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[Unpackers] Universal AutoIT Extractor and De-obfuscator

风吹屁屁凉 发表于 2022-3-8 15:18
本帖最后由 风吹屁屁凉 于 2022-3-8 15:21 编辑

Before use this tool I must warn you, that this tool should be used in VM (Virtual Machine), you can use it on a real OS, but I won't be responsible for any damage! You take responsibility for using this tool.

Also, some of the tools used are detected and blocked by some AV, so, please consider use the VM (eventually with AV disabled), or disable the AV for your own risk, if it won't work with any AutoIT compiled programs.

Q: Is the restarting the OS is really needed?
Reboot the OS is really needed

A: Yes, for firmly protected programs restarting the OS is really needed because of the missing device, the device will be available after restarting the OS. So, also because of that you should use the VM, instead of real OS.

Before restarting the OS, script adds itself to the run section for current user, so, it will be automatically executed after the OS starting again with current file to extract.
If you want to remove the the auto-execution after OS restarting, just execute it again and close - it will delete the run entry. For example, if you change decision.

I saw that some scripts after extraction has some function with random name before the "#NoTrayIcon", you need to comment it or delete, if the script does not work after compilation.

By the way, I added that now it saves All Resources of *.exe to a *.res file - use the "Resource Hacker" after re-compilation, to import all resources from extracted *.res file (with overwrite) for the newly compiled file.

Please take in mind that some AutoIT compiled programs can be dangerous for your OS and/or for the files you have!



参与人数 1吾爱币 +1 热心值 +1 收起 理由
Roy430699 + 1 + 1 我很赞同!



ZeNiX 发表于 2022-3-9 16:25

我们最好提防它偷偷安装什么服务或驱动? 或是偷偷修改我们系统。



参与人数 1吾爱币 +1 热心值 +1 收起 理由
风吹屁屁凉 + 1 + 1 感谢您的宝贵建议,我们会努力争取做得更好!


redapple2015 发表于 2022-3-8 16:21
chishingchan 发表于 2022-3-9 12:43
cyantea 发表于 2022-3-10 09:18
感谢提醒@ZeNiX @redapple2015
小小随 发表于 2022-3-10 11:48
ZeNiX 发表于 2022-3-9 16:25


github 没有源代码吧?


谢谢提醒,我去下载了 Source Code 回来看,确实里面放的不是源代码。  详情 回复 发表于 2022-3-10 16:40
ZeNiX 发表于 2022-3-10 16:40
小小随 发表于 2022-3-10 11:48
github 没有源代码吧?

谢谢提醒,我去下载了 Source Code 回来看,确实里面放的不是源代码。
gejiziliao 发表于 2022-5-11 02:06
冥界3大法王 发表于 2022-5-11 09:04
本帖最后由 冥界3大法王 于 2022-5-11 09:07 编辑

星空あおあのtom 发表于 2022-7-29 10:02
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