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[Packers] Themida v2.1.1.0

Hmily 发表于 2009-12-29 03:26
ThemIDA Advanced Windows Software Protection System v2.1.1.0

Themida - is a powerful protection system designed for software developers who want to protect their applications against advanced reverse engineering and hacking programs. Developers do not have to change anything in their code, or programming, to protect their applications with Themida.

Themida uses SecureEngine ® protection technology, which allows code to run the program at the highest level of priority for the application of the best protection technologies, and this protects any application with a high level of security.

Here are just a few security features Themida:
- Multi-level encryption to protect code and data in the appendix.
- Advanced detection of cracking service programs.
- Execution of code at a high level of priority for the application of the best protection technologies.
- Protection against all programs disassembly and troubleshooting.
- Erases executable code, data and API in the application in order to avoid any possible reconstruction of the original application.
- SDK offers two-way communication with SecureEngine ® and secure applications.
- Advanced technology makes it possible to prevent the dumping from memory to disk.
- Fully customizable protection options and dialogs.

Themida offers a wide range of options and features to create both trial and registered versions of applications. Developers can communicate with Themida to check the current status of the trial and registered versions of their applications with full SDK. Themida also offers automatic control of all possible situations, such as: expiration of a license, damage, licenses, etc., that will save developers time and costs for inclusion of additional code in their applications.

Themida [] (18-Dec-2009)
Fully working set of one file: Themida 2.1.1 + lpk.dll + TMlicense.dat + add. Files

List of changes:
Internal changes in protection engine
Tested against .NET framework 4 beta
Improved compatibility with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro mixing VM and ENCODE macros
Improved TLS handling in specific Delphi/BCB applications
Added compatibility in .NET applications with ELEVATECREATEPROCESS flag under Windows 7
Improved handling of DLLs with only ordinals in export table
Improved compression with StopMerging option enabled
Improved handling of IAT in specific C++ Builder 2010 applications
Improved parsing of Visual Basic macros
Improved processing of CodeReplace macros in applications with multiple code sections
Improved option "StopMerging" in SecureEngine
Added SecureEngine Config option "XBundlerActiveXcheck"
Improved concurrent projects protection via command line
Added command line parameter "\q" to avoid displaying protection output
XBundler: Improved cleaning of bundled DLLs in .NET applications
XBundler: Improved "ActiveX support" for specific OCXs/DLLs
XBundler: Improved option "Extract to disk"
XBundler: Added feature to skip specific DLLs from ActiveX registration
Fixed API-Wrapper Level 2 for applications with ordinal imports from Kernel32.dll
Fixed Overlay issue with Hide from PE-Scanners option
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY with DLL relocations
Fixed antidump-VM in applications with mixed managed and unmanaged code
Fixed compatibility issue with specific antidump-VM in some DLLs
Fixed API-Wrapping of SendNotifyMessageW in specific Windows versions
Fixed Anti-File Patching in specific .NET applications running under Windows 2008 (under Chinesse path)
Fixed compatibility in specific .NET applications running under Windows XP Chinesse version
Minor bugs fixed

Size : 12.23 MB






masteraa 发表于 2009-12-29 06:04
繁华、最寂寞 发表于 2009-12-29 08:32
innovation 发表于 2009-12-29 10:28
gsmcall 发表于 2009-12-29 10:56
wuqing1501 发表于 2009-12-29 11:31
太好了 刚开坛  有这么多好东西啊
frozenrain 发表于 2009-12-29 11:41
st123 发表于 2009-12-29 12:20
bush273 发表于 2009-12-29 12:31
why  when  i  run  Themida v2.1.1.0 it do  not respond?
i can see it that has  been  executed  in  task  manager but  not  any  window
is  there  anyway  to  solve  the  problem please?
roxiel 发表于 2009-12-29 13:56
本帖最后由 roxiel 于 2009-12-29 14:16 编辑

9# bush273

I've just found that

it doesn't  work .....
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