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[会员申请] 申请会员ID: xiongzhend

吾爱游客  发表于 2019-3-6 15:49
1、申 请 I D:xiongzhend

The challenges blockchain development faces right now can be boiled down to one word — inefficiency. Inefficiencies of transformative tech have historic consequences: witness the still only 15% efficient combustion engine. Less obvious, but arguably as limiting, is the inefficiency of the telecom industry, its inability to scale and upgrade.Industries can and do profit from technological inefficiency. However, wasted resources are a net loss for the user and society, granted that it does not take even more resources to streamline that tech.
THE ONLY PATH TO ADVANCEMENTThus the question, “How can blockchain technology become more efficient, while still delivering its benefits of decentralized security and transparency?” Or, to put it another way, “How can blockchain tech become the superior bottom layer solution, embedded in systems and networks for optimum value add?”Currently, a transaction on a blockchain requires confirmation of the entire block. In consumer terms, this is rather like having to grind flour, bake bread, then slaughter and butcher a cow to get a hamburger.Division of labor makes all advancement possible, hence why I have the option of proposing a new blockchain approach, rather than searching for potable water and edible plants to keep body and soul together. The heart of my proposed new approach to blockchain technology assumes that such division of labor will be beneficial to it, as well.A bold assumption, and a challenge to the status quo notion that decentralization depends on independent confirmation of blocks. Hopefully a laughable assumption to blockchain experts, for “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” In any case, my intent is to demonstrate that encryption can be refined to use far fewer resources, making nodes faster and faster, while keeping all the revolutionary benefits of blockchain technology.ISSUE REPORTA decade in to the new era of digital currency, and we’re left with more proof that Moore’s Law is dead, and its ramifications. The Internet had half a billion users ten years after its inception.Rather than argue about blockchain’s institutionalized enemies, let’s look at the issues we can proactively address, for an evolved product whose characteristics make it the rightful foundation of Web 3.0.In this context, a slow transaction process system, with a low number of transactions per second (TPS), results in blockchain-adoption-resistance from organizations who could do most to popularize the technology. The cumbersome synchronization process users face is another key hurdle.The issues stem from a waste of public data and resources. Bitcoin’s blockchain has a block rate of ten minutes, with a stroke rate of 7 per second. Ethereum’s is 25–30, and Ripple’s 1500. There are claims of being able to handle 1000,000, thus far unproven in any real-world application.Why the hangup on TPS? Visa is the recognized gold standard — 24k TPS reliably, and at a level of security the mass market can accept, albeit with much room for improvement. Blockchain’s gold standard, Bitcoin, has an average transaction time of 78 minutes. EOS claims an average time of 0.5 seconds, but still lacks proof of that all-important reliability, as explained in another BAC post.Industry-wide, though, we’re facing a status quo in which fast transactions must be paid for with higher fees, and conundrums vis-à-vis block height vs. block expansion. To look quickly at current efforts to solve the conundrum.CURRENT SOLUTIONSIncreasing block capacity increases TPS, but likewise increases difficulty of synchronization, leading to forks and rollbacks.Lightning/Thunder Network, as Bitcoin and Ethereum solutions, respectively. We can analogize the Lightning Network as Alice the muffin-seller going to Bob’s café, and opening a two-way account requiring both their signatures to authorize. Deposits are made, and transactions are super fast and virtually free, whether Alice is buying coffee or Bob is buying muffins, as it is a simple two-way channel.Where does blockchain immutability come in? Once the channel is closed, the final balance is recorded. Where is the complication? With several-party use cases, wherein one party must require early exit, or wherein there must be several agreements. Chris isn’t buying a muffin and a coffee on that account, unless he’s involved in some cumbersome, unrealistic agreement.The Thunder Network, similarly, involves this sort of side-chain functionality, and requires time and resources to confirm accounts with the main blockchain. Achieving consensus still requires increased costs for speed, and manifests sub-optimal use cases. For example, trading institutions are almost perforce bound to violate the decentralized nature of such a solution, given the necessity of multiple conditionals to execute trades.Sharding, Ethereum’s great light hope, will in principle turn each block into a sub-block chain, which can itself accommodate a theoretical one hundred blocks. These sub-blocks will allow fast and free transaction, and will be confirmed at a later date as part of the main blockchain.Non-technical people may well underestimate the difficulty and risks inherent in the sharding solution, although the latest news that Ethereum will attempt an “initial implementation” in 2020 should give a good clue to the former.As for the risks, the blockchain heights implicit in sharding will mean compromised stability and security. The root technology, which uses random samples to confirm block safety, is not new. Confirming the headers of blocks can be a sufficient solution. However, sharding breaks a big block into many pieces, meaning random confirmed samples are less reliable.In essence, sharding breaks a big block into many small pieces. How does this make things easier, or more efficient? A contained universe, or block, split up into umpteen parallel univereses is not efficiency; it is a typical episode of Rick and Morty.Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS), as an alternative to proof of work consensus (POW), does minimize friction, and reduce the intensive mining resources used in the latter approach. However, reducing confirmation times correlates with increased block production. This can lead to the same difficulties as those mentioned with sharding, above.Furthermore, in order to increase difficulty of user participation, necessary for longer cycles and a stable chain, greater amounts of data must be synchronized, a violation of our proposition that only an efficient solution will do.Tangles and Hashgraphs can both be classified as a directed acylic graph, a long-standing mathematical concept with data processing applications. This means that they are not even truly blockchains, no blocks or mining required. Rather, one might thing of a teacher with an increasing number of students, and papers to grade. Rather than go through each paper herself, she assigns peer-review groups. Each student who turns in a paper must also grade another student’s paper. Now she can grade much more quickly, just enough to ensure the grade has been given fairly.This is indeed an efficient solution, as the more students, or transactions there, the more transactions can be confirmed. Nevertheless, securing these transactions from tampering requires non-standard hash functions that are vulnerable to attack, as exposed by MIT researchers examining DAG project IOTA. Web 3.0 requires untamperable transparency, which can not be sacrificed for the sake of efficiency. The two together are a tall order indeed.Now that the issue of efficiency has been broached, and the current methods to approach it examined, we will be turning to the heart of the challenge, as well as our tree-based solution, in Part II. Stay tuned!


Hmily 发表于 2019-3-7 18:02

丿豪哥 发表于 2019-3-13 14:27
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