 2010-2-25 10:34

(version 12.0)

Decompiler and Brander for FoxPro and Visual FoxPro
FoxBASE+, FoxPro 1.*- 2.6, Visual FoxPro 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0

ReFox is a multi-purpose and easy-to-use utility for viewing and restoring source code from Visual FoxPro 9.0, VFP 8.0, VFP 7.0, VFP 6.0, VFP 5.0, VFP 3.0, FoxPro 2.x, FoxPro 1 and FoxBASE+ compiled modules and executables. The ReFox decompiler is able to decompile standard and encrypted Fox compiled modules for the purpose of source code recovery /* caution */.

ReFox is invaluable in situations where the source code is lost or damaged or if it uncertain that the source code matches the compiled application.

ReFox also provides a mechanism for branding Visual FoxPro and FoxPro 2.x application to protect it from unwanted decompilation. (see protection / branding)

The ReFox decompiler reconstructs source code by splitting an APP, EXE or DLL file into components and further decompiling the compiled modules and producing custom formatted source code, which is functionally the same as the original, including the names of variables, procedures, functions and other program elements.

The ReFox built-in compiler and builder builds applications from project files (.pjx/.pjt) and compiles all VFP source code. The generated compiled code is equivalent to VFP9 compiled code including debug informations. The built-in compiler can be used to synchronize METHODS and OBJCODE fields in .vcx and .scx after source code in METHODS was decompiled from OBJCODE.




200133088 发表于 2010-2-25 13:04
看不懂 ,也支持下吧
huyufeng 发表于 2010-2-25 22:25
lyliucn 发表于 2010-2-27 22:08
shenlong2006 发表于 2014-4-2 15:41
arthurchen 发表于 2014-4-12 22:46
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