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[Windows] [转][开源]Windows11 拖放到任务栏修复 ver.

TES286 发表于 2022-1-2 22:59
本帖最后由 TES286 于 2022-1-2 23:14 编辑

先附GitHub原储存库链接https://github.com/HerMajestyDrMona/Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix (如果好用, 可以到gh给源作者点个star)

windows11目前无法把文件拖到任务栏, 但是这款工具可以帮助实现

程序很小, 双击之后即可

具体原理是模拟用户输入Win+T快捷键进行切换, 并不写注册表, 注入等操作

This program fixes the missing "Drag & Drop to the Taskbar" support in Windows 11. In the best case, such a simple and basic functionality will return to Windows 11 in October 2022 (or never). For now, we have to use workarounds in the OS that was supposed to "empower our productivity".
该程序修复了 Windows 11 中缺少的“拖放到任务栏”支持。在最好的情况下,这样一个简单而基本的功能将在 2022 年 10 月(或永远不会)返回到 Windows 11。 目前,我们必须在操作系统中使用旨在“增强我们的生产力”的变通方法。
Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix works with the new Windows 11 taskbar and does not require nasty changes like UndockingDisabled or restoration of the classic taskbar. It doesn't change any system registry keys (except autostart for itself when manually configured) and does not inject any DLLs to other processes, so it's a very portable solution. This program will not interrupt further windows updates as it doesn't change any system files. It's an independent C++ process that does all the job.
Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix 适用于新的 Windows 11 任务栏,并且不需要像 UndockingDisabled 或经典任务栏的恢复等令人讨厌的更改。 它不会更改任何系统注册表项(手动配置时自动启动除外)并且不会将任何 DLL 注入其他进程,因此它是一个非常便携的解决方案。 该程序不会中断进一步的 Windows 更新,因为它不会更改任何系统文件。 它是一个独立的 C++ 进程,可以完成所有工作。
The program detects if you're currently pressing the Left or the Right Mouse Button and determines which icon on the taskbar you hover the mouse pointer on. If the cursor stays in the same area for definied number of milliseconds - it simulates the Win+T hotkey and arrow keys in order to restore the intended window, using a quite complicated method. It also supports dropping files to the "Show desktop" button (bottom-right of the screen). The program supports multiple screens, auto startup, and has many configuration options (please read below). Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix has no auto-update function and never connects to the Internet, so you don't need to worry about your privacy.
该程序会检测您当前是按下鼠标左键还是鼠标右键,并确定您将鼠标指针悬停在任务栏上的哪个图标上。 如果光标在同一区域停留定义的毫秒数 - 它会使用非常复杂的方法模拟 Win+T 热键和箭头键以恢复预期窗口。 它还支持将文件拖放到“显示桌面”按钮(屏幕右下角)。 该程序支持多屏、自动启动,并有许多配置选项(请阅读下文)。 Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix 没有自动更新功能,从不连接互联网,因此您无需担心您的隐私。
You can click on the Mona Lisa Megan Fox tray icon to show menu that allows you to Check for updates, Read the changelog, Configure, Open program folder, Restart and Quit.
The program does not support pinning apps to the taskbar using the drag and drop gesture, and this feature is currently not planned. However, you still can pin apps to the taskbar by clicking on their icons with the right mouse button, and then "Pin to taskbar" from the list.
该程序不支持使用拖放手势将应用程序固定到任务栏,目前未计划此功能。 但是,您仍然可以通过用鼠标右键单击应用程序的图标,然后从列表中“固定到任务栏”来将应用程序固定到任务栏。


https://github.com/HerMajestyDrMona/Windows11DragAndDropToTaskbarFix/releases/tag/v. (官方链接)

https://share.xn--4gq.cn.eu.org/EQV1FJkMcmFAqD8lniQ99tEBw3GiqHLV3gWzx2j7HbpXrQ (备用, 网盘链接)


参与人数 7吾爱币 +5 热心值 +6 收起 理由
c199188177c + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
12500cc + 1 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
swhyy + 1 我很赞同!
jiang5886 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
太急了 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!
dazeng + 1 + 1 我很赞同!
wubaochong + 1 + 1 热心回复!



qawerlu 发表于 2022-1-21 07:13
不用这么复杂,直接下载StartAllBack_v3.2.0.4200 软件, 设置里面恢复到win10的合并任务栏按钮“从不”  就可以随意拖动了


参与人数 1吾爱币 +1 收起 理由
宇晨 + 1 谢谢@Thanks!


宇晨 发表于 2022-2-18 00:56
qawerlu 发表于 2022-1-21 07:13
不用这么复杂,直接下载StartAllBack_v3.2.0.4200 软件, 设置里面恢复到win10的合并任务栏按钮“从不”   ...

解决了我 要换系统的念头谢谢
KylinDemons 发表于 2022-1-2 23:02
gcode 发表于 2022-1-2 23:03
rzxcs 发表于 2022-1-2 23:15
xy0225 发表于 2022-1-2 23:23
yangkuan007 发表于 2022-1-2 23:33
Polarisの蓝莓 发表于 2022-1-2 23:35
dazeng 发表于 2022-1-3 00:21
vip999 发表于 2022-1-3 00:45
hwxq43 发表于 2022-1-3 06:37
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