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[Network Analyzer] IEInspector HTTP Analyzer Full Edition v5.2.1

sekmart 发表于 2009-12-17 11:54
Version (18/12/2009)

Improved: In the previous builds, The "File->Export response content to dir..."" action will export all captured files to a flat directory, while the current build will export the whole page with directory structures.

Improved: Update Java demo's JACOB library to version 1.15.

Fixed: The clock is not synchronized with the operating system.

Fixed: Automation library bug, IRequest.PostData will add an extra null  (0 character).

Fixed: Automation library bug, The value of IResponseContent.IsFromCache is invalid.

Fixed: Automation library bug, The value of IResponseContent.IsFromCache is invalid.

Fixed: Automation library bug, The UngroupedPage contains the garbage data which has been deleted



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