Hmily 发表于 2009-3-25 11:09



English version:

1, BUG是有的……
2, 为了提高速度,所有解密均未使用StrConv转换回Unicode字符(因为考虑解密基本不需要找汉字的),所以如果你先把汉字转成编码比如%uxxxx的,再解密的时候不会转回来,而会显示字母或空格。
3, 连接行功能是分开移除Cr和Lf的,所以连接的话应该是成功的,因为RTF的排版问题,所以有些连在一行的字符看起来像分行失败一样,但其实已经成功了。
4, 恶意ShellCode生成的EXE是有危险D……不要实机执行……执行中毒了不要找我……生成的EXE只是调试用的
5, 参数框是16进制的,日志框显示的是10进制的,所以两个地方显示的可能不一样
6, 遇到网页有NullChar的请使用WinHTTP读取,Inet会读取失败

1, there are some bugs in the docoder
2, in order to improve the speed of decoding, all functions won't use StrConv function to convert characters into Unicode. So if you try to encode a UTF char into %uXXXX format then use the program to decode it , program will not convert it successfully to what they should be but instead of letters or spaces.
3, Connect Lines function will remove Cr and Lf chars in two times, so most time it will successfully remove them. If it seems to be failed you can try to copy them into your notepad.exe then you will see.
4, Exe generated using malicious shellcode is dangerous, so do not run them in your system, generated exes are only for debugging use
5, the parameter box is Hex format, and log box is Dec format, so a number will be different in these two places
6, if a page contains Nullchar, please use WinHTTP method to load the page, if you use Inet, it will be failed to get its code


fireworld 发表于 2009-3-25 11:58

这个工具还是不错的 功能比较丰富 ^_^

742814482 发表于 2009-3-26 23:42


Hmily 发表于 2009-7-7 16:25

更新 升级,加上中文帮助!很强大的辅助软件!

玩的就是技术 发表于 2009-10-14 23:25

这个工具还是不错的 功能比较丰富 ^_^

hack128 发表于 2010-4-17 16:31

lpcdma 发表于 2012-5-2 14:53

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