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[.NET] .NET Obfusasm

LCG 发表于 2011-7-26 18:27
本帖最后由 LCG 于 2011-7-26 18:27 编辑

NET Obfusasm
.NET Framework Obfuscator
DevExtras .NET Obfuscator is a simple yet advanced obfuscation tool for the .NET framework.

What is Obfuscation?
Obfuscation protects your intellectual property by making it incredibly difficult for others to reverse-engineer your software. By its very nature .NET applications are very easily decompiled.

None-obfuscated .NET applications can be compared to an unlocked car with the keys left in the ignition. If someone wants to steal it, it's pretty easy for them to do so.

Obfuscated .NET applications are more comparable to a locked car that's kept in a high security car park. It could still be stolen but it would take a considerable amount of time, skill and effort to do so.

Why DevExtras .NET Obfusasm?
DevExtras .NET Obfuscator allows you to protect your assemblies by using a variety of advanced obfuscation techniques and is very easy to integrate into your release process. The assemblies are obfuscated after compilation as part of the build process so your development process is completely unaffected. Assemblies can be obfuscated either via the GUI or the command line.

Obfuscation techniques

* Symbol Renaming Obfuscation
This is the most basic but effective method of obfuscation. The names of classes, methods, properties and fields are automatically renamed making their purpose difficult to understand and navigation awkward.
* Code Control Flow Obfuscation
The code inside classes/methods is converted to 'spaghetti code'. Logic based traps are also added. This alone will crash most decompilers.
* String Encryption and Compression
String based data within the assembly is encrypted and compressed.
* Constant Literal Pruning
Non-essential metadata that could be used to reverse engineer the assembly is removed as well as providing improved protection for the assembly it also reduces the assemblies size.
* Method Name Overload Induction
Methods with different parameters are renamed with the same name. This is an enhanced form of symbol renaming obfuscation that makes the code even harder to understand as different methods that form different functions end up with the same names.
* Anti-Reflector/DILSM
The assemblies are modified so that reverse engineering tools such as .Net Reflector will be unable to decompile the assembly and in most cases crash.
* XML Documentation Filtering
XML documentation is by default created as part of the visual studio build process. Non-essential XML documentation is automatically removed.
* Automatic Strong Name Signing
After obfuscation, if the assembly has a strong name applied, the the assembly will automatically be re-signed.
* Satellite Resource Embedding
Satellite resources used for multi-region language support, can optionally be embedded and obfuscated into the main assembly.

Other Features

* Consistent Symbol Renaming
Obfusasm maintains a database of symbol names. This allows the same symbol name mapping to be re-used in subsequent releases and eliminates the need for mapping files to be generated for each release of your software.
* Intelligent Symbol Exclusion
Assemblies are automatically scanned for serialization and reflection. If these are detected, then symbol renaming exclusions will be automatically applied to prevent application instability.
* Manual Symbol Exclusion
In addition to the automatic exclusions, exclusions can be specified manually.
* Stack Trace Translation
Once obfuscation has occurred, any stack traces/exception messages will no longer be in a human readable format. This functionality allows the stack traces to be converted back to a human readable format.
* Full GUI based interface
A full GUI is provided to both obfuscate files and configure the obfuscation options.
* Command line support
Files can be obfuscated via the command line; the GUI can be used to create configuration and batch files to do this for you.

.NET Framework
DevExtras .NET Obfuscator supports the following .NET frameworks:

* .NET Framework versions 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0
* .NET Compact Framework versions 2.0 and 3.5
* Silverlight assemblies and XAP packages. Supported Silverlight versions are 2, 3 and 4

Free Version
A full 30 day trial is available. After the 30 day trial period expires, Obfusasm will revert to the free edition which only allows symbol renaming and stack trace translation. All advanced features such as string encryption are disabled.



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