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[.NET] Red Gate's .NET Reflector

Hmily 发表于 2009-7-29 16:57
Red Gate's .NET Reflector description

Explore, browse, and analyze .NET assemblies

.NET Reflector enables you to easily view, navigate, and search through, the class hierarchies of .NET assemblies, even if you don't have the code for them. With it, you can decompile and analyze .NET assemblies in C#, Visual Basic, and IL.

Take Red Gate's .NET Reflector for a test drive to see what it can actualy do for you!

Here are some key features of "Red Gate's .NET Reflector":

· Explore .NET assemblies in an easy-to-understand, natural way
· Understand the relationships between classes and methods
· Find where types are instantiated and exposed
· Check that your code has been correctly obfuscated before release
· 30 Add-Ins available for free


· NET Framework 1.0 or later
· 128 MB RAM
· 10 MB hard disk space


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