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[系统底层] win32笔记九 互斥体 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-23 11:10

huchen 2024-4-23 11:10 9848 sam喵喵 2024-4-25 11:03
[系统底层] win32笔记八 临界区 attachment agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:41

huchen 2024-4-22 00:41 6819 xiaotao921 2024-4-24 14:37
[系统底层] win32笔记七 线程控制 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:36

huchen 2024-4-22 00:36 6680 MJ_B 2024-4-23 11:27
[系统底层] win32笔记六 创建线程 attach_img agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:32

huchen 2024-4-22 00:32 5619 hjsen 2024-4-24 19:51
[系统底层] win32笔记五 进程相关API attachment recommend agree

huchen2024-4-22 00:22

huchen 2024-4-22 00:22 5556 Yifan2007 2024-4-23 11:15
[系统底层] win32笔记四 句柄表 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-19 10:17

huchen 2024-4-19 10:17 9787 sws323 2024-4-24 08:09
[系统底层] win32笔记三 创建进程 attachment recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:40

huchen 2024-4-16 22:40 231316 zttcn2000 2024-4-19 17:04
[系统底层] win32笔记二 进程的创建过程 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:19

huchen 2024-4-16 22:19 61095 Yukismimi 2024-4-18 21:00
[系统底层] win32学习笔记一 win32 API的宽字符 attach_img recommend agree

huchen2024-4-16 22:10

huchen 2024-4-16 22:10 71222 609shen 2024-4-25 23:22
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of storm 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-25 16:11

kn0sky 2024-1-25 16:11 82953 Ckis203 2024-3-17 13:13
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:largebin attack 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-22 16:06

kn0sky 2024-1-22 16:06 132551 DaneCheng 2024-2-4 18:18
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of roman(超详细) 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-19 17:40

kn0sky 2024-1-19 17:40 82770 xu125716 2024-3-19 17:34
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:fastbin dup 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-19 14:02

kn0sky 2024-1-19 14:02 22048 FelixLee 2024-1-20 11:35
[系统底层] 堆利用详解:the house of rabbit(超详细) 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-18 14:52

kn0sky 2024-1-18 14:52 92615 xiaohong 2024-4-8 06:12
[系统底层] IOFile学习及其作用和应用 新人帖 recommend agree

helloxyj2024-1-8 14:33

helloxyj 2024-1-8 14:33 31433 风之子martin 2024-1-11 11:06
[系统底层] 堆利用学习:the house of force 优秀文章 recommend agree

kn0sky2024-1-8 14:18

kn0sky 2024-1-8 14:18 92500 wuai123456 2024-3-27 20:25
[系统底层] 堆利用学习:the house of einherjar 优秀文章 agree

kn0sky2024-1-5 15:10

kn0sky 2024-1-5 15:10 172718 qmalzpbhugt 2024-3-28 12:21
[系统底层] win10-win11进程隐藏小技巧 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

Panel2023-12-8 11:05

Panel 吾是土豪 2023-12-8 11:05 26213557 hjsen 2024-4-21 20:48
[系统底层] [Linux kernel 漏洞复现]CVE-2016-5195 优秀文章 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-12-7 10:36

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-12-7 10:36 444715 biedaliana 2024-1-12 14:13
[系统底层] Linux Kernel-SLUB分配器 digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-7-18 23:14

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-7-18 23:14 356115 shirlonm 2023-12-13 22:50
[系统底层] malloc&free源码浅析 digest recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-5-22 19:55

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-5-22 19:55 316347 Fixbluesky 2023-11-27 15:30
[系统底层] [D^3CTF2023]d3kcache: 从 null-byte cross-cache overflow 到任意物理内存读写 digest recommend agree

arttnba32023-5-12 03:50

arttnba3 论坛大牛 2023-5-12 03:50 216297 chuan9 2023-11-21 03:05
[系统底层] [Windows Rootkits学习]第二弹:派遣函数、驱动对象设备对象和传输机制探秘! recommend agree

N1nEmAn2023-4-21 17:11

N1nEmAn 2023-4-21 17:11 42574 N1nEmAn 2023-4-23 11:17
[系统底层] “可过PG”的驱动伪装与隐藏 优秀文章 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

ICEY2023-4-19 01:13

ICEY 论坛大牛 2023-4-19 01:13 8212360 fhy9998 2024-2-24 20:49
[系统底层] [Windows Rootkits学习]Windows驱动程序世界的HelloWorld!准备、运行和调试 attachment agree

N1nEmAn2023-4-17 10:53

N1nEmAn 2023-4-17 10:53 264260 N1nEmAn 2023-4-25 20:05
[系统底层] 【代码注释】无法被检测的DMA物理读写内存设备到底是个啥 agree

笨蛋の猫猫2023-4-2 01:09

笨蛋の猫猫 2023-4-2 01:09 105322 亡心胜利之剑 2023-11-14 09:27
[系统底层] 外挂界的大哥?号称无法被检测的DMA物理读写内存设备到底是个啥 attachment recommend heatlevel agree

最后的戴托纳2023-3-31 03:43

最后的戴托纳 2023-3-31 03:43 16319285 Ghao52 2024-3-14 15:16
[系统底层] 看好了,物理内存是这样用的! attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree

peiwithhao2023-3-19 23:41

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-3-19 23:41 65843066 yjjjrtfk1984229 2024-4-23 14:29
[系统底层] DTrace二次探索 agree

BeneficialWeb2023-3-1 10:28

BeneficialWeb 论坛大牛 2023-3-1 10:28 92975 zjy131458 2023-5-29 09:02
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0xFF-!!完结撒花!! digest recommend heatlevel agree

peiwithhao2023-2-20 22:34

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-20 22:34 28420046 Laojiu_CN 2024-4-9 18:19
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x15-父与子以及管道 attachment recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-20 16:02

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-20 16:02 276015 masterchen1016 2024-3-21 19:22
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x14-同用户对话 attachment recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-18 20:58

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-18 20:58 163916 yangfan567 2023-3-16 20:07
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x13-最后の文件系统 attachment agree

peiwithhao2023-2-16 16:12

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-16 16:12 254000 liqigku 2023-2-24 23:01
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x12-继续完善文件系统 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-15 19:10

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-15 19:10 173624 shuaigewo 2023-3-14 09:25
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x11-实现部分文件操作函数 agree

peiwithhao2023-2-13 17:36

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-13 17:36 143175 tsgg123456 2023-3-7 18:42
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x10-初始化文件系统基本结构 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-10 19:56

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-10 19:56 72995 hjw01 2023-2-14 17:24
[系统底层] Win10 x64 APC的分析与玩法 attachment digest recommend agree

ICEY2023-2-9 00:11

ICEY 论坛大牛 2023-2-9 00:11 337138 ICEY 2023-4-21 21:14
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0F-实现硬盘分区来装载文件系统 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-2-9 00:09

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-9 00:09 133639 Wwp780620 2023-4-1 16:30
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0E-实现多种系统调用 agree

peiwithhao2023-2-3 23:08

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-3 23:08 93620 zkl512008 2023-2-16 20:16
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0D-实现用户进程及其调度 agree

peiwithhao2023-2-1 21:05

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-2-1 21:05 203327 csgo8542L 2023-2-5 23:31
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0C-实现包含锁的IO机制 agree

peiwithhao2023-1-29 23:20

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-29 23:20 184325 aqin5014 2023-10-5 08:37
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0B-实现内核多线程机制 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-24 16:20

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-24 16:20 344322 newcool88 2024-4-7 20:26
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x0A-内存支配者(手动狗头 agree

peiwithhao2023-1-19 18:26

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-19 18:26 163628 freelad 2023-3-19 10:41
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x09-实现传说中的中断机制 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-15 23:43

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-15 23:43 385107 catoo1 2023-6-9 20:29
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x08-实现自己的打印函数 agree

peiwithhao2023-1-11 20:37

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-11 20:37 93984 pj_soup 2023-3-7 10:33
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x07-载入初始内核以及特权级详解 agree

peiwithhao2023-1-9 17:48

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-9 17:48 84083 nobyes 2023-3-27 09:38
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x06-实现内存分页 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-7 15:20

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-7 15:20 143462 pj_soup 2023-3-7 10:35
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x05-检查内存容量 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-6 12:11

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-6 12:11 253943 2009womende 2023-7-31 23:56
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x04-进入保护模式 优秀文章 recommend agree

peiwithhao2023-1-3 22:07

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2023-1-3 22:07 467086 MMB 2024-3-30 23:23
[系统底层] 从0到-1写一个操作系统-0x03-MBR操作硬盘以及Loader attachment recommend agree

peiwithhao2022-12-30 15:03

peiwithhao 论坛大牛 2022-12-30 15:03 204004 MFAN 2023-3-10 19:26
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