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[其他原创] 【Excel】一键批量发送邮件-支持多收件抄送人支持附件

lxs52 发表于 2023-2-23 15:01


  1. 支持一键全部发送
  2. 支持自定义单独发送
  3. 支持多收件人
  4. 支持多抄送人
  5. 支持签名(可以自定义修改VB代码)
  6. 支持多附件(最多五个)


Microsoft Office 2019


[Visual Basic] 纯文本查看 复制代码
Private Const COMMA_EN As String = ","
Private Const SEMICOLON_EN As String = ";"
Private Const AT_EN As String = "@"
Private Const EXCEL_FORMAT As String = ".xlsx"

Sub BatchSendEmail()
    Dim lastLine As Integer '查询所有邮件数据总条数
    lastLine = ActiveSheet.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row '最后一行
    If lastLine < 3 Then
        Dim notFindError As Integer
        notFindError = MsgBox("未发现要发送的邮件列表", vbYes, "提示")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' 获取邮件列表 Sheet
    Set mailSheet = Sheets("批量发送邮件")
    ' 声明邮件属性列
    Dim startLine As Integer, sendTagNum As Integer, toNum As Integer, cCNum As Integer, subjectNum As Integer, bodyNum As Integer
    Dim attachmentsPath As String, statisticsEmailNum As Integer, errorCode As Integer
    Dim attachment01Num As Integer, attachment02Num As Integer, attachment03Num As Integer, attachment04Num As Integer, attachment05Num As Integer
    sendTagNum = 1
    toNum = 3                           ' 收件人
    cCNum = toNum + 1                   ' 抄送
    subjectNum = toNum + 2              ' 主题
    bodyNum = toNum + 3                 ' 正文
    attachmentsPath = Trim(AttachmentsPath_Label.Caption)
    attachment01Num = toNum + 4         ' 附件
    attachment02Num = toNum + 5         ' 附件
    attachment03Num = toNum + 6         ' 附件
    attachment04Num = toNum + 7         ' 附件
    attachment05Num = toNum + 8         ' 附件
    statisticsEmailNum = 0              ' 统计待发送邮件数量
    ' 检查数据
    For startLine = 3 To lastLine Step 1

        ' 检查 发送状态
        Dim sendTag As String
        sendTag = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, sendTagNum).value
        If Trim(sendTag) <> "是" Then
            GoTo here
        End If
        statisticsEmailNum = statisticsEmailNum + 1
        ' 检查 收件人
        Dim toEmails As String
        toEmails = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, toNum).value)
        If Len(toEmails) = 0 Then
            Dim toEmailsPathError As Integer
            toEmailsPathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行收件人是空", vbYes, "提示")
            mailSheet.Cells(startLine, toNum).Select
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' 检查 收件人邮箱格式
        Dim toEmailItem() As String
        toEmailItem = Split(toEmails, SEMICOLON_EN)
        Dim i
        For i = 0 To UBound(toEmailItem)
            If InStr(toEmailItem(i), AT_EN) = 0 Then
                Dim toEmailsFormatError As Integer
                toEmailsFormatError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行收件人邮箱格式不正确", vbYes, "提示")
                mailSheet.Cells(startLine, toNum).Select
                Exit Sub
            End If

        ' 检查 抄送人邮箱格式
        Dim cCEmails As String
        cCEmails = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, cCNum).value
        If Len(Trim(cCEmails)) <> 0 Then
            Dim cCEmailItem() As String
            cCEmailItem = Split(cCEmails, SEMICOLON_EN)
            Dim cCEmailItemNum
            For cCEmailItemNum = 0 To UBound(cCEmailItem)
                If InStr(cCEmailItem(cCEmailItemNum), AT_EN) = 0 Then
                    Dim cCEmailsFormatError As Integer
                    cCEmailsFormatError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行抄送人邮箱格式不正确", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, cCNum).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
        End If

        ' 检查 主题
        Dim emailSubject As String
        emailSubject = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, subjectNum).value
        If Len(Trim(emailSubject)) = 0 Then
            Dim emailSubjectError As Integer
            emailSubjectError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行主题是空的", vbYes, "提示")
            mailSheet.Cells(startLine, subjectNum).Select
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' 检查 正文
        Dim emailBody As String
        emailBody = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, bodyNum).value
        If Len(Trim(emailBody)) = 0 Then
            Dim emailBodyError As Integer
            emailBodyError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件内容是空的", vbYes, "提示")
            mailSheet.Cells(startLine, bodyNum).Select
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' 检查 附件
        If Len(attachmentsPath) <> 0 Then
            Dim everyFilePath As String, everyFilePathError As Integer, attachment01Name As String, attachment02Name As String, attachment03Name As String, attachment04Name As String, attachment05Name As String

            ' 第一个附件
            attachment01Name = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment01Num).value)
            If Len(attachment01Name) <> 0 Then
                everyFilePath = Dir(attachmentsPath & "\" & mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment01Num) & EXCEL_FORMAT)
                If everyFilePath = "" Then
                    everyFilePathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件附件没有找到", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment01Num).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If

            ' 第二个附件
            attachment02Name = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment02Num).value)
            If Len(attachment02Name) <> 0 Then
                everyFilePath = Dir(attachmentsPath & "\" & mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment02Num) & EXCEL_FORMAT)
                If everyFilePath = "" Then
                    everyFilePathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件附件-2没有找到", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment02Num).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If

            ' 第三个附件
            attachment03Name = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment03Num).value)
            If Len(attachment03Name) <> 0 Then
                everyFilePath = Dir(attachmentsPath & "\" & mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment03Num) & EXCEL_FORMAT)
                If everyFilePath = "" Then
                    everyFilePathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件附件-3没有找到", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment03Num).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
            ' 第四个附件
            attachment04Name = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment04Num).value)
            If Len(attachment04Name) <> 0 Then
                everyFilePath = Dir(attachmentsPath & "\" & mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment04Num) & EXCEL_FORMAT)
                If everyFilePath = "" Then
                    everyFilePathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件附件-4没有找到", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment04Num).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If

            ' 第五个附件
            attachment05Name = Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment05Num).value)
            If Len(attachment05Name) <> 0 Then
                everyFilePath = Dir(attachmentsPath & "\" & mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment05Num) & EXCEL_FORMAT)
                If everyFilePath = "" Then
                    everyFilePathError = MsgBox("第 " & startLine & " 行邮件附件-5没有找到", vbYes, "提示")
                    mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment05Num).Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
        End If

    ' 判断是否存在待发送邮件
    If statisticsEmailNum = 0 Then
        errorCode = MsgBox("没有要发送的邮件数据, 可以修改是否发送状态", vbYes, "提示")
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim signHtml As String '定义签名
    signHtml = "<div><br></div><div><br></div><div style='position:relative;zoom:1'>" & _
    "<div align='left' style='line-height: normal;'><font color='#000000' face='SimSun' size='3'><strong>公司名称 </strong></font></div>" & _
    "<div align='left' style='line-height: normal;'><font color='#000000'><span class='short_text' id='result_box' lang='en' ei='4' ec='undefined'><span><font face='SimSun' size='3'><strong>Human Resources / 人力资源部</strong></font></span></span></font><font face='SimSun' size='3'><strong></strong></font></div>" & _
    "<div align='left' style='line-height: normal;'><font face='SimSun' size='3'><strong>Tel/电话:+86(0371)123456</strong></font></div>" & _
    "<div align='left' style='line-height: normal;'><font face='SimSun' size='3'><strong>Mp/手机:+86 17701234567</strong></font></div>" & _
    "<div align='left' style='line-height: normal;'><font face='SimSun' size='3'><strong>Email/邮箱:<a href='mailto:p-e.officer@dx-home.com' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>youxiang@163.com</a></strong></font></div>" & _
    "<div style='clear:both'></div>" & _
    signHtml = " "

    ' 开始循环发送邮件 第3行开始
    Dim sendEmailNum As Integer
    sendEmailNum = 0
    For startLine = 3 To lastLine Step 1

        ' 检查 发送状态
        Dim runSendTag As String
        runSendTag = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, sendTagNum).value
        If Trim(runSendTag) <> "是" Then
            GoTo runHere
        End If
        sendEmailNum = sendEmailNum + 1

        ' 声明 Outlook
        Dim Mail As Outlook.Application
        Set Mail = New Outlook.Application

        ' 声明 Outlook MailItem
        Dim olMailItemLiu As Outlook.MailItem
        Set olMailItemLiu = Mail.CreateItem(olMailItem)
        ' 收件人
        olMailItemLiu.To = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, toNum) '收件人

        ' 抄送
        If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 2)) <> 0 Then
            olMailItemLiu.CC = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, cCNum)
        End If

        ' 主题
        olMailItemLiu.Subject = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, subjectNum)

        ' 正文
        olMailItemLiu.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        olMailItemLiu.HTMLBody = mailSheet.Cells(startLine, bodyNum) & signHtml

        ' 附件
        If Len(attachmentsPath) <> 0 Then
            If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 7)) <> 0 Then
                olMailItemLiu.Attachments.Add attachmentsPath & "\" & Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment01Num).value) & EXCEL_FORMAT
            End If

            If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 8)) <> 0 Then
                olMailItemLiu.Attachments.Add attachmentsPath & "\" & Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment02Num)) & EXCEL_FORMAT
            End If

            If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 9)) <> 0 Then
                olMailItemLiu.Attachments.Add attachmentsPath & "\" & Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment03Num)) & EXCEL_FORMAT
            End If

            If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 10)) <> 0 Then
                olMailItemLiu.Attachments.Add attachmentsPath & "\" & Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment04Num)) & EXCEL_FORMAT
            End If

            If Len(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, 11)) <> 0 Then
                olMailItemLiu.Attachments.Add attachmentsPath & "\" & Trim(mailSheet.Cells(startLine, attachment05Num)) & EXCEL_FORMAT
            End If
        End If

        olMailItemLiu.Display '启动Outlook发送窗口
        olMailItemLiu.Send '执行发送
    Dim sendEmailSuccess As Integer
    sendEmailSuccess = MsgBox("共发送邮件:" & sendEmailNum & "  封", vbYes, "邮件发送完成")
End Sub

' 全部发送 按钮状态
Private Sub AllSendTag_CheckBox_Click()
'     MsgBox AllSendTag_CheckBox.value
    Dim lastLine As Integer '查询所有邮件数据总条数
    lastLine = ActiveSheet.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row '最后一行
    If lastLine < 3 Then
        Dim notFindError As Integer
        notFindError = MsgBox("未发现要发送的邮件列表", vbYes, "提示")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim sendTag As String
    If AllSendTag_CheckBox.value Then
        sendTag = "是"
        sendTag = "否"
    End If
    For startLine = 3 To lastLine Step 1
        Range("A" & startLine).value = sendTag
        ' If sendTag = "是" Then
            'Range("A" & startLine).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
            'Range("A" & startLine).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
        'End If
End Sub

' 选择附件文件路径
Sub ChooseFilePath()
    Dim l As Long
    Dim path As String
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        If .Show = -1 Then
            AttachmentsPath_Label.Caption = .SelectedItems(1)
        End If
    End With
End Sub

工具表-批量发送带附件的邮件.zip (34.57 KB, 下载次数: 137)


参与人数 3吾爱币 +2 热心值 +2 收起 理由
mmm8wwwwww + 1 + 1 非常实用!好东西啊。
ppxkk + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
gaoxiaoao + 1 谢谢@Thanks!




jjp816 发表于 2023-7-21 17:51
挺好 ,但是 为什么报  第三行找不到 附件? 我已经指定文件夹。附件名称 1.txr  2.txt 。
mmm8wwwwww 发表于 2023-10-20 21:12
huaxincanmeng 发表于 2023-2-24 19:24
weidonglee 发表于 2023-2-25 23:08
aalei520 发表于 2023-2-26 18:51
Tan95 发表于 2023-2-28 09:27
bilboy 发表于 2023-3-2 09:13
xiaomingtt 发表于 2023-3-2 16:19
ns1002 发表于 2023-3-15 14:38
chz888 发表于 2023-5-21 00:22
dy1019 发表于 2023-6-28 13:18
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